Chapter 670 Crazy Thoughts

Ah Yin covered her mouth in disbelief, and crystal mist immediately surged in her blue eyes, which were in line with Tang Sui. Tang Hao, who had froze for a long time, floated out in one step, and hugged Tang Sui.

"Sui Sui! My child"

Tang Sui was a little helpless and embraced this warm embrace, but he could still feel the warmth.

In the next second, she felt another hot temperature coming from the touching arms.

It was Tang Hao who rushed over in the last step, with his broad arms stretched out, hugging his wife and daughter together.

Ah Yin has no entity yet and cannot feel the temperature.

But the arm was just enough to reach Tang Sui's shoulder, and Tang Hao, whose rough arm was attached to her arm, felt something abnormal the second he hugged her, and changed from hugging to holding Tang Sui's wrist as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The cold temperature, as if just came out of the ice cellar.

Tang Hao's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by an invisible big hand, his face suddenly sank: "Sui Sui, your body"

"What? Sui Sui, what's wrong with your body?" Ah Yin showed a dazed face. After seeing Tang Hao's serious face, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Tang Sui nervously.

Tang Sui comforted: "Mom, you don't have to worry. It's just that the blood and body temperature have dropped, and I'm still fine."

The Azure Bull Python, who was more sensitive to the changes in Tang Sui's body, lowered the huge cow's head slightly, and seemed to be assessing Tang Sui's situation, and said: "She is no longer a human being, and her body has also changed. Very Like the spirit beasts in the snowy field, the whole body is cold, without the warmth of ordinary people. But you can still feel the beating of the pulse. People are alive."

Saying that, the Azure Bull Python withdrew his head.

The Titan Giant Ape scratched his head, not knowing why: "So why did Tang Sui completely become a wild beast? Shouldn't it be developing towards a soul beast?"

It couldn't change its mind for a while.

Tang Sui has human beings, soul beasts, and demons, that is, the blood of the wild beasts. Everyone here knows it, but what the Titan Giant Ape doesn't understand is that the blood of the wild beasts is all later, and it can be stronger than the other two. A bloodline, weeding them out together?
Is the bloodline of the prehistoric beast so overbearing?

Titan Giant Ape, who didn't know that Tang Sui took the initiative to choose and accepted the result, was puzzled, and Tianqing Niuban didn't know either.

Tang Hao, who felt Tang Sui's current level of strength up close, had dim eyes, guessed something, and calmly patted his wife on the shoulder.

Ah Yin turned her head, and briefly looked at Tang Hao in mid-air with Tang Hao who was watching silently.

The tacit understanding between the husband and wife made Ah Yin realize something. Looking at the little daughter whose face was completely opened and her breath had changed drastically, she opened her mouth, let out a breath, and said softly, "Sui Sui, can you talk to your mother?" Tell me, do you have a story about the years you left?"

Tang Sui nodded, looked at his father, and met the old father's deep gaze.

Tang Sui's eyes flickered for a moment, thinking of something, she withdrew from Ah Yin's arms, took out the frozen pork from Qingnv's house from the field, and said, "Father, when I just came, it seemed that your arms were filled with grass leaves. How about a few pieces of fruit? Haven’t you had lunch yet, or should we talk while roasting?”

Tang Hao nodded, and picked up the frozen pork on the ground before Tang Sui.

The Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape also remained in the valley.

In order not to favor one over another, Tang Sui also pulled out a lot of special fruits from the island from the field, and piled them up into a hill pile with a height of three to four meters. There were coconuts and violet melons. It can be said that Tang Sui had all the dried fruits in stock. .

Omitting part of the truth about his life experience, Tang Sui confessed everything about his testimony, which shocked Ah Yin and the others.

After talking about what happened in the past few years, the sky is already covered with twinkling stars.

Tang Hao's eyes were full of self-blame and pain. Compared with the terrible situation Tang Sui was facing now, the changes in her body were nothing. To some extent, Tang Sui's current body was more beneficial to her current situation. the path taken.

Ah Yin, whose soul returned to the huge body of the Blue Silver Emperor, stretched out two large blades of grass, and the thin grass blades and vines gently encircled Tang Sui's arms and waist, and the blades of grass slowly surrounded Tang Sui , covering her.

"Son, I'm sorry I've suffered so much for you. I can't do anything for you."

Ah Yin's guilty voice rang in his ears.

Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, looking at the Blue Silver Emperor vines and golden lines in front of him, his lips moved, but he couldn't say anything.

Now that the bloodline has been cut off, Tang Sui can no longer connect to the spiritual space through the kinship between the bloodlines as before, and can clearly see A Yin's appearance.

But the leaves that wrap her gently are like a warm embrace of a mother to a child.

Tang Sui, who was touched by his heart, closed his eyes, raised his hand in the small space, and pressed his palm against the shining golden leaves, shaking his head: "Mom, you don't have to do this. Everyone chooses their own path. I have chosen my own path, and you should be glad for me."

Ah Yin didn't respond, but a little bit of crystal water flowed from the blue-gold leaf veins, like tears, and wet Tang Sui's palm.

Tang Hao next to him lowered his head and added a few sticks of firewood to the fire. The flames that exploded in an instant illuminated his reddish eye sockets, which soon returned to dim.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape looked at each other, silently watching this tender scene.

After Ah Yin calmed down and released Tang Sui, Tang Hao said softly, "Then are you going to go back to the Heaven Dou Empire? Now the Spirit Empire has officially started war with the two great empires, Xingluo and Tiandou, Master Now you are Tiandou's national teacher, your soul power"

"Father, there is no rush for the teacher. I will come to Sunset Forest first. Besides visiting you, I have another important thing to do." As he said, Tang Sui's eyes fell on the Blue Silver Emperor emitting a glowing blue light. body.

"I want to try to revive my mother back to her original human form."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Hao raised his head abruptly, exposing his red eye sockets to the public, but none of this could conceal the excitement in his heart.

"Sui Sui, what are you talking about? You can restore your mother to human form?"

Tang Sui nodded, and calmly analyzed: "The treasures of the demon clan that I got from the snowfield can bring the dead back to life. I thought about it on the way here. Although my mother now has the body of the Blue Silver Emperor again, she is not It can be regarded as completely alive. The role of Qingnvfang, which is the monster treasure I inherited, is to be able to resurrect after death."

Speaking of this, Tang Sui paused, and said again: "I haven't tried it yet. But if it can really be revived after the experiment, and the revived object has no major loss or change, I think, in On the basis of not hurting my mother."

Tang Sui looked at Tang Hao, with a calm voice: "I may need you, Dad, to strip off Mom's soul ring, and then use the energy of Qingnvfang to reconcile it to complete the real resurrection. After Mom is resurrected, I will help Dad to regain a soul ring." A 10-year spirit ring."

- off topic -

Mo Li, who wanted to be happy to put on the resurrection armor, forgot that Ah Yin is already "alive", but his cultivation level has not yet reached, damn it.

(End of this chapter)

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