Chapter 662 This world is a little small

The icy air flow revolved constantly around Hot, who was sitting cross-legged on the snow, and even small and sharp ice flakes condensed in the cold air, falling down around him like silver needles, forming a circle of natural snow crystal thorns to form a protection lock up.

Not far from Haote, Zhou Zhuo was also meditating to adjust his breath.

Although he has Tang Sui's second soul ability, he still needs to mediate on his own due to mental and psychological exhaustion.

Tang Sui, the only one who is free, is pinching the little snowman.

Only human soul masters who don't have long-sighted eyes may bump into the mental power that spreads out within a radius of ten miles and the coercion that only soul beasts can perceive, but she can also feel her unrestrained powerful aura , thereby retreating and detouring.

Two hours later, a layer of frost condensed on his forehead, even the brows were not spared. The frenzied icy aura around the frowning Haote finally stabilized, and finally condensed into a deep black halo, flying around the gradually loosened expression. Hot all around.


The powerful soul power shattered the condensed frost on his face and body into slag, which fell rustlingly.

The powerful air wave shook the surrounding snow crystal spines several meters away, and even the thick snow layer was blown into waves of high or low.

Zhou Zhuo fiddled with the small fire with a long branch, while Hao Te and Tang Sui were stringing fish beside them.

Hao Te looked over with vigor, the corner of his mouth curled up, feeling that he was full of energy now, and nodded boldly: "Yes. Thanks to Senior Tang, Hao was able to obtain the seventh soul ring so smoothly, becoming a soul sage! "

Zhou Zhuo hissed, "Are all soul masters this strong now?!"

After they finished talking about the information they knew and personally experienced, the sky had already become a bit gloomy.

Tang Sui, who had suddenly risen in seniority, paused invisibly, and nodded nonchalantly: "It's good if it succeeds."

A look of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, "A few years ago, when I brought another group of hunting teams to Xueyuan for employment missions, there was also a good brother who was already a soul king at a young age. He and Miss Tang Similarly, it is also an auxiliary soul master, but it is a food department."

"I didn't expect that Miss Tang's attack power is so strong, she is actually an auxiliary system soul master. I don't think I dare to underestimate auxiliary system soul masters anymore."

Tang Sui listened carefully, and the black face reliably drew a vivid rough map in the mental space.

Tang Sui, who witnessed Haote catching fish with his own eyes, said that he is really worthy of his Wuhun Snow Soul Demon Bear, who is a good fish catcher.

"The first time he came to me and said that he wanted to follow me in the snowy field, he was still an ignorant young boy. Who would have thought that the young boy at that time would later become the strongest in the team , the melee ability is not inferior to the soul masters of the fighting system, and even surpasses it."

The night in the extreme north will not be as dark as inland, but like a cloudy sky, but the light will become darker.

Although his personality is a little naive, he is not really a fool if he can live for so long and still have the cultivation of a soul king. He immediately responded and said with a shy face: "Then I'll call you Miss Tang. By the way, Tang Miss, you don't look like a local. Did you come to Xueyuan alone to find a suitable soul beast? Although my soul power is low, if there is anything I can help, please let me know!"

Thinking of that amazing and talented young man, he laughed, "I don't know if that guy got what he wanted after he went back."

"Brother Hot, you succeeded!"

Zhou Zhuo also hurriedly cupped his hands towards Tang Sui.

Finally Zhou Zhuo said with a sigh.

Although the characters of the two people in front of me are good, but in terms of greater interests, such as the key word treasure, or the soul bone that is extremely tempting to the soul master, one second an angel, the next second a devil Not outrageous.

To be on the safe side, I still use the ninth spirit ring as a cover to perfunctory the past.

Sensing the sudden fluctuation of soul power, Zhou Zhuo opened his eyes with joy, finished his meditation and breath adjustment, propped his palms on the snow, stood up neatly, and hurriedly walked towards Haote.

Every extra soul ring is a qualitative leap.Then the seventh soul ring is nothing more than the sublimation of the soul to the soul master, which quietly changes his whole temperament.

Tang Sui was grilling his own fish skewers. After hearing his words, he thought for a while and said, "Strength doesn't distinguish between factions. My brother is a control-type soul master, but his melee ability is no less than that of an attack-type soul." Master, his body skills are also extremely fast, and he even beat a soul master of the pure agility department."

Zhou Zhuo knew there was nothing wrong with them after hearing it, but the information could still be provided to Tang Sui.

Coupled with the grace of saving his life, Hao Te felt that it would not be offensive to respect Tang Sui as a senior.

If it wasn't a local, and it wasn't looking for a soul beast suitable for promotion, who would come to such a remote place?

"So that's the case." Hao Te believed the lie that Tang Sui said without changing his face.

He called out to Hao Te who slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

After integrating the distribution of soul beasts dictated by Haote and Zhou Zhuo with the hand-painted board map obtained from the village chief, a brand new detailed map from the periphery to the center is hotly released.

The world of soul masters speaks and recognizes people by strength.

Hearing the same enthusiasm here, Hao Te also has something to share: "Zhou Zhuo, isn't your kid also a strong attack type, but your speed is no less than that of an agility attack type soul master? And, I think Miss Tang is right. "

Tang Sui smiled and said: "Since both of you have said that, then I won't beat around the bush and say it directly. I did come here for the ninth soul ring. But I came here first, and my family members said that I should investigate on my own first." Some soul beasts are scattered all over the snowfield, and after they are selected, they will send a letter back to tell the family to leave."

Sure enough, perverted, ah no, geniuses come from one family to another.

In the face of absolute strength, regardless of qualifications, only cultivation base and ability are considered.

Hao Te looked over and said with the same sincerity: "Me too."

Tang Sui waved his hand, "That's not necessary. You are both soul masters, and you are not the kind of people who seem to be able to stab a knife in the back. It is right to help each other. You should just call me Tang Sui."

Zhou Zhuo swears with his more than 30 years of eyesight, this Lord Contra is definitely not used to being called senior.

So, the next topic became logically Haote and Zhou Zhuo told Tang Sui about the various traps to enter the Icefield Forest first, as well as the different types of soul beasts that were discovered.

A warm flame can always bring people a sense of security.

But there are still many dangers lurking under this pure white ice and snow.

Here is "daylight" all year round.

After all, Tang Sui also mentioned his soul power level when he introduced himself before.

Zhou Zhuo was taken aback when he heard this, but Tang Sui looked over thoughtfully.

Auxiliary soul masters, young soul masters of the food department are young.
There are too many overlapping elements with someone she knows.

This world is a little small.

Immersed in memories, Haote didn't see it, and Tang Sui looked at him with a slightly subtle look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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