"Please leave, outsiders are not welcome here."

The middle-aged man carrying the burden stood still and spoke to them indifferently.

Tang Hao stepped forward, and said in a slow voice: "Please report to the sect, Tang Hao, Tang San, Tang Sui and his son have returned with their families."

As soon as the word "Tang Hao" came out, the indifference on the middle-aged man's face turned into disgust, and there was some hatred in his eyes, Tang San and Tang Sui frowned at the same time.

"Your family is not welcome here!"

This time there was no polite language.

Several villagers walking nearby looked at Tang Hao full of hostility when he said that sentence.

Even though they were wearing coarse linen clothes, the tall villagers approached menacingly, holding a scythe for harvesting wheat or a bucket for carrying water.

Tang San stepped forward to block his father, and when he was about to speak, another voice came from afar——

"and many more!"

A black-haired young man in a familiar gray suit jumped up and landed firmly in the middle of the two sides, shook his head at the disgusted villagers, took a step forward and cupped his hands at Tang Hao: "Junior Tang Yu, I met my second uncle."

Tang Yu was one of the two third-generation disciples who came together with Tang Long to pick up their brother and sister to the sect when Tang San and Tang Sui first came to the Clear Sky School a few years ago. age.

"Brother Tang Yu, why are you here?" Seeing Tang Yu, Tang San was obviously surprised.

Because they didn't notify uncle in advance this time.

Tang Yu, who was asked about it, had a look of embarrassment on his face. He paused and said, "Well, the elders ordered me to pass on the message. Sister Tang Sui and you come back with your family. They will naturally welcome you, but..."

"But what?" Looking at Tang Yu's expression, Tang San already had a guess in his heart.

Tang Sui's blue eyes narrowed slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he had a panoramic view of the expressions of the other villagers who quietly poked their heads out, either curious or disgusted, and gained a new understanding of Haotianzong's cognition.

The ape-face who shared the field of view with Tang Sui, and even watched the exterior scene in 360 degrees without dead ends, sneered and said, "It seems that you are 100% embarrassed this time."Haotianzong's resentment towards Tang Hao, even if your words pointed out that you were used and used as a spearman, is still very deep. '

Tang Yu glanced at the indifferent Tang Hao, who couldn't tell whether it was sadness or joy, and Ah Yin, who looked worried, and lowered her head in embarrassment: "But... but Tang Hao, the sinner of the sect, must not enter."

Tang Yu didn't dare to meet Tang San's eyes at all.

Tang San's heart sank, Tang Hao's eyes dimmed.

"Little San, are you back?"

The thick voice came from far to near.

Hearing this voice, Tang Hao and Ah Yin raised their heads suddenly, showing astonishment on their faces.

And Tang Xiao, who was floating on the ground, raised his eyes, and after sweeping Tang Yu's unnatural expression, his eyes fell on Tang San's side, but when he touched A Yin and Tang Hao behind Tang San, he broke his calm and harmony. Majestic, the pupils trembled.

"Brother Hao, Ah Yin?! You?!"

Tang Xiao greeted him excitedly, Tang Hao also endured his excitement and called "Brother", he let go of the hand he held with Ah Yin, and gave Tang Xiao a short hug.

A Yin looked at Tang Xiao, who had not been seen for more than 20 years, with nostalgic eyes, and said gently: "I never thought that A Yin would see his brother again in this life."


Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Tang Sui stood in a row in tacit understanding and called Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, raised his hand, and patted the shoulders of the two of them one by one, especially when his eyes fell on Tang Hao's missing leg and hand, he said sadly: "You have suffered all these years, follow me Go back to the sect!"

Tang Yu, who heard this, was the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

With the suzerain uncle here, he personally invited Tang San's family to the sect, so the other elders should have nothing to say, right?

This time, Tang Xiao led the way, followed by Tang Hao and Ah Yin, Tang San and Xiao Wu, and Tang Sui and Tang Long. Get up and start climbing.

Tang Yu, who intentionally walked behind with Tang Sui and the others this time, looked at Tang San with a slight sway, a few light leaps, and came to the top of the mountain with flashes of light and shadow. Tang Yu, who climbed up the next step, couldn't help but look surprised. Xiang Tang Sui, who was swaggering and flying in the air, asked in a low voice: "Sister Tang Sui, I haven't seen you for almost five years. Has your brother's cultivation improved a lot?"

Tang Sui said "En", looking at the backs of Tang San and Xiao Wu Piaoyuan, the corners of his lips curled up into a smile, "Yes. For more than four years, my brother has been practicing very diligently."

Her sense of Tang Yu is not too bad.

She knew who was hostile and malicious to them, and who was kind to them, and her tone was naturally gentle.

Tang Yu only knew that Tang Sui and Tang San's cultivation was higher than them before. When Tang Sui and Tang San came back, Tang Sui's spirit power was level 74, and Tang San's was level 67. Now almost five years have passed , the strength of the two may have improved a lot, even Tang Sui may have become a Contra, and Tang San has stepped into the ranks of Soul Saints.

As for Title Douluo, Tang Yu didn't think about it at all.

Tang Yu nodded affirmatively, and praised quietly: "It's good that you have become stronger again. You must know that the elders in the sect are...you know, they are super difficult to deal with."

Tang Sui was deeply convinced.

A few old stubborn people, are there still few people who take Joe because of their own strength?

The fortress-like stone building once again appeared in front of Tang Sui and Tang San.

Compared with the previous ones who were relatively immature compared to the elders of the sect, they now have the strength and capital to compete with each other in an open and above board manner.

The siblings looked at each other, and stood silently behind the chatting parents and uncle, listening to melons.

Having not seen each other for more than 20 years, Tang Hao's chatterbox has also opened up in front of the elder brother who is connected by blood. He is very ashamed all the way. For more than 20 years, he has not been able to pay homage to the old suzerain, who is also their father.

Tang Xiao patted Tang Hao's shoulder, actually feeling a little regretful in his heart.

"Brother Hao, you are not solely responsible for this matter. If I had had the courage to question my father's decision back then, I wouldn't have let your family suffer so much, and everything is over."

Tang Sui and Tang San, this time adding Xiao Wu, looked at each other from behind.

Tang Sui: Not necessarily.I think if we really grow up in the sect, that would be a nightmare.

Xiao Wu: Exactly.Looking at the attitude of grievances, it is actually better for Dad to take you to live in the small village of Holy Soul Village.Although it is also a small broken village, at least there is not much bullying in the village, and there are not one or two soul masters in the holy soul village.

Tang San nodded silently: +1.

Tang Hao's heart was moved, but he also knew that his behavior would hardly be forgiven by the sect, so he sighed and said, "Brother, our family came here today to pay homage to father."

Before the words were finished, the huge stone gate of the mechanism was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and more than twenty disciples of the Haotian School who were directly related to the Haotian School trotted out in two rows, one left and one right. In the middle, five sects headed by the second elder with white hair Headed by the elders of the door, the five of them stared at Tang Hao beside Tang Xiao with cold expressions.

"Worshiping the old suzerain? Tang Hao, you have dragged the sect so far, and you are even more anxious that the old suzerain died of illness. Are you worthy?!"

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