Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 680 Big brother don't say 2 brothers

Chapter 680 Big Brother Don’t Talk About Second Brother
The blue-golden light spread across the whole body in an instant, and a huge human-shaped phantom appeared behind Tang San.

The Seagod Trident brand on Tang San's forehead shone brightly, and his vast spiritual power completely merged into the Blue Silver Domain that was deployed.

In the valley of the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan, where the blue silver field is shrouded, one after another blue silver grass drilled out from every corner, "swish" a section of height, and even the earth and rocks that were originally pressed above him overturned.

The Blue Silver Grass bathed in the blue-golden domain swayed their bodies gently following the wave-like energy aura in the air, little by little blue light floated from them, gathering towards Tang San.

Under the influence of the Blue Silver Avatar, Tang San's precise control of the power of the Blue Silver Domain, the dissipated natural energy skyrocketed exponentially, feeling the rustling of the Blue Silver Emperor vines full of energy in the air, Ah Silver's surprised voice also sounded:

"Little San, why do you feel that the effect of your Blue Silver Domain exceeds the power it should have at the peak level?"

Tang San smiled, the golden light from the Seagod Trident shone on his handsome side face, as if showing a trace of divinity, even he didn't realize it, his gaze on Ah Yin was like the sea Like, extremely tolerant, with a kind of tranquility that embraces everything:

"Because I also mobilized the Seagod's Light. Mom, pay attention to absorbing the energy I passed on to you."

After finishing speaking, the blue-gold Blue Silver Emperor controlled by Tang San rose up one after another, quietly wrapping around Ah Yin's body and stretching out the leaf tendrils, like a bridge connecting the two banks, a huge and precise wave Energy was injected into Ah Yin's Blue Silver Emperor body.

Ah Yin restrained his mind and began to concentrate on absorbing the energy that flowed in continuously.

The kinship blood that could reduce energy repulsion is gone, and now Ah Yin can only hard-wire one after another, just like Tang Sui's current race, full of aggressive energy bodies.

Half an hour later, Tang San opened his eyes with some feeling, looking at his mother's tree trunk that could only be hugged by five people, his eyes showed excitement.

Why are these brothers and sisters so stubborn?
This family really cannot live without her.

The divine brilliance of the Sea God Trident was shining, and Tang Sui, who had also activated the soul avatar, changed completely. She stood barefoot in the air, and put on the moon-white haori again.

Xiao Wu and Tang Hao waited and watched nervously, looking back and forth between Tang Sui, Tang San, and Ah Yin, for fear that something might go wrong.

Under the nourishment of the blue light, Ah Yin's cultivation base rapidly increased, and the body grew rapidly at a speed beyond the natural law. Every blade of grass began to become as transparent as sapphire, and the golden veins flowing in the veins also had trickles. Driven by the metamorphosis of the flow towards the small river, it becomes wider and wider.

Even if a ray of Dao was fused into it, Tang Sui's soul power was still as unruly as a wild horse.

Xiao Wu sighed without seeing it.

As soon as the words fell, Tang Sui increased his energy injection.

Tang San took a step forward, stretched out his hand to catch the younger sister who was a little weak at the moment of landing, his eyes showed disapproval: "Why are you still reluctant? Didn't mom say that you can't let yourself get hurt?"

"It's okay, come on."

Ah Yin stopped speaking, and continued to concentrate on absorbing and refining the energy that was like a galloping wild horse.

Tang Sui said "Oh", without any sincerity, got on the bus first and then paid for the ticket: "Brother, it's done."

As a very patient trainer, Ah Yin adopted devious tactics to transform energy into precise Blue Silver Emperor energy with difficulty.

Ah Yin, who has benefited the most, can most clearly feel the changes in her own body.

Tang Sui, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately dropped a second soul skill, the first one was for her brother, and the second one was for herself.

Tang Sui said in a hoarse voice: "Brother, don't think I didn't see it. You couldn't stand firmly when you landed before, so you took advantage of the situation and sat on the ground as soon as you landed." Everyone, big brother, don't say second brother, okay?
Tang Hao, who had been on the sidelines, had a dark face, and with a stride, he flashed in front of the two brothers and sisters, and shouted coldly: "What are you talking about while standing?! Go meditate for me!"

This gluttonous feast of energy lasted for a full hour, and even the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape who were watching frantically wanted to enter the state of cultivation.

He was almost fainted by this sudden wave of energy.

Xiao Wu, who was jealous in her heart, stepped forward, took out a water bottle from the soul guide, and handed it to Tang Sui who lowered her head after being lectured by Tang Hao, and said softly: "Sui Sui, drink some water before practicing, your voice is hoarse gone."

But they still tried their best to restrain their instinct to absorb energy, and even began to take the initiative to take on the role of guards, using their 10-year-old soul beast's emperor-level coercion to drive away those hyenas who smelled blood and came running several kilometers away. The soul beast trying to pick up the leak.

After a while, the divine light of the Seagod's Light became dim, Tang San who was in charge of acting as a transfer station felt weak.

After being excited, Tang San turned his head to look at his younger sister who was still transmitting energy. At this time, his face was a little pale, and he stood up from the ground and said loudly: "Sui Sui, you should rest first. Wait until mom refines those energies. look!"

The soul power that Tang Sui remitted to Ah Yin can be summed up in two words: rebellion.

The majestic monster power not inferior to the Seagod's Light poured out from Tang Sui's raised fingertips, and poured into Tang San's body by itself, impacting his meridians.

Tang Sui raised his head and stared quietly at his elder brother who only allowed the state officials to set fires and not allow the common people to light lamps. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of the meaning of "what right do you have to say about me, you did it yourself".

Whether it's the energy transmitted by Tang Sui to Tang San, or the Seagod's Light divine power mobilized by Tang San, after gathering and filtering, these energies have all become the purest Blue Silver Emperor energy.

Tang San snorted, and looked at Tang Sui helplessly: "Sui Sui, you should tell me when you started."

A few minutes later, Tang San, who realized that he had reached his limit, slowly restrained the blue light, descended from the sky, glanced at his mother who had grown into a blue silver tree hugged by three people, sat cross-legged not far from his mother, and directly entered In the cultivation state, he handed over the field control to Tang Sui.

Tang San heard this and looked at his dear girlfriend.

But this recovery only temporarily eased the consumption of Tang San's spirit power, mobilizing the Seagod's Light and controlling the Seagod Trident almost exhausted his spiritual power.

Tang Sui nodded, released the form of Yaozu's real body, and slowly landed from mid-air.

The branches became thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye, young leaves emerged, and even the spiritual plants growing near the Blue Silver Emperor also began to grow rapidly.

It's like a game between a horse trainer and a first-time horse.

Regarding this, Tang San just raised his brows slightly: "I just exhausted my mental power." And you look like you are about to vomit blood and fall down.

This kind of coercion mother's current cultivation base should be soon.

Ah Yin replied softly.

A rich blue light filled the entire valley.

Without Tang San as a transfer point, Tang Sui, who directly transformed her own energy into soul power and transmitted it to A Yin, pursed her lips and reminded: "Mom, my soul power will be a little violent, you have to be careful."

Tang Sui nodded, speeding up the operation and injection of energy, intending to take advantage of the lingering aftertaste of the Seagod's Light to speed up the progress.

Xiao Wu smiled at him, Tang San immediately felt he was healed too.

Well, his position is still very stable.

- off topic -

The food chain of the Tang family is very obvious √

(End of this chapter)

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