
Surprise flashed in Tang San's eyes, and then he laughed and said: "I didn't expect Sui Sui to bring it up first. In fact, one of the reasons why Xiao Wu and I went to Sunset Forest first when we came back from Sea God Island this time is also Because of this, it was a coincidence that I never thought about it.”

Tang Sui blinked: "That's right, we are brothers and sisters."

Tang Hao nodded, his words sounded very pleasant.

But it's still worth asking.

"Little San, what are your thoughts?"

Tang San caught the word "you" in his father's words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and spoke out his method clearly.

It is similar to what Tang Sui said with Tang Hao, Ayin and the others before.

They all use the Seagod's Light, Xiaoyi is adding the domain effect of his own blue silver domain after the final evolution, and Tang Sui's is to replace the domain with the power effect of Qingnvfang.

After listening to the eldest son's thoughts, Tang Hao's eyes showed surprise, he couldn't help but look at the younger daughter, and said, "Sui Sui, didn't you and your brother really discuss it from the beginning?"

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Sui curiously: "What was negotiated?"

Tang Hao explained the method that Tang Sui had told them before, this time, even Tang San didn't expect that their brother and sister's thoughts coincided with each other.

Marveling at Tang Sui's trip to the extreme north to integrate the treasure of the monster clan and obtain the resurrection armor, Tang San also seriously considered Tang Sui's proposal, and came up with a compromise: "If the monster clan The Supreme Treasure Soul Bone is really so miraculous, you might as well give it a try. However, I still think it is better to use the Blue Silver Realm. After all, the energy I transform and input to my mother after opening the Blue Silver Realm is also the energy of the Blue Silver Grass, so there will be no rejection. "

"For energy supply, I don't need to use the spirit bone skills, I can pour it directly into my mother. If you are afraid of rejection, brother, maybe you can be a transfer medium, and I will pass the energy to you, and you will transform it into the energy of the Blue Silver Emperor How about passing it on to mom? This way the loss and damage can be minimized, and mom should be happy too." Tang Sui said with a pun.

Tang San pondered for a few seconds, and agreed: "Okay, then use this method."

It is said that it is transforming the energy of other blue silver grasses, but in fact it is still transforming those blue silver grasses that grow in the setting sun forest. If there is no cultivation base, it will give life force.

Originally, he planned to gather a little energy from each blue silver grass, accumulate little to make more, keep their own foundation, and finally mobilize the Seagod's Light.

In this way, under the divine light, not only would they not be sluggish, but they would also gain more energy from the Seagod's Light.

But since there is a more compromise method, forget it.

Seeing that his sons and daughters were so assertive, Tang Hao, who was listening, couldn't help but nodded, and sighed in his heart that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Without further ado, the four immediately set off and returned to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

The valley is still the valley.

Not seen for more than four years, benefiting from the unique environment of the Ice and Fire Yinyan, the cultivation of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape have also made some progress.

Seeing Xiao Wu's Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape again was very excited, and they stuck to Taniguchi for a while before moving their positions.

Tang San saw the warm interaction between Xiao Wu and the two beasts, the corners of his lips curled into a soft arc, and the large team began to slowly step into the deep valley, to the center of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

The timid feeling of being close to home also happened to Tang San.

But Tang San just hesitated on the spot for a while, took a deep breath and jumped down the valley in no time.

"Mom, I'm back."

Looking at the blue-gold leaves swaying in the wind, Tang San cried softly, his eyes showing sourness.


The blue-golden light converged above the Blue Silver Emperor who was stationed next to one red and one blue spring, and as the illusory light and shadow appeared, Ah Yin's gentle voice also sounded:

"Little three."

Sensing the more concentrated and powerful aura of the eldest son than he remembered, A Yin's clear and beautiful face showed a gratified and distressed smile: "Welcome back."

Tang San gave a "hmm" and stepped forward.

Tang Sui followed closely, followed by Tang Hao.

Xiao Wu didn't keep up, but stood not far away with the two 10-year-old soul beast brothers, and gave up the home field to the long-lost family.

After pasting the blue silver emperor's wide leaves with golden lines, Tang San restrained his emotions, talked about the business, and told him and Tang Sui the compromise method that he and Tang Sui had drawn up when they came back, so that Ah Yin could recover his human body. Ah Yin.

Ah Yin listened quietly, and after Tang San finished speaking, both brothers and sisters were looking forward to her, she sighed softly and said: "You are all very considerate. But, mom is still the same request. Help me recover The human body is fine, but when helping me restore my human body, you must not hurt yourself, otherwise, I would rather go on like this forever."

Ah Yin's blue eyes, which resembled his brother and sister's, were full of guilt, but also shone with determination.

"During more than four years in this valley, your father told me all about your growth experiences from childhood to adulthood."

"Your father is not a responsible father, and I am not a competent mother. Over the years, I have not been able to accompany your brothers and sisters, I have never given your mother's care, and I cannot help you when you are in danger I'm busy at the slightest, it's always been you two children who have turned around and accommodated us."

"Whether it's me or your father, I feel that I owe you both deeply."

As she said that, tears began to glisten in Ah Yin's eyes, "If you do any harm because of me, mother will never forgive herself."

Tang Hao's lips trembled when he was caught by the cue, and he lowered his head guiltily, not daring to look at his children's expressions.

Xiao Wu and the others, who acted as the background board and listened silently, were also unhappy.

Especially Xiao Wu, who met brother and sister since she was six years old. She stayed together at the former Notting College and took care of Tang Sui.


Tang San's heart was moved, he looked at his sister beside him, and said softly, "I won't be hurt in any way. Sui Sui, how about you?"

Tang Sui raised his jaw slightly, "It's just that the consumption will be greater, and the rest will not hinder."

"Okay." Tang San, who had checked his eyes with his sister, nodded, turned his gaze back to their mother, and said in a firm voice, "Mom, you heard me too, my sister and I will not be hurt."

"Little San." Ah Yin opened her mouth, and after meeting her son and daughter's firm eyes, she swallowed back her original words and said, "Do you need Mommy to do anything?"

Tang San said sternly: "Yes, you need to open your body and mind later, feel the energy I transmit to you, integrate all these energies, and turn them into your own use. The others are me and Sui Sui, you don't need to worry."

Ah Yin nodded, "Okay, I can start anytime."

"Well, let's get started!"

The moment the last sound fell, the brother and sister released their martial spirits at the same time.

"The seventh soul skill, Blue Silver Avatar!"

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the tool soul!"

——It’s a digression——

A wave of Amway's new article "Douluo: Relying on the Dress-Up System to Secure the Goddess Design"~
The first site is reading on QQ, there are many new books and new activities, welcome to find Moli to play!

Here is an introduction:
Qian Yuelong, who was forced to bind a certain dress-up system, transmigrated to Douluo and became Qian Renxue's younger sister.

On the day of her birth, there was a vision of heaven and earth, and Qian Yuelong, who had golden patterns on her eyebrows, was immediately enshrined by the Wuhun Hall as a young ancestor, and her status was almost equal to that of their father Qianxunji, who had a lot of brains.

However, Qian Yuelong, who had just learned how to stand up, laid her dead body in the stroller silently after learning that her mother was actually the future big boss Bibi Dong: It is hopeless, let it be destroyed.

System: Don't be afraid!There is nothing that a suit of clothes can't solve!If so, replace it!
In order to avoid the fate of cannon fodder in the future, the newly released mascot Qian Yuelong set his sights on the backward and divided Douluo Continent, and held his hands tightly: infrastructure, starting from Douluo!
system:.?Host, do you still remember that we are just a dressing system?
[The position of the heroine Wuhundian is opposed to the protagonist group, which is an open and aboveboard competitive relationship.Self-contained three views, asking is private setting.Don't spray if you don't like it, and decline bad comments, all kinds of writing guidance, and ky personal. 】

(Cuties who are interested can move to bookmark and comment, and support Miaomiao Bobo~)

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