Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 668 It's a pity you were born in this era

Chapter 668 It's a pity you were born in this era

Qian Renxue felt her brain suddenly go blank, and in the next second, a terrifying black tide rose from her feet, like a rapidly spinning vortex trying to suck her in.

The repulsive force that even the air was squeezing her made Qian Renxue's struggling movements stiff and slow, her body was constantly being dragged into the black mud-like vortex, and it became difficult to breathe.

Scattered like silk threads in the gaps in the black lines in her field of vision, she seemed to see another black shadow with the same face as Tang Sui falling beside Tang Sui, perhaps feeling her gaze, the other's scarlet and cold eyes When she glanced at her, her eyes were stinging suddenly, and she had to close them.

"You found me."

Tang Sui looked at the black face who tore apart the space, his eyebrows and eyes curved.

Just like the game of hide and seek they used to play together, this is just another game.

Heimian looked at the bruised Tang Sui, his coquettish pupils turned cold, he took one of Tang Sui's hands, and at the same time as inputting the demon power, the majestic Kuroshio burst out of the black vortex that appeared suddenly. pour out.

The power of the black face is more pure and violent than that of Tang Sui.

With a slight movement of her thoughts, the Kuroshio invaded this space, covering the golden light that she felt uncomfortable into the black that they are all familiar with.

Depressed, suffocated.

It was Qian Renxue's current feeling.

The sacred golden light was constantly being eaten away, and Tang Sui, who was being treated by the black-faced demon power, remembered that there was also Qian Renxue.

She looked at Qian Renxue who was constantly being swept into the depths of the vortex by the black mist, her smile was warm, and her eyes showed a trace of pity.

"For the sake of fairness in your fight with me from beginning to end, let me tell you another news."

The black mist pulled her frantically, and Qian Renxue stretched her neck with difficulty to look at where Tang Sui and Heimian were.

"Qian Renxue, do you know? I heard that the levels of the Angel God's test are all related to the seven emotions and six desires. As the examinee, the other party needs to cut off all the seven emotions and six desires with the angel's holy sword in his hand."

"Greed and evil are considered desires, and family affection...sometimes also affection."

"From a certain level, all emotions are discarded, leaving only the selfless and fair angel god, who is closer to the way of heaven."

"What about you? Will you become such a god who has been annihilated by divinity?"


Tang Sui's voice seemed to be far away for a moment, as if covered with a layer of cloth, it was indistinct.

Qian Renxue heard the first half and the end clearly, the words in the middle were extremely hazy, as vague as chewing food.

Then there is no more then.

Qian Renxue's breath disappeared into this space.

The corner of the black-faced lips curled into a sarcasm, "The person was taken away."

Tang Sui showed regret, "It's quite fast. I almost heard Qian Renxue's choice."

Hearing this, Hei Mian looked sideways, "That's not necessarily the case. There will indeed be many changes before the result is settled. But we also need to see clearly which side fate is on."

"I wish fate would be on my side." Tang Sui said frankly, "To be honest, I don't hate Qian Renxue. If she was born in our era, she would probably become a qualified god."

Unfortunately, she was born in this era.

In the end, Tang Sui's voice was almost inaudible.

Hei Mian silently looked at Tang Sui who was suddenly depressed, and paused for two seconds, as if Tang San would gently touch Tang Sui's head, Hei Mian stretched out his hand, and pressed his white palm against Tang Sui's hair top, as if suppressing her floating little thoughts, and gently uttered two words:
"Let's go."

The weight on the head brought Tang Sui back to his senses.

She calmed down her emotions, bent her eyes slightly, and took Hei Mian's hand that had been put down. The black and white figures disappeared into the broken space and returned to reality together.

The time of absorbing the energy of the soul and the time of fighting in the virtual space are chaotic.

When Tang Sui's consciousness returned, he still felt a little dazed.

In the next second, the coldness hit his cheek with angular hardness.


The dark gold mask was pressed against Tang Sui's side face, and the black and gold eyes stared at her motionless.

Other dark gold masks also floated around her, their eyes staring at her, like a secret horror scene in a horror movie.

Tang Sui touched the cold mask soothingly, "I'm fine. Thanks to your timely response. My soul power has also reached the saturation point of level 90."

'Then you go back to the Slaughter Capital to be promoted to Title Douluo? ' Fox face asked warmly.

Tang Sui thought for two seconds, shook his head and said, "I won't be going back to the Killing City for now."

The ape face raised his voice: "If you don't go back to the capital of killing, where are you going to go to get promoted?" '

"What?" Tang Sui raised his hand, turning his plain white palm upwards, the coldness condensed into solid ice, and the clear ice reflected Tang Sui's delicate face and soft blue eyes like a prism.

The masks who shared Tang Sui's mind froze for a moment, and the caring little padded jacket God of Fortune immediately went online: "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since the little master visited his wife, right?"It just so happens that the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape are also there, and they can help protect the little master together. '

Tang Sui made a "hmm" sound, clasped his five fingers together, reopened the black and red enchantment, quickly floated up, and rushed towards his hometown inland - Sunset Forest.

Fortunately, Tang Sui's flight does not need to consume soul power, it only needs a small amount of demon power, plus acceleration, and when he is tired, he can fly steadily for a while and then continue to accelerate.

After three days and two nights of repetition, Tang Sui arrived at the hidden Sunset Forest located in the inland area of ​​the Tiandou Empire.

I haven't been back for a long time, and here is still a lush green forest.

As the Sunset Forest, which is also the Soul Beast Forest, on the surface, it seems that there is not much difference between it and the Star Dou Forest.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that the Star Dou Forest belongs to the tropical rainforest, but here are more trees and plants that are suitable for growing in the north.The only thing that is exactly the same is the blue silver grass that covers the forest floor.

Even though the blood as an important link has been eliminated, Tang Sui is still familiar with the entrance to the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye.

Soon, Tang Sui, who went deep into the sunset forest, came to the familiar mountain surrounded by thick green mist.

The corrosive and highly poisonous poison that even ten thousand year spirit beasts feared was completely blocked outside the black and red barrier.

The enchantment took Tang Sui to the top of the mountain unimpeded.

The dense green mist lingering between the peaks has become a natural shelter and umbrella.

There is a huge hollow in the middle of the mountain, and the lingering clouds and mist blow through the enchantment.

Tang Sui, who was hanging on the top of the mountain and looked down, knew that the basin under the clouds and mists was where the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi was located.

Near nostalgia is more timid.

This emotion that is almost impossible to appear on Tang Sui swept her at the moment.

Tang Sui, who opened the barrier, stood on the top of the mountain and blew the wind for several minutes, with longing and hesitation in his eyes.

'What are you afraid of, we are still with you! '

The ape face who really couldn't stand it couldn't help breaking the silence.

'If they don't want you because you have no blood relationship, you still have us! '

'Besides, Xiaomian woke up too.Where did you put the noodles? '

Yuan Mian confidently pushed Xiao Mian, that is, Hei Mian, to block the gun.


She seemed to be speechless for a few seconds, and after a while, when Tang Sui was still struggling, she sighed and said:
[Go down. 】

【We are always here. 】

- off topic -

The first resurrection armor is of course given to Ah Yin~
It's really a pity for Qian Renxue, she wanted to change the middle but didn't move and ended up becoming an angel god.

Today's update is over~ Little cuties, see you next month!

(End of this chapter)

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