The Seventh Elder looked at the face that although he was much older, he still hated it so much that he wanted to tear it apart, the murderous intent and hatred in his eyes were extremely strong.

"Seven elders."

Tang San's tone was low.

The aura around Tang Sui also froze.

The most troublesome prickly head has also come.

The second elder, who was standing with his hands behind his back, looked at Tang Hao's legs and arms imitated by his soul power, and his tone was sobbing and mocking: "A generation of arrogance, and now it has fallen to this point, Tang Hao, oh Tang Hao"

His eyes moved to Ah Yin who was holding his mimic arm, his eyes turned cold, "If it wasn't for this soul beast, you could have gone further."

In a word, the expressions of Tang San and Tang Sui became more condensed.

Tang Hao looked at the five elders whom he had not seen for a long time, took a step forward with a calm expression, bowed deeply to the five elders, and said, "If I could do it all over again, I would still choose to protect my wife. Tang Hao knew that Facing the sect without face, I don't want to be forgiven by the elders, but I come here today, and I only wish to kowtow in front of my father's grave."

"Tang Hao, you still don't know how to repent!" The Fourth Elder looked at Tang Hao who had no intention of knowing his mistake, and his face became more and more cold.

Tang Sui snorted coldly when he heard this.


repent of what?
Let dad say in front of mom that he shouldn't have rescued her back then and chose to hand her over?

To sow discord in person, these people really haven't grown up in their brains at all.

Tang San also took a step forward with a cold face, a little soul power was injected into his voice, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears: "Elders, do you still remember the original agreement?"

Tang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Tang Sui and Tang San who had stepped forward in unison after saying this, and said with a little excitement, "Little San, Sui Sui, could it be you?"

"Today Tang San and his younger sister Tang Sui came together to ask the elders to fulfill the promise they made back then!"

As soon as the words fell, circle after circle of gorgeous halos floated up from Tang San and Tang Sui's feet at the same time.

The miniature Blue Silver Emperor dipped in blue gold was held up by Tang San's left hand, and the seven pieces were as thin as cicada's wings, but a strange mask with black and gold threads unfolded in the middle like a flower, floating beside Tang Sui, the black and gold The vertical pupils grumbled and turned, exuding a terrifying aura that would make one's mind full of alarms just by looking at it.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, red, red.

Purple, purple, purple, black, black, red, red, red, red.

The moment the terrifying soul ring ratio of the brother and sister appeared, apart from Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, all of them had expressions of horror on their faces. They looked at the soul rings of the brother and sister in disbelief, especially the indifferent Tang Sui, the pupils of the second elder are trembling:

"Nine rings! Four 10-year-old soul rings! In just five years, you have already entered the Title Douluo sequence?!"

All the sect disciples present showed shocked faces, and some were so dumbfounded that their jaws almost dropped.

If the shock given to them by the two brothers and sisters was already great four years ago, then now, it is not the degree of shock, but the sense of shock and shortened life!
The Seventh Elder felt that it was extremely unreal, and he stepped forward with his eyes wide open, and after confirming that the soul rings of the brother and sister were not fake, his face suddenly changed: "Impossible, how old are you?! How did you do it? !" It turned out to be only one Soul Douluo, one Title Douluo!

Tang San calmly gave four words: "After suffering."

Tang Xiao looked at the five elders who were looking at each other, trying to keep a straight face on his face, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up a little, feeling proud in his heart.

This is his nephew and niece!
He knew that with their talents, they would definitely not be inferior to their great-grandfather Tang Chen back then, and they would definitely become the new hope of the Haotian School!
Thinking of this, Tang Xiao stepped forward and struck while the iron was hot: "Elders, the deadline you gave at the beginning was ten years. Now it seems that both Xiaosan and Suisui have overfulfilled three things. What do you think?"

The Second Elder and the others exchanged a look, with him as the leader, and the other Siming Elders stepped forward alongside him.

"That being the case, we will never break our promise."

The bloody light reflected on the old face of the approaching Second Elder. With a wave of his hand, soul power was injected into his voice, which spread to the entire sect:
"From now on, restore Tang Hao's status as a disciple of the Haotian Sect!"

Tang Hao's eyes lit up, and Ah Yin smiled, and exchanged glances with her husband.

Tang San's tense nerves also loosened after hearing the second elder's personal announcement, and looked at Xiao Wu and... huh, who were happy for him?Tang Sui still had a calm expression.

Why does Sui Sui have such an expression?

Just when Tang San was still puzzled, the second elder's voice suddenly returned to normal, and continued:
"But that's about it."

I knew it.

The corner of Tang Sui's mouth twitched, Tang Hao's expression of excitement froze, Tang Xiao frowned, Tang San's expression suddenly turned ugly, but he still asked restrainedly: "Second Elder, what do you mean by this?" ?”

He didn't expect that, as the elder of Haotian Zong's highly respected sect, he would renege on his debt.

The Seventh Elder said with a "huh" and said with a sneer: "It means that even if Tang Hao returns to the Clear Sky School, our grievances will not be over! He owes my son his life, and I will get it back!"

"Elder Seven, the matter of my parents has indeed affected the sect, but do you think that without this matter, the Spirit Hall would not have taken action against the Clear Sky School?" Tang San tried to explain the final truth to the other party.

The fifth elder said indifferently: "Even though the Wuhun Palace covets my position as the No. [-] sect of the Haotian School in the world, if Tang Hao hadn't insisted on protecting this spirit beast and killing Qian Xunji, how could the Wuhun Palace easily surrender to Haotian?" Zong Dongwu?!"

"Brother, why are you telling them so much? According to your theory, Seventh Elder, the disciples of the Haotian School who have died for hundreds of years, has the sect recovered their blood debts for them?"

Tang Sui took two steps, and stood obliquely in front of Tang San, looking at the elders of the sect who had turned ugly because of her words, and continued to poke the knife:
"According to the information I got, the grievance between Haotianzong and Wuhundian has not been a day or two. It has existed since more than 100 years ago, and many disciples died at the hands of Wuhundian when they went out to practice. If the Seventh Elder insists on If you want to blame my father for your son's death instead of the person who actually killed your son in Wuhundian, then may I ask, have you sought justice for those disciples who died tragically at the hands of Wuhundian? Have you paid back the blood debt?"


The second elder shouted angrily, and a powerful wave of air and coercion swayed around him, even the other disciples of the sect present were shocked back.

Tang San's spirit power hadn't reached the Title Douluo level, and now standing here alone, even under the pressure of the Title Douluo, he was shocked back half a step, but his face had the same cold expression as Tang Suiru.

"Is that presumptuous? Then there are more presumptuous ones." Tang Sui snorted.

Brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao's expressions changed slightly. Seeing Tang Sui's aboveboard and provocative attitude, there was some disapproval on their faces.

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