Chapter 676 Complete Demon Realm
Thanks to the divine power emanating from the Seagod Trident, in the next few days, no soul beasts who were not afraid of death blocked the door.

Tang Hao and Xiao Wu couldn't see the situation in the black mist.

Now Tang San, who has become the orthodox successor of Seagod, can't see the true appearance in the fog, but under the vision of Ziji Demon Eye, he can clearly see these invisible energies in the air change from rich to weak.

It's not disappearing, but a feeling that gradually converges after being refined.

Tang San guessed that Tang Sui should have reached the final stage of Juhuan, and told Xiao Wu and Tang Hao what he saw.

Xiao Wu, who had the experience of Juhuan, nodded in agreement, saying that Juhuan was like this when she was not stable yet.

Day and night alternated over the setting sun forest, and it was time for darkness to envelop again.

The orange firelight brings a little warmth to this cold night when the temperature drops sharply.

Xiao Wu fell asleep leaning on Tang San, Tang Hao was opposite the two.

The three sat around the bonfire. Although there was no communication, the atmosphere was warm and peaceful.

Tang Hao sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation.

Tang San, who was on guard at night, took out a thin blanket from the soul tool, carefully covered Xiao Wu, and brought her into his arms, making her more comfortable to lean on.

Feeling the heat source, Xiao Wu also unceremoniously rubbed towards that warm chest.

Tang San stretched out his hand with a smile, brushed Xiao Wu's frizzy hair behind her ears, exhaled softly, and looked up at the whiteness revealed in the intertwined bare black branches. Silhouette, thinking of the upcoming war, my heart is full of melancholy.

The night is getting darker, and the shadows of the trees are elongated under the reflection of the light.

Tang San, who opened his eyes, yawned, sleepiness surrounded him like a tide.

Tang Hao, who had entered the cultivation state, frowned, opened his eyes as if feeling something, but found that his eyelids were abnormally heavy.

Sleepiness tugged at him, trying to drag him into sleep too.

Tang Hao, who has been on the verge of life and death all year round, feels that something is wrong.

He bit the tip of his tongue, and the stinging pain mixed with the strong rust smell spread across his taste buds. His body was as heavy as if he was in shackles, and it was extremely difficult to move his fingers.

Tang Hao raised his head, the shadows on his face were driven away by the warm firelight, like a folded paper-cut standing upright, although the front was illuminated by the firelight, the back was still dark.

"Little Three."

Tang Hao shouted out these two characters hoarsely.

The voice infused with spiritual power and soul power penetrated into Tang San and Xiao Wu's ears like thunder.

Xiao Wu who woke up from the deep sleep suddenly opened her pink eyes, the eyes still shone with sleepiness.

Reminded by his father's voice at the same time, Tang San who opened his eyes instantly was full of shock.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, the dark golden trident divine pattern between Tang San's brows lit up, and a blue golden triangular light emerged from the inlay of the prismatic gemstone in the middle of the trident, under the influence of Tang San's gushing spiritual power and soul power Fly out and grow rapidly.

The moment the three of them and the Seagod's Trident stuck on the ground were enveloped by the blue-gold expanse of the universe, the sleepiness that had been pulling the three of them disappeared instantly.

Even Xiao Wu, who just woke up, also understood that something was wrong.

"Little San, what is this?" She subconsciously grabbed Tang San's wrist.

Tang San shook his head, his azure pupils were covered with a layer of purple-gold light.

In the next second, in the area covered by the vast sea and universe, the air was filled with pale golden mist produced by the golden light emitted by the Seagod Trident.

However, when Tang San's gaze turned to the outside of the Vast Sea Cosmos, a gloomy scene like evil ghosts and hell came into his eyes.

In the seemingly peaceful surroundings, the shadows of the whirling trees swaying in the wind seem to have turned into ghosts and monsters that eat people. The dark phantoms are stretching and waving on the ground, like the scythe cutting life in the hands of the god of death, and they have surrounded them all around at some point up.

And the source of the changes in these tree shadows.
The spiritual power belonging to Tang San spread out from the cover of the vast sea, and the vast spiritual power rippled like water waves, feeding back to Tang San the real scene that was engulfed and covered by the black mist.

Countless slender black-red light threads flowed out from the energy cocoon that wrapped Tang Sui like water, like the tentacles of a jellyfish, secreting black venom, extending the territory unconsciously.

The backside of this land seemed to be awakened, and the darkness turned into a tangible tide, swallowing every bit of light it touched into the tide, and changing it into another ominous color.

"This feeling, is it a domain?"

The two people who both possessed the Death God Domain looked at each other.

But soon, Tang San noticed the difference, he thought of the feeling of realizing the true meaning of the spiritual realm when he fused the Seagod's Light and Seagod's power, he said hesitantly:

"The feeling outside is very similar to the pollution I felt when Sui Sui and I used the martial soul fusion technique before. It's like"

"Realization of the field!"

Tang Hao's deep voice took over Tang San's unfinished words.

Tang San nodded, looked at Tang Hao: "Dad, do you know?"

"I don't know much. I only know this situation, and it will only appear when you are a soul master or a soul beast and have cultivated your own domain to the extreme." Tang Hao recalled.

Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San with some unease, "So, are we being dragged into the realm of materialization by Sui Sui unconsciously?"

There were more and more red rays of light, Tang San hugged Xiao Wu tightly, with a solemn expression: "It should be. However, we are still safe within the hood of the vast sea and universe, but if we want to go out from the field, we can do so without hurting Sui Sui. Now, we can only wait for Sui Sui to regain consciousness."

"Well, everyone has raised their vigilance." Tang Hao has already summoned his Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San also raised his hand, spreading his palm, and the Seagod Trident rooted in the ground was drawn and flew into Tang San's palm.

The black and bare trees seemed to be weathered, turned into dust and replaced by the Kuroshio, leaving only black cracks that seemed to be cut by some kind of cold weapon, emitting wisps of black smoke.

There was a large area above the head without the cover, but the moonlight that should have been quiet was also dyed an ominous dark red.

Even though they were still in the Sunset Forest, they seemed to have been taken to another vast and boundless space. The three of them standing inside the cover of the vast sea looked around, but they could only see endless red and black intertwined in their vision. Blurred boundaries, no end in sight.

"Little San, look at the land ahead!"

Suddenly, Xiao Wu exclaimed.

Tang Hao and Tang San turned their heads to look, only to see that the place ahead that should have been flat ground had turned into a bottomless canyon.

The undulating hills that came from nowhere seemed to step into a mirage for a moment, and the dense forest disappeared without a trace, replaced by a dark brown boundless mountain.

At this moment, the thick black clouds showed dark red and dark red irregular color patches, like burnt flesh and rotting corpses, and the breath smelled like blood, which made their stomachs feel inexplicably physiological. Sexual discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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