Peeling off the soul ring is like dissecting the soul bone in Tang Hao's life. The more powerful the soul ring is, the more painful the peeling will be than death.

Unlike the soul bone dissection, although the realm of soul power will not be permanently sealed off by two levels, the cultivation of soul power will also plummet, and the flesh and blood meridians in the body will be severely injured. The most difficult thing is the soul will suffer. Hit hard.

Even though Tang Hao has enough patience and affection to wait for Ah Yin to transform from a soul beast to a human again, but in any case, the benchmark for soul beast transformation must have 10 years of cultivation as the energy medium for body composition.

Ah Yin's nature is pure and kind, and he is not willing to devour each other like other spirit beasts to enhance his cultivation.

She would rather practice slowly.Anyway, the illusion of Ice and Fire Liangyiyan is unique. In addition, after Tang Sui left, Tang San tried to feed Ah Yin's Blue Silver Emperor body with his tempered blood. Ah Yin's current cultivation base is almost 7000 years old. It's fast.

But both she and Tang Hao knew that no matter how fast it was, it would take hundreds of years for her to transform from the Blue Silver Emperor into an adult again.

If Tang Hao was still at the power level of the Title Douluo, hundreds of years would be a long time for the Title Douluo.

Soul masters can only extend their lifespan to 300 years after they reach the Titled Douluo realm, and if they want to continue in the future, they must continuously improve their soul power.

Starting from level [-], one can live hundreds of years longer with each increase in soul power.

But how long can Tang Hao live?

Between a pair of lovers, the one who is left behind is the most desperate.

This point, both Tang Hao and Ah Yin are very clear.But none of them mentioned.

Tang Hao knew that if things went on like this, his wife would definitely make a choice that neither he nor his children wanted to see.

So after Tang Sui said that there are other ways to revive his wife in advance, Tang Hao's heart was moved.

"Peel off the soul ring?! No! No!"

Ah Yin's voice was tinged with panic, the illusory soul light and shadow condensed above the Blue Silver Emperor's body, and floated to Tang Hao's side, with a layer of soft light covering the back of Tang Hao's left hand imitated by soul power , the beautiful face was full of rejection, and the gentle blue eyes were full of sad emotions: "Your father has lost a leg and a foot now, if he strips off the 10-year-old soul ring, his body and soul will suffer. To the hard hit!"

Tang Hao looked at the tears in his wife's eyes, and sighed in his heart, "Ayin."

He patted Ayin's hand with his other calloused right hand in comfort, looked at his little daughter with a solemn expression, restrained the revival of excitement in his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Sui Sui, what are you doing?" How sure are you?"

"Tang Sui, the price and trauma suffered by a human soul master in peeling off the soul ring are enormous. Although you have stood on the road to proving the Tao and becoming a god, you are not a true god. It is extremely difficult to achieve the best of both worlds." .I don't recommend that you and your father take that risk."

Sky Blue Bull Python also joined the persuasion team.

Tang Sui listened to Tianqing Niuban's worries, but decided to do the experiment without the slightest sign of shrinking back, "I know. So without absolute certainty"

[The resurrection power of Qingnvfang is absolute, but there may be restrictions and weakening in the future. 】

[After all, it is a power from another world. 】

Hei Mian's voice suddenly sounded, and Tang Sui, who was halfway through the sentence, was slightly stagnant. Under Tang Hao's suspicious eyes, Tang Sui smiled at them reassuringly, and then closed his eyes, as if he was in a trance, but in fact he was talking to Hei Mian comminicate.

'I know what you mean.Rather than being so troublesome, it would be simpler and straightforward to cut directly from the mother.But I feel even more that even if my mother would agree, my father would never agree. '

Tang Sui sighed, "Although I am a child that is cherished by them, even if I am absolutely sure, I can guarantee 100% that my father will never let my mother take half a risk." '

'.Speaking as if they would promise you to experiment with other soul masters. '

Yuanmian couldn't hold back to answer.

Then it was sealed Erlian——

【To shut up. 】

'you shut up. '

The God of Fortune sighed in a tone of 'I know it': "Ape face, why do you keep which pot you don't open and which pot you pick up every time?"Unlike me and Xiao Hei, who only think about problems from the standpoint of the little master. '

【.I am not that close to you. 】

Heimian said with half indifference and half disgust, and the next second, it was also sealed.

The other masks are as quiet as a chicken, but the long and narrow fox eyes on the fox face flicker from time to time, as if mocking, except that they didn't speak directly, the psychological activities full of sarcasm under the quiet surface are blocked by the damn communication between them. Spread over all masks.


these guys
'Anyway, I have to find some unlucky ones to do experiments.On the premise of not moving your own soul master, you can pick some treacherous and evil ones.Keeping it is also a scourge, it is better to squeeze out its existence value. ' Tang Sui hesitated and said.

Even if it wasn't for Ah Yin's resurrection this time with the power of Qingnvfang, she has no experience and doesn't know how the stamina will be, so she still needs to try.

【I think you might as well wait for Tang San.More than half a year has passed since his seventh trial, according to the original trajectory of fate, Tang San will be able to pull out the Seagod Trident in a short time, completely control the divine power of the Seagod's Light, and resurrect the Blue Silver Emperor will be much easier. 】

[With the double protection of you and Tang San, Tang Hao doesn't need to strip his 10-year spirit ring.As for the energy that the Blue Silver Emperor needs, what do you not have? 】

The words of the black face made Tang Sui, who was thinking into a misunderstanding, seemed to be enlightened.

That's right, how could she forget, and his brother's Seagod's Light!

The trajectory of fate in this life is not as tragic as it used to be.

Miss Xiao Wu is not dead, and Da Ming and Er Ming are still alive, apart from the need to restore their mother to a human form, they don't need to pay a higher price.

Tang Sui opened his eyes with a look of sudden realization on his face, and met four pairs of concerned and puzzled eyes.

"Suisui, you just now."

Tang Hao spoke hesitantly.

Tang Sui blinked, and said without changing his expression: "I just communicated with Xiao Hei. It was my other personality. She knows more than me."

Tang Hao's eyes lit up: "Then how sure are you?"

"Hao!" Ah Yin pursed her lips in disapproval.

Tang Sui shook his head and said, "There's no need to peel off the soul ring, Dad. Xiao Hei told me another good thing just now. We have another good way that is safe and no one gets hurt!"

Thank her brother for being the son of destiny in this world.

Hearing this, Ah Yin also looked over in surprise, "Another good way to get no one hurt?"

"What method?!" Tang Hao's eyes couldn't help but be stained with anxiety, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Feeling that the old father was about to transform into King Jiji, Tang Sui looked away embarrassingly, and landed on the ground not far away, with a soft voice: "This, I have to wait for my brother to come back."

- off topic -

The ink carp succumbed, and waited for his brother to take him away.

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