The biting cold wind blew across the cheeks, but when it touched Tang Sui's skin, it was like a dragonfly touching the surface of the water. The invisible ripples swayed and dissipated the wind force. Compared with Tang Sui's own low temperature, the chill on his face , nothing to worry about.

The small snowflakes flying in the air were disturbed by the air current passing by Tang Suifei.

Wherever Tang Sui passed by, there was no trace of snow, because she was always in a suspended flying state and was on her way.

After advancing for a while, Tang Sui stopped, took out a hand-painted map from the soul guide, and muttered to himself: "Go all the way to the south, and you should be the forest of the ice field where a large number of powerful soul beasts live. "

The fox face floated up and down in the mental space, as if nodding: "The direction is right."However, I'm keeping my original suggestion. '

As for the original suggestion of Fox Noodles?
Then it should be mentioned that after the bonfire party last night, Tang Sui had a disagreement when she returned to the guest room prepared for her by the village chief to discuss with them.

Although I communicated with Qingnvfang, her missing power points to the extreme north, but what kind of posture the missing power is in and where it is placed are all unknown.

There is no doubt that even if it is incomplete power, no matter for human beings or spirit beasts, it is a treasure-like existence.

Just like the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, even though he didn't know what a prism was for, he put it in his private treasury and hoarded it.

Using mental power to search the snowfield like a carpet means that she will startle the powerful spirit beasts inhabiting the snowfield, and it is very likely that the spirit beasts with strong territorial awareness will regard them as invading enemies and block the door.

Like the Star Dou Forest, the Icefield Forest is also a soul beast forest with a long history. Who knows if there is one or two soul beasts above 10 years hidden in it?
Currently Tang Sui doesn't really want to be beaten by gangs.

This is an obvious sign of shortness of breath and exhaustion.

Behind the middle-aged man, another man wrapped in fleece looked bitter, his chest rose and fell faster and faster, and the air breathed in from his slightly opened mouth pierced his throat like a knife, making him say The sound was hoarse and intermittent.

One soul emperor, four soul kings?

Even Tang Sui said so, Hu Mian had no choice but to return to diving.

Tang Sui nodded in agreement, and in turn persuaded Hu Mian: "I think what Yuan Mian said is right, it's better to be more cautious. '

It was obviously beaten to the point of death, but who knew that when the team member saturated with soul power approached the ice-scaled ankylosaurus, the opponent's body was suddenly covered with a layer of blue light like a whirlpool of upstream water.

So there was my grandmother's suggestion.

Humian's opinion is to go directly to the center of the Icefield Forest to find more powerful soul beasts and take a chance.

Who knew that this ice-scale armored dragon had a soul-like ability compared to ordinary ice-scale armored dragons.

"When an adult demon steps into someone's house, what is it other than provocation?" '

Obviously in a world of ice and snow, but from the forest of the ice field to here, it took a whole hour of crazy running, even though I was still wrapped in a thick winter coat, I was already soaked from the inside to the outside.

Things have come to such a point that no one can blame anyone.

Suddenly, Tang Sui, who was about to move on, paused, and the mental power covering a radius of ten miles like a net suddenly detected several soul masters and a soul beast of about 6 years rushing towards him.

[It seems that they should hunt and kill the 6-year-old ice-scale armored dragon. Unfortunately, they failed and were chased and killed by the furious soul beast. 】

This ice-scale armored dragon was the second soul beast chosen for the team members during their stay in the snow field for more than three months.

Grandma's proposal is to go to the Icefield Forest first, and then find a powerful soul beast that is less than 10 years old and more than 5 years old, and politely ask the other party if there are any powerful treasures, or rumors about the treasures.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, and the protruding thread of spiritual power outlined a flowing picture scroll in Tang Sui's mind of the speed of life and death on the other side.

On the other side, pouring soul power into their legs, the six-member hunting team ran for their lives with all their might.

Seeing the forest outskirts of the Icefield Forest, the ape-face snorted lightly. Although the expression was fixed, one could hear its sincere disdain: "Not every 10-year-old soul beast is like the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull." Pythons are just as easy to get along with.What's more, the little master is no longer a cub. '

Da Feichu didn't think it would work. It felt that it would be simpler and rude to start a carpet search with mental power after arriving in the forest of the ice field. If no abnormality was found, it would be simpler and rude.

All in all, there are seven masks and six mouths, each babbling, and one to see Tang Sui's opinion.

There is sweat, and there is also the melted snow on their bodies, mixed together.

Running in the front was a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The voice of the black face suddenly sounded.

This time, including the black face, the opinions of all the masks reached a unity and supported Tang Sui's past.

Native soul beasts live a long time, so they know better than those who came halfway.

"If you don't want to die, don't stop!" The middle-aged man who led the race turned his head and shouted at the man in the fleece suit, without stopping at all.

Tang Sui turned around and ran towards the direction where the five people were being hunted down.

There is a soul king who seems to have reached the saturation point of his soul power, and half of his foot has stepped into the realm of the soul emperor. Is he here to form a team to hunt for soul rings?

Dazed for only a second, the result was this second, the ice-scale armored dragon that was supposed to be fainting and on the verge of death suddenly opened its crystal blue cold and cruel vertical pupils, and an armored dragon swung its tail and swept the team member out, and then, even more strangely, That is, all the wounds on it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it started to fight back against them with full energy.

"No, it can't be done, my soul power is about to fail!"

The ice scale ankylosaurus around 6 years old.

They originally assembled temporarily because their spirits were of ice and snow attributes, because of their interests, or because they also wanted to find a suitable powerful spirit beast as a new spirit ring.

'They came from the direction of the Icefield Forest, maybe if they get involved in the past, they will have information that I don't know. '

The other four were also miserable. The ice-scale armored dragon with scales as clear as ice behind it, and its vest was slashed by some kind of sharp weapon. Its limbs were fully riveted, and it kept roaring. It even condenses icicles from its mouth to attack the two-legged beasts running in an irregular formation ahead.

You must know that if you slow down at this time, you will really be caught up by the scythe of death.


Among all those who escaped for their lives, he exuded the strongest aura. Without a doubt, he was the Soul Emperor-level powerhouse that Tang Sui felt with his spiritual power.

At that time, their soul power was less than half because of the long attrition battle with the ice-scale armored dragon. Now facing the ice-scale armored dragon with the general ability of soul skills in its heyday, they were beaten only unwillingly to retreat s Choice.

But the Icescale Ankylosaurus had no intention of letting them go.

No, even soul beasts know the reason to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

- off topic -

There are evening classes this semester, and they generally don’t start until 10 o’clock, so from today onwards, I’ll post a chapter every chapter.The second is more basically after 0:[-].

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