
It was like the sound of gears turning in a mechanism.

In the muddy red light, retro-style castles in the sky and intertwined corridors were built in the void, twisted and layered spread in Tang San's field of vision, rearranged in this bizarre world.

"This is Sui Sui's Twin Realm?!" Xiao Wu, who recognized those familiar buildings, widened her eyes.

You must know that when they were on Sea God Island, they left super deep memories in the Twin Realm.

"Be careful, this field feels very dangerous to me." Tang Hao warned worriedly.

Tang San gave a "hmm", scanning his surroundings vigilantly, in case black tentacles would suddenly pop out from any corner.

He can understand the harshness of this realm that seems to have his own consciousness better than his father and Xiaowu.

However, when the bright radiance completely different from the muddy red light shone on the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover again, Tang San keenly sensed a slight difference.

That feeling, how should I put it.

It was as if—someone was watching them from above.

Tang San raised his head, eyes covered with purple-gold light met another pair of ethereal blue eyes.

His breathing was stagnant, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Sui Sui?!"

Tang San's exclamation caused Xiao Wu and Tang Hao to also look up and follow his line of sight, with astonishment appearing in their eyes.

Their oblique upper part is different from Tang Hao's attire when he watched Tang Sui start gathering together for retreat. The moon-white feathers were draped over his shoulders, and the wide cuffs hung in mid-air and swayed in the wind. Starting from the knees, slender, white eyes The legs stood in a circle of black mist, and the whole picture could not be seen clearly.

The long black hair was as long as the ankles, and a strand of braided hair was pulled up on both sides of the ear temples to the back of the head, and the golden hair ornament in the shape of a sun wheel was worn on the back of the head like a crown.

When her eyes fell on them, the ethereal blue eyes instantly turned into gods, full of divine indifference and emptiness.

Mingming stared at them and the world, but she couldn't catch the traces left by the world in her eyes from the bottom of her eyes.

Xiao Wu wanted to call out Tang Sui's nickname, but she couldn't even open her lips, as if an invisible force held them in place, unable to move.

The pupils of Tang Hao and Tang San, who also discovered this invisible imprisonment, contracted, and started to use their soul power or spiritual power at the same time, trying to break through this layer of imprisonment.

"Hee hee hee--"

Shrill laughter came from the undulating black tide raging in this space, as if mocking them who had become trapped beasts.


The sacred pale golden light suddenly swayed from the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, it turned out that Tang San who was holding the Seagod Trident injected his spiritual power into it, arousing the mighty power of the Seagod Trident.

Tang Hao, who had regained control of his body, staggered forward. Feeling the change in his own strength, his expression changed: "My mental strength is passing away, and my body's defense is also weakening. How about you?"

Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San, and said in shock: "Mental power and defensive power? Isn't this Sui Sui's domain suppressing effect?"

"That's right. So the top priority now is to wake up Sui Sui, lest she swallow us as enemies." Tang San also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Because Tang Sui said before, only the enemies marked by her will be suppressed after entering the field.If it is a friendly party recognized by Tang Sui, its own attributes will be improved after entering the domain, and it can even absorb the spiritual power from the enemy and turn it into its own use or return it to Tang Sui himself.

As soon as the words fell, a very light cold snort followed the whistling fog tide, mixed with the rising and falling sneers around.

If Tang San's mental power hadn't been promoted above vastness, he wouldn't have been able to catch that extremely fast humming sound in such a chaotic sound wave.

This is?

A strange emotion flashed across Tang San's mind, and before he could think deeply, he saw the restless Kuroshio change his arrogant posture, the concentration of spiritual pollution and black mist permeating this space began to decrease, and the solidified and distorted Castles in the air have also begun to become unreal.

High above the sky, Tang Sui slowly closed his eyes, his figure flickered like a space where spirit particles dissipated.

The three of Tang Hao only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the scene in front of them changed back to the setting sun forest, where the ground was scorched black and the environment was overgrown with black trees.

When they fixed their eyes, the black-red energy cocoon that covered their vision disappeared without a trace, leaving only a faint black mist scattered on the ground. Trembling slightly, he opened his familiar blue eyes that shone with aura again.

After confirming the eyes, it was the Sui Sui they were familiar with.

Realizing that Tang Sui had succeeded, the tense nerves of Tang Hao and the three finally relaxed, and their frowns relaxed.

"Sui Sui, how are you feeling now?"

Tang San asked as he approached.

Tang Sui blinked her eyes, and the reflections of the three of them deepened in her eyes, and she subconsciously said, "It's pretty good."

After answering, Tang Sui paused, and lowered his head as if feeling something, his eyes reflected the long-lost and familiar Yuebai Yuori.

The red silk thread outlines the hem of the clothes and seals the white, as if it is the thread woven by fate and fetters, which has a mysterious feeling.

This is a spirited gesture.
Be it, her Yaozu real body posture?
Only when this idea came to mind, Tang San took advantage of the situation and asked: "Sui Sui, what are your clothes?"

"Well, it's a kind of martial spirit avatar, right?" Tang Sui raised his head, and the tassels hanging from the end of the golden crown behind his head trembled, making an ethereal and crisp sound like wind chimes.

"It is said that after a soul master reaches a certain level of strength, his soul power and soul bone will condense into the soul master's armor. But now I am not a human being, nor a soul beast. The shape of my armored body is not as usual."

Tang Sui said half truth and half lie.

Tang San, who had undergone soul bone fusion and evolved into armor four years ago, was startled, and hurriedly said: "Then you should quickly release the 'armor state'. This state needs to consume a huge amount of mental power and soul power. Four years I condensed the armor for the first time before, but within half a minute, my soul power and mental power were almost drained."

Tang Sui nodded, closed his eyes, and began to withdraw from the materialized demon power.

Under the eyes of Tang San and the others, the clothes on his body gradually returned to their original state.

Tang San carefully looked at Tang Sui's face, it didn't look like he was weak after the armor was condensed for the first time, but on the contrary, he looked like a normal person, which is a bit strange
He had some doubts in his heart, but now that he and his sister were of different races, he suppressed his doubts in his heart and said with a smile: "Congratulations Sui Sui. I didn't expect my brother to be compared to you. However, this The second brother is still proud of you!"

In the current situation, the stronger Sui Sui is, the more he can feel at ease and fight hard without hesitation.

Tang Sui's eyes were bent: "Yes! Thanks to you guarding me, I was able to progress smoothly. You have worked hard during this time."

Although most of her consciousness was chaotic during the time of Gathering Rings, she now recalled all the memories after Tang San and the others were involved in the demon power domain.

I have to say that you have to ensure that you are strong enough to watch the show in order to see the end.

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