Chapter 659

The man in the fleece obviously knew that slowing down at this time would only lead to death.

But reality is often the opposite of expectations.

One teammate after another surpassed him in speed. His legs became extremely heavy uncontrollably, as if wearing heavy iron shackles. Every time he took a step, the muscles of his legs were tense to the extreme. There will be bursts of soreness.

The disordered breathing rhythm aggravates the consumption of physical energy.


The roar of the ice scale ankylosaurus became louder and louder.

The man in the fleece suit turned pale.

Fear forced him to show a stiff and desperate expression, his voice trembled like chaff, and was extremely hoarse: "I, I, run, I can't run anymore"

The last trembling sound fell, and his footsteps staggered, and he fell towards the frozen thick ice.

The man in the velvet suit raised his head in a daze, and Tang Sui Shi, who was wrapped in a blue velvet suit, fell from mid-air and stood beside him.

"Don't talk! Recover some strength, watch the opportunity and escape!"


The middle-aged man in the lead obviously also heard this voice full of despair.

Qingling's voice came to his ears.

Because at this time, one's life is more precious.

The depleted soul power filled up at a rapid speed.

On the other side, the other teammates gritted their teeth, not daring to turn their heads, and not daring to grab the man in fleece.

'Do you want to save?This person doesn't look like the kind of white-eyed wolf who bites back. ' said the fox face softly.

Although she has just arrived, she has seen everything that happened just now through her mental power, including the scene where the middle-aged man did not abandon him even when he was in a desperate situation.

The big white bear wearing ice caps on its limbs and head let out a menacing roar, and slammed its thick and huge bear paws at the violent ice-scaled ankylosaurus following behind them. The head of the Icescale Ankylosaurus was shot off, but the huge body that was rushing forward in inertia ran over the two of them like a wheel.

This, this is the goddess!
The exquisite profile, the dusty temperament, and the posture that descended from the sky all made the heart of the man in the fleece beating a little faster.

Watching the other plastic teammates abandon his fleece-suited man and looking at the temporary captain who has only been together for more than three months, I can't tell what it feels like.

'That man's soul power, although still the soul emperor, seems to be at level 68, not far from Po Jing, you can invest in it. ' said the ape face in a low voice.

The middle-aged man panted heavily, fixed his eyes on the ice scale armored dragon approaching them, and whispered: "Can you still stand up?"

When Tang Sui came, he saw such a scene.

The "overturned" ice-scale armored dragon rolled to the side, turned over quickly after a short period of dizziness, and stood up quickly. The beast pupils full of hatred and anger stared at the two desperate humans, and uttered a dangerous roar at them, as if It's saying "Now let's see how you can escape"!

The middle-aged man who had withstood most of the impact coughed out a mouthful of blood mist, and a little bit of blood splashed on the man in the fleece who was exhausted but still awake.

Because the soul power and injuries began to heal at an incredible speed, the somewhat dazed middle-aged man turned his head, and the dark golden masks flew back to their owners.

Hmm. He is the soul king.


The middle-aged man successfully caught the man in the fleece suit who fell down by sliding.

As for the other four teammates, they only took a look when the ice scale armored dragon was slapped away by the middle-aged man.

Feeling pity in his heart, Tang Sui escaped from the state of holding his breath. With a single step, he lightly jumped into the air and flew towards the direction of the battle. Circles of brightly colored soul rings flickered, and the dark golden mask pierced the air , arrived at the same time as the black and red auxiliary light falling towards the two of them.

The moment he caught the man in the fleece suit, his aura was completely gone, like cold wine slit his throat. The icy air flow surrounded the middle-aged man, and strong fluctuations of soul power radiated from him. A tall white bear suddenly appeared, six spirit rings floated up from under his body, the muscles of the middle-aged man's whole body swelled, and his breath became thicker, like a real polar king, he completed the spirit possession in an instant.

"The second soul skill, good face."

The middle-aged man let out a "huh", and a touch of determination appeared on his weather-beaten and rough face, "It seems that we can only fight to the death with the other party."

"Are you two okay?"

The dark golden mask is like a flying knife, seemingly light and small, but when it meets the ice-scale armored dragon with excellent defensive power, it will knock the opponent out ten times from the pair of thick and scarred bear paws. Many meters away, winding scratches were left on the incomparably strong scales.

Tang Sui's gaze shifted from the middle-aged man fighting with the ice-scaled ankylosaurus to the man in the fleece suit who was exhausted.

The surface of the thick ice layer was scratched by a sharp long knife.

The man in the fleece suit showed a far-fetched and ugly smile: "I have no strength at all."

He took out a cold weapon from the soul guide, so that he could brake forcibly and stabilize himself on the ice. The middle-aged man suddenly turned his head and kicked the ground with his feet. The four of them went in diametrically opposite directions.

She looked at the bright colors slowly rising from the eyes of the other party, like torches lit in winter, the desire and urgency for life were so dazzling, so dazzling that she felt a little familiar.

The middle-aged man sternly interrupted the other party, and when he said the last sentence, he had already rushed up and wrestled with the ice-scale armored dragon.

The man in the fleece suit was taken aback for a moment, looking at the middle-aged man who still didn't say that he had left him as a bait and ran away by himself at this time, his nose soured, "Captain, how about?"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes flickered with madness, and the fifth dark purple soul ring on his body shone brightly. The three-meter-high white bear instantly swelled to a height of five meters, and his body became several times thicker. The moment the ice-scale armored dragon's body was crushed, the enlarged white bear was curled up in a defensive posture. Relying on its excellent defensive power, it struggled to resist the heavy impact of the ice-scale armored dragon.

But seeing that the slap didn't knock the ice scale ankylosaurus out, they immediately turned around and ran for their lives at full speed, effectively ending this friendship between plastic teammates in disguise.

"Zi Liu!"

His eyes flickered, full of hesitation.

Feeling the gaze, Tang Sui glanced at the man in the fleece suit who was still sitting on the ground, and politely reminded: "I just applied a second soul skill to you. My second soul skill can heal your internal and external injuries and remove all wounds. Negative effect, one restores 60.00% of the soul power, and the other restores 50.00% of the soul power."

Running out of stamina is also a negative effect. Although it can't recover as quickly as soul power, it must still have the strength to stand up.

The man in the fleece suit who understood Tang Sui's implication: "."

"Hug, I'm sorry." He lowered his head silently, covering his expression of wanting to cry.

ok, shame on me
(End of this chapter)

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