Chapter 669 I'm Back
One red and one blue spring eyes are like a yin and a yang, occupying this naturally formed pool of springs.

The unique aura environment of the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye made the spiritual plants that had been turned into seeds by Tang San germinate and grow again. Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the once bare basin has once again been overgrown with various spiritual plants, growing into treasures , all that is needed is the precipitation of time.

On the shore where the Ice and Fire Yinyang Eyes meet, a huge Blue Silver Emperor occupies an area of ​​tens of square meters, and each blade of grass stretched on the ground is more than two feet wide.

The thin sunlight poured down from the sky, reflecting the golden patterns on the grass leaves and roots, shining like gold.

A tall and vigorous figure jumped down from another small pinnacle in the valley, holding a large green leaf in his left hand, which contained several freshly picked wild fruits.

The Blue Silver Emperor vine, which was lazily basking in the sun, suddenly began to move rustlingly, and the hanging branches of the main body stationed in the fertile soil stood up slightly, swaying gently towards the approaching figure, as if shaking greet you.

The person who fell to the ground slowly approached the Blue Silver Emperor, but this person only had one leg and one foot, and the other arms and legs were both the left leg and the right hand imitated with soul power.

But he didn't care.

Over the past four years of staying in the valley, he has long been accustomed to changes in his hands and feet.

Even if it is only the hands and feet imitated by soul power, it can be commanded like an arm.

"Ayin, I'm back."

Tang Hao warmly greeted his wife.

The moment the words fell, the body of the Blue Silver Emperor swaying in the wind lighted up faintly, and then, blue-golden light bloomed from every blade of grass with golden patterns, and condensed above it into a figure in an indigo blue dress. The shadow of a woman.

Her figure was translucent, but when Tang Hao held out the right palm that imitated with soul power towards her, she was actually able to be touched.

The wife who can truly touch the soul form, Tang Hao's eyes became more warm, a faint smile appeared on his rough face, and he said with a sigh: "It was indeed the right decision to come to the Sunset Forest. Yiyan's environment is so unique, Sui Sui and Xiao San will be very happy if they know that you can appear in the state of a soul."

When mentioning children, the smile on Ah Yin's face became weaker, and his brows were frowned, stained with melancholy.

"It's been almost five years. I don't know if Sui Sui and Xiao San are doing well, especially..." More than half a year ago, the sudden cut off of her bloodline made her anxious.

The smile on Tang Hao's face also faded, he sighed and held his wife's translucent hand, and said in a calm voice with a wonderful sense of peace of mind: "They are very clever, with Sui Sui and Xiao San's abilities, they will It's fine."

More than half a year ago, the blood connection that was suddenly cut off made Ah Yin very anxious.

But at that time, she couldn't condense her soul to show up, and she couldn't communicate in the spiritual space. She was so anxious that she condensed her soul form in advance, and told him that Tang Sui's blood connection was broken, Tang Hao's expression changed. While comforting his wife, he called the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, asking them to help take care of his wife, while he went to the Shrek Academy to check on the situation.

It was only later that Tang Hao received a letter from Xin Yan who flew over from Tangmen, saying that their nine monsters were neatly in Sea God Island, and their anxiety and worry eased up after they were now worry-free. I still miss it in my heart.

Ah Yin said "hmm", and held her husband's hand back, her eyes fell on the green leaf bag in his arms, she took a breath, and when she was about to change the topic, a strange and powerful breath suddenly broke into their perception scope.

Feeling the breath of the unexpected guest in the wind, the Blue Silver Emperor grass leaves "squeaked", and the softness in their eyes was replaced by vigilance. Tang Hao's breath changed suddenly, and the green leaf bag was instantly put into the soul guide, and the huge black Hao The sky hammer was firmly held by him with one hand, and with a fierce and powerful coercion wrapped in Sen Han's murderous aura, he carefully avoided Ah Yin's soul and body, and smashed it into the air.


Tang Hao snarled, a white light shot out from his eyes, and the materialized murderous aura instantly condensed into sharp ice spikes and rushed into the sky.

In mid-air, the figure in a black robe was keenly aware of the attack, and flexibly flipped over and over again in the air, dodging the attack of the ice thorns.

Tang Hao's brows were sharp, his body's center of gravity moved forward, and with a quick step, he swung the huge black Haotian Hammer in his hand like a projectile, and slammed it at the foothold of the man in black.

As if he had been predicted to act and could not avoid it, the man in black raised his head slightly, and a strand of black hair mischievously flew out from under the half-opened hood.


The black-red barrier was propped up, protecting the man in black like a copper wall, and met Tang Hao's hammer head-on, and was pushed back several meters like a heavy bowling ball, and the ground was also scratched Make a long trace.

Not soul power?

A strange feeling flashed through Tang Hao's heart.

And the breath of power overflowing from the barrier made Ah Yin's expression change instantly:

"Be careful with this breath, Hao! The other party is not human!"

Ah Yin, who was more sensitive to the aura of race, looked at the man in black robe who had a human form in front of him, but was not actually a human being.

Tang Hao was slightly taken aback, then looked at the person with a cold expression on his face, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The man in black paused for a moment, as if he was about to speak. The next second, a bull roar full of deterrence and another ape cry rang out at the same time.

The breath in the wind suddenly became fierce, and when the huge black shadow enveloped the black-robed man, the figure of the black-robed man twisted and flickered in the black-red barrier, avoiding another falling from the sky, It seemed that the entire valley was shaken twice, the tall animal shadow standing like a mountain peak.

"Er Ming!" Ah Yin looked at the beast, and his eyes were delighted.

The giant ape titan nodded slightly towards A Yin, and then looked vigilantly at the unexpected visitor.

The moment the breath was exposed, it and the elder brother who had moved to the center of the Sunset Forest both noticed it.

After discovering the location where the other party appeared, it and the eldest brother rushed over immediately.

Then, the slender and huge bull's head shone with blue light, meandering from top to bottom, looking down at the black-robed man who was forced back to the corner by them, sprayed a white mist from his nose, and made a human voice:
"Are you a prehistoric beast?"

Prehistoric beast?

A flash of light flashed in Tang Hao's mind when he heard this word.

This time, he caught the aura.

Tang Hao, who was holding the Clear Sky Hammer, short-circuited his thoughts for two seconds. When he thought of something, he looked at the black-robed man in front of him with faint excitement.

Could it be that.
Facing the people watching, the man in black stretched out a white hand from under the wide black sleeve, slowly raised it, grabbed the edge of the veiled cap, and gently pulled it back.

The shadow of the black veiled hat faded away, and another delicate face was exposed to Tang Hao's gaze.

A strand of black hair suppressed by the brim of the hat curled up disobediently, like Tang Sui's trembling curled eyelashes, slowly raised, revealing the clear blue pupils.

"Father, Mom, and Daming Erming, long time no see, I'm back."

(End of this chapter)

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