Chapter 672
"Your method requires the power of Xiaosan?" Tang Hao frowned, stepped forward and said, "Can't I replace Xiaosan?"

He doesn't want his kids to get hurt if he can.

Tang Sui, who felt that Tang Hao misunderstood, explained: "No, the role that brother can play here is irreplaceable. Didn't I tell you just now that brother is accepting the Sea God's heir assessment at Sea God Island?"

"My brother's seventh test is to pull out the divine weapon, the Seagod Trident. If I'm not wrong, the ownership of the Seagod Trident will eventually fall into my brother's hands. With the Seagod's Light effect that he can control, it will definitely be able to Accelerate the mother's cultivation, spanning 10 years in one fell swoop, and reverting to human form."

As soon as the words fell, Ah Yin and Tang Hao looked at each other, seeing shock and surprise in each other's eyes.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape also sighed, "I didn't expect there to be such a super fast method. Isn't that what Tang San thought, that his Seagod's Light could also help other spirit beasts instantly improve their cultivation for tens of thousands of years? "

"How is that possible." Tang Sui poured cold water, "The balance of the rules cannot be easily broken, and the price of the same power must be paid. In fact, this is no different from devouring other soul beasts to enhance their own cultivation. The only difference is that there is I don’t need to kill after joining. But the huge power I can provide is not for nothing, so now I need to wait for my brother’s return, by the way.” She paused and said, “By the way, during this period, I want to complete the ninth The soul ring stabilizes the realm of strength in the realm of Titled Douluo."

"Ninth soul ring?" Ah Yin was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly, and said with some hesitation: "Then do you need to hunt soul beasts?"

"That's not necessary. I am now different from ordinary human soul masters or human-shaped soul beasts. The power of faith from the capital of killing plus the previous power reserves is enough for me to gather a new 10-year-level soul ring and there are still many remnants , I just need Dad to help me protect the law." Tang Sui looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao, who was finally able to help his daughter, agreed without hesitation, "No problem. When are you going to start?"

Tang Sui thought for a while, and said: "It's been a long time, and there are many disputes. Let's go tomorrow, and find another hidden place to gather the soul ring tomorrow."

Tang Hao nodded, looked up at the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, "Da Ming Er Ming, during my absence, Ah Yin will be counting on you two."

"Okay, you can go at ease. My second brother and I are here to watch." The sky blue bull python tapped the huge cow's head up and down.

On the other side, the distant Sea God Island.

Tang San still didn't know that Tang Sui had arranged him clearly.

But even if they knew, they would feel that there was a tacit understanding between their siblings.

It has been almost seven months since the seventh exam.

The Seagod's Light obtained as high as 70.00% in the first six trials played a huge role in Tang San's uplifting.


The splendor of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda became dim, and her soul power could no longer support her to continue to open the Nine Treasures Avatar. Ning Rongrong knelt on the ground as if she was exhausted, her beautiful face was covered with tiny beads of sweat, and her whole body was shaking. It was wet like it just came out of the water.

Holding the scepter, Bo Saixi looked calmly at Tang San, who was getting more and more bloody, his kind eyes flashed with inorganic light.

As a qualified referee and witness, Bo Saixi has witnessed too many failures of Tang San in the past seven months, and the expression on his face also changed with Tang San's failures and the changes of the Seagod Trident become dark.

It's not that Tang San will fail, it's just that she still feels hopeless.

Now, Ning Rongrong's spirit power has been exhausted, and she can no longer provide assistance to Tang San.

Tang San, who lost the support of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, suddenly let out a muffled snort, resisting the tilted Seagod Trident that he had pried for seven months with his own strength, without stopping his soul power, internal power, mental power and Seagod power. light output.

The energy in Tang San's body was exhausted again and again, ushering in transformation and breakthrough again and again like a spring breeze blowing again, constantly tempering and sublimating his body in severe pain.

Ning Rongrong, who rested for a while, raised her head, looked at Tang San standing on the altar, exhaled lightly, reactivated her spirit power, and cast a beam of auxiliary light on Tang San.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, and the sixth one says: increase!"

Ning Rongrong's voice had become hoarse.

With Tang San's unremitting efforts, the handle of the Seagod Trident rose slowly bit by bit.

And the blood flowing from his palm also covered more and more magic patterns on the handle of the halberd.

The gold and the blood mist mixed together to form a golden red light.

Every muscle in his body was exerting force, Tang San continued to pull the Seagod Trident with trembling arms.

Gradually, Tang San saw the position where the long handle connected to the head of the trident.

It is a ring-shaped connection, a structure that is tightly buckled together.

The closer to the head of the halberd, the thicker the ring structure.

When Tang San's spirit power completed a breakthrough again, Tang San clenched his teeth and let out a loud shout.


Ear-piercing friction sounded, and the Seagod Trident gradually rose under Tang San's enormous strength.

As the joint rises from the ground, crescent-shaped patterns appear on both sides of the triangular-shaped halberd head.

When the bright auxiliary lights fell on Tang San one after another, the blood flowed out from Tang San's body as the flesh and blood meridians were continuously cracked and reshaped and healed had spread to the head of the Seagod Trident, staining the two crescent moons red. .

The head of the halberd was huge, and the more he pulled it up, Tang San felt the heavier the handle in his hand, but in such a short time, he had already begun to feel weak.

At the same time, he also felt that his palm was still bleeding before, but now it seemed to be sucked by blood, being greedily sucked by the pattern on the long handle.

He... can't give up!

Soon, it will be pulled out soon!

Tang San was constantly brainwashing himself mentally.

Even though the palms were bloody and his arms were numb from prolonged use, Tang San didn't let go.

He understood that it would be even more difficult to progress to the present level next time.

Tang San in self-hypnosis didn't realize that the blood continuously flowing from his palm nourished the magic lines engraved on the handle of the Seagod Trident.

Moisturized by the dark red blood, it seemed to come alive, shining brightly, and the golden lines were much more eye-catching than the plain and dull appearance before.


The golden rays of light gathered more and more, the rays as bright as the morning sun coated Tang San with a layer of gold.

That golden light also shone on Ning Rongrong and Bo Saixi.

In the next second, Ning Rongrong, who was on the verge of running out of soul power, suddenly felt the pain in limbs and dizziness and nausea disappear.

The state returned to its peak in an instant, even the sweat on his body disappeared without a trace in the golden light, and his clothes returned to a dry state.

Although he didn't know what was going on, the astonished Ning Rongrong quickly came back to his senses, realizing that the opportunity must be missed, and immediately activated the state of Nine Treasures Avatar, maximizing the increase for Tang San.

Ning Rongrong, who was so focused, never noticed that Bo Saixi, who was standing not far away, looked at the increasingly rich golden light, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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