Chapter 663 Do Not Disturb Communication Time

Three days later, Tang Sui, Hao Te, and Zhou Zhuo, who successfully obtained the sixth soul ring with their help and was promoted to soul emperor, parted ways and went deeper into the forest of the ice field alone.

Like a wisp of blue smoke, she walks through the snow-covered forest smoothly, restraining her breath, stepping on the snow without a trace, her seemingly irregular travel route, but it always leads to the residence of a soul beast race - Zi Lin scorpion.

The closer to the center of the spirit beast forest, the more diverse the environment.

Because the soul beasts inhabiting here will transform the habitat according to their own racial habits, turning it into the most comfortable environment to live on.

A layer of light blue mist shrouded the snow-covered ground like a morning mist.

The cold and irregular rocks are stationed in jagged formations, forming large and small rocky mountains, forcibly transforming the snowy environment into a rocky ground.

Occasionally, a few clumps of poisonous and resistant plants will squeeze out from the damp and cold earth's crust, or plants that are inherently poisonous grow in this area.

The spreading spiritual power even brought into her mind the underground movements of the places she passed.

The translucent black-red film quietly condensed when Tang Sui stepped into the range of light blue mist.

"How come there are always beasts who want to try and die?"

The swirling pitch-black field is like two slices of hamburger bread, in a double-teaming trend. One appears above Tang Sui, and the other appears under the enchantment Tang Sui stepped on. Linxie swallowed all of them into the inside of the domain.

As for Queen Zilin Scorpion?
A huge black shadow appeared higher than Tang Sui at some point, covering Tang Sui in the shadow, trying to pinch Tang Sui up and down, blocking all her paths!
Tang Sui raised his head, facing the golden pupil that was overflowing with brutality, the arc of the corner of his lips was lowered a little, and the fingertips hanging by his side moved, a wisp of black mist condensed and swirled around his wrist.

Tang Sui, who also touched the area around the rocky ground, finally stopped on a fork of a skinny black wood tree, overlooking the foggy place below.

Roars and sound waves containing special messages spread out.

These four words seemed to be an incredible switch, making Queen Zilinscorpion's golden pupils arouse a strong killing intent against Tang Sui.

In an instant, the group of scorpions that had been staying in place on guard became restless.


Although they are mainly dark blue, they are indeed the target of Tang Sui's trip - Zilin Scorpion.

Their plants resemble plants, unlike ordinary scorpion-like spirit beasts, they have no tail thorns, and the end of their tails, which resemble hanging lily-of-the-valley flower buds, began to tremble, like real blooming flowers, but in fact they were "petals" made of flesh and blood that bloomed piece by piece. Breathe out more light blue mist.

On the ground, Tang Sui saw the strings of plants with "buds" "swish" back into the hole, and then the ground began to vibrate.

The fine tapping sound of some kind of poped walking on the ground began to grow louder.

Tang Sui, who understood the meaning of Queen Zilinscorpion's call, smiled brighter, and Qing Ling's voice sounded: "Queen Zilinscorpion, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to ask about the ice that originally lived next to your habitat. The thing about the scaled dragon."

The non-poisonous white spikes on their pincers made a "ding" sound when they poked the barrier.

Zilin scorpions rushed towards Tang Sui from below at an extremely fast speed.

The strings of plants suddenly stood up like the tails of rattlesnakes, trembling rapidly, making a "rustling" sound, like the wind blowing through the leaves.

"Roar!?" Alien beast?What do you want to do in this king's clan? !

The corner of Tang Sui's lips curled up into a warm smile, and the next second, the black wood she was stepping on was pinched off by a giant pincer that broke through the ground.


Tang Sui's figure floated out from the branches of the black wood tree, and Tang Sui, who avoided the greeting, hovered in the void, watching the carapace-like body more than six meters long protruding from the sunken soil, and released a A wisp of its own breath.

The gathered dark purple mist was blown away, revealing a purple scorpion that only wanted to launch an attack, ready to go.

"Bang bang bang-!"

The ripples that appeared in the field swayed a strong wind.

Queen Zilinscorpion, who lives in groups and is a matriarchal society, stared at Tang Sui with her cold golden pupils. After sensing Tang Sui's intentional breath, her golden pupils shrank, revealing a touch of humanity. Turned into surprise and fear, a roar came out of his mouth.

Under this piece of hard frozen soil, in the depths of a cave that has been dug long ago and extends in all directions, a pair of golden animal pupils suddenly opened, and the huge pincers that grew beside the sharp limbs moved. The balls of blue suddenly shook their bodies.

Icescale Ankylosaurus?

The light blue mist spewed by hundreds of purple scorpions turned into a deep purple in the next second, spreading in this space, obscuring the vision.

One by one scorpion-like spirit beasts protruded from various dark stone caves, and the ground covered with a layer of soil was also sunken into big holes one after another. The scorpion-like spirit beasts ranging in length from half a meter to three meters resembled a The well-trained soldiers occupied the space on the ground in less than a minute, and erected their plant-like tails high, densely packed, making one's scalp numb.

Looking at those eyes full of fear, Tang Sui's smile carried some icy meaning, the enchantment surrounding Tang Sui rose, and slowly sank into the interior of the pitch-black domain that spread out above, as if Ling Chi was touching Zilin. The hearts of the scorpions said slowly:

"Oh, why is the hostility so strong all of a sudden?" Tang Sui raised his eyebrows, and the black-red barrier opened, blocking a purple scorpion flying obliquely from below.

The "soldiers" precisely locked on the black wood where Tang Sui was, surrounded it tightly, waved the pair of ball-shaped pincers that looked poisonous, and showed their teeth and claws at Tang Sui in a demonstration.

Hu Mian giggled, but his soft voice was sharp: "It seems that we are going in the right direction."It does know something. '

It seems that after returning to a comfortable environment, the Pippi shrimp stretched its body, revealing a dark blue carapace and a dark purple abdomen, and feeling the call and the arrival of an unexpected guest, the wriggling sharp legs and a white pointed Thorny ball pincers.

She looked at the buds of lily of the valley protruding from the caves that were more than half a meter wide. The ends were swaying in the wind, and the rhizomes were plants made of small blue fluffy balls one after another. Smiling, he suddenly released his aura, swung it forcefully, and set off violent ripples in the air.

"Next, it's time for friendly communication with Do Not Disturb~"

The Zilin scorpions whose spiritual intelligence has been enlightened: "!!!"

They don't understand, but judging from the terrifying aura released by the humanoid beast, it must be not a good word!
- off topic -

Catch up!By the way, I watched the last few episodes of Douluo today.

Wuhundian is really miserable, and the dangerous idea of ​​wanting to surrender to the enemy has increased (?)
(End of this chapter)

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