The century-old ice-tooth pig that ran out of the cave in a panic was let off by Tang Sui, and finally managed to escape.

The ribs were broken, and the ice-toothed pig lying unable to move in the snow pit also ended his life with a knife in Tang Sui's hand.

In addition to the leader of the ice-tooth pigs, the weight of the five ice-tooth pigs weighed more than 6000 catties, which made Mu Liao and the others laugh from ear to ear for a while, and regretfully for a while, stroking the thick fur that was no longer warm.

The blood splattered in front of the cave entrance was quickly handled by the villagers to cover up the traces, preventing other more powerful spirit beasts from chasing after the bloody smell and killing them by surprise.

Tang Sui didn't stop them. After all, the large bloodstain was spread at the entrance of the cave, which looked like a murder scene, and it affected the scenery a bit.

However, before they left to deal with the bloodstains, Tang Sui quietly released his soul pressure and demon power aura, warning the nearby soul beasts not to approach.

Rao is a human soul master, and he can also feel the powerful soul pressure that Tang Sui deliberately released.

Thinking with your knees, the meaning of the other party releasing the soul pressure is that they don't want to be disturbed. At this time, it is time to detour or change the route wisely, and don't disturb or step into the range covered by the soul pressure.

Mu Liao and the others didn't know about all this.

After moving the materials into the cave, the snow spirit deer also drove into the cave, and then hid the sleigh cart with snow, they looked at the row of ice teeth lying neatly at the entrance of the cave with joy and sorrow. pig.

If there were only one or two soul masters in this group, and the rest were ordinary people, then Tang Sui wouldn't ask this question.

"Why this expression? There's a lot of meat to eat, isn't it good?" Tang Sui checked the surrounding terrain carefully for hidden dangers, and when he returned to the cave, he saw Mu Liao and the others sighing.

Mu Liao touched the thick brown fur reluctantly, stood up and said, "It's good to have so much meat. It's just that our sleigh car can't hold too much meat, and we can only take away three or four hundred catties at most, plus some meat." Fur, this is the maximum load-bearing limit of Xueling deer."

After seeing Tang Sui's strength, they originally changed their title to "Mian Xia".

But Tang Sui asked them to call them back to their original names, saying that this time they came out for training and didn't want to make a high profile.

Mu Liao and the others naturally wouldn't understand that every time they passed by a place, the spirit beasts in a radius of ten miles fled in embarrassment after feeling the terrifying coercion released by Tang Sui, as if rushing to reincarnate.

Under Mu Liao's recommendation, Tang Sui met with the village head, and after exchanging pleasantries, he began to get down to business, and happily got the information and supplies he wanted.

Tang Sui waved his hand, "No need. I have already accepted this escort mission, which is what I should do. Well, there is no need to say more about other polite words. The snow has not stopped, let's go into the cave. Set up the bonfire In the end, you eat some dry food, and then rest and replenish your strength. I will wake you up and continue on your way when the snow is lighter."

Tang Sui looked at the white hair on Mu Liao's temples. Although she didn't ask his age, she guessed that it must be no less than 40 years old.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Liao and the others were both surprised and delighted. As the captain of the escort team, Mu Liao nodded hurriedly, and said respectfully and gratefully, "Of course, of course! Thank you very much for your generosity, Miss Tang!"

"Even if you have saved enough soul coins, you have to have contacts and channels to buy them. Like us, they are just some rural people. The biggest wish is to be able to maintain the current ordinary life and live a happy life. How can you have the qualifications to make friends like this when you have a happy family life?"

The other five villagers also imitated Mu Liao and bowed at ninety degrees to Tang Sui.

The other villagers also looked at the ice-tooth pigs lying on the ground with regret and reluctance.

After saying that, he looked serious, and suddenly stood up straight, bowed to Tang Sui at a standard ninety degrees, and said solemnly: "Thank you for protecting us before, so that we can be intact!"

It's just that she doesn't want to expose too much in front of outsiders, and pretends to be stored in the storage soul guide.

After the wind and snow gradually subsided, Tang Sui woke up Mu Liao and they regrouped and continued on their way.

Sitting on a cold bench, Tang Sui looked at people's ordinary and smiling faces under the orange-red flames of the bonfire. There was no fluctuation in his eyes, except for an occasional flash of nostalgia.

"Good Miss Tang."

On the surface, she put the ice-toothed pigs into the soul guide, but in fact, the ice-toothed pigs were taken into the domain by her.

Mu Liao shook his head, with a bitter arc on his mouth, and sighed with a smile: "Storage soul guides are very rare no matter where they are. No matter how small the storage space is. Don't look at us, Miss Tang. They are all soul masters, but to be honest, no one in our entire village has a storage soul tool."

Tang Sui was slightly stunned, and asked half hesitantly, "Doesn't any of you have storage soul guides?"

Tang Sui thought for a while, and at the invitation of the village head, he planned to study the detailed map on the hand-painted board in the evening.

The village chief warmly invited Tang Sui to stay in the village for one night, and wanted to hold a bonfire party for Tang Sui, thanking her for bringing such a huge amount of supplies to the village.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "If you don't mind, I can pack these ice-toothed pigs and give them to you when I get to your village. You don't need to share the pork with me, but I want to exchange for some clothes and so on. other resources, can you?"

The storage space of the amethyst bracelet is not big, it has been filled up by her, so of course it cannot fit.

Seeing the huge ice-toothed pigs disappear without a trace, Mu Liao and the others immediately improved their assessment of Tang Sui's identity. Soul guides with super large storage can be owned.

Tang Sui didn't know what Mu Liao and the others were feeling, but he could feel the change in their eyes.

Purchasing + soul master + transporting living supplies, the buffs are full, she thought, there should be someone who has a storage soul guide.

Tang Sui stepped forward, bent down, stretched out his hand, and lightly touched the tip of the already stiff brown fur with his fingertips, and the huge ice-toothed pig carcass disappeared immediately.

Even if the storage area of ​​the storage soul guide is small, there should still be some.

"Thank you Miss Tang for saving me!"

Mu Liao and the others straightened up and took two steps back, giving Tang Sui the empty seat.

Except for the unavoidable obstacle of frequent snowstorms, there were no soul beasts or dangers blocking the way along the way, and they arrived at the village where Muliao and the others were located safely.

You must know that the ice tooth pigs are all good things, just because they don't have such a great ability to obtain resources that will make the main city of Irod City greedy.

The so-called guard against others is indispensable.

It's just nostalgia.

Now she no longer feels alone and afraid.

Listening to the masks chattering about tomorrow's direction, Tang Sui's lips curved slightly.

- off topic -

sleep ~ good night!

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