Chapter 221 Friend's Stock Market

Although Qiao Yi didn't know Lu Yanchuan's friends, it didn't prevent Qiao Yi from expressing her concern for him.

After all, she and Lu Yanchuan are one, and Lu Yanchuan's friend should also be her friend!

Lu Yanchuan didn't know how to explain to Qiao Yi for a while, and he didn't want to lie to Qiao Yi, so he could only answer vaguely.

"It seems that there is no danger at present. Since he left voluntarily, he must have his own reasons."

In fact, there is no reason!It's just that Yan Xiyu can't think about it, he can't forget Leng Shanshan, who is now An Wei, thinking that the two of them can be reunited.

Who knew that he went to find An Wei based on the information he had investigated, but the result he got was that he hated him to death.

Yan Xiyu was puzzled, Yan Xiyu didn't understand, Yan Xiyu questioned, after being beaten up, Yan Xiyu finally got the answer.

When the news of their relationship was known by the Yan family, the Yan family immediately issued a warning to An Wei, warning An Wei not to get close to Yan Xiyu again, otherwise it would make her look good.

The love between the boy and the girl is stronger than that of gold, so naturally they don't care about the threat from the family, and the two continue to communicate until the Yan family is angered and forces them to separate.

What Yan Xiyu thought he was running away with An Wei was actually a trap set up by the Yan family.

The head of the Yan family gambled with An Wei on whether Yan Xiyu would give up everything for her, and the result was that Yan Xiyu gave up everything and wanted to leave with An Wei.

But how could the head of the Yan family, Yan Xiyu's father, tolerate his son, the future heir of the Yan family, with such a wild girl, so he deliberately made something for Yan Xiyu when Yan Xiyu and An Wei were surrounded hands and feet.

Let Yan Xiyu watch An Wei fall off the cliff.

Let An Wei watch Yan Xiyu "indifferent" to her death.

"But if that's the case, why does An Wei hate your friend so much?"

Lu Yanchuan smiled helplessly. Yan Xiyu's story was not a beautiful fairy tale, and he didn't want Qiao Yi to see so many plots.

But seeing Qiao Yi's attitude of not giving up until he heard the truth, Lu Yanchuan still told the following story.

It turned out that Yan Xiyu was still thinking about An Wei after being taken back by Yan's father, and wanted to find An Wei's body and bury it properly.

However, Father Yan originally played a scene with An Wei to make her give up and leave Yan Xiyu, so how could he let him find An Wei's body, so he lied about burying An Wei for him, but actually sent someone to force An Wei away from home.

In fact, An Wei didn't give up so easily, especially when she was forced to leave, thinking that Yan Xiyu had to give up her due to helplessness, and wanted to find Yan Xiyu.

Seeing that the two young men were so stubborn, Father Yan made people attack An Wei in a fit of anger. At the same time, he also released the news that Yan Xiyu had become the heir, which made An Wei mistakenly think that it was Yan Xiyu who was afraid that she would go back and delay him from inheriting the Yan family. Start with her.

An Wei, who was physically and mentally exhausted, gave up completely and went abroad to change her appearance.

It's just a matter of love and hatred. When she saw Yan Xiyu's name appearing in the position of LQ's agent again, An Wei couldn't hold back her hatred. She chose to join Dick and used her knowledge of betting on Yan Xiyu to help Dick fight LQ.

Lu Yanchuan covered up the part about LQ in this story, which surprised Qiao Yi even so.

"An Wei is actually a poor person, so now your friend didn't go back to inherit the family business, but came to work for you instead?"

"you can say it this way."

A large part of the reason for Yan Xiyu's breakup with the family was indeed An Wei's "death", but it was more because Yan's father's control over Yan Xiyu made him unbearable.

One must know that before Yan Xiyu met Lu Yanchuan, she was just a sick and delicate middle-school boy. Now it is easy to be trained by Lu Yanchuan to look like a human being, but how can the influence from the family disappear just like it disappears.

For example, going to see An Wei alone this time was the result of this kid's head getting hot.

It's all right now, he was beaten to death, and locked up, and they got LQ's information from him and destroyed several branches.

The only good news is probably that the misunderstanding between Yan Xiyu and An Wei has been resolved.

I don't know what will become of these two people.

But as long as Yan Xiyu is fine, as for being beaten?If it was Lu Yanchuan, Lu Yanchuan wanted to beat him up too.

"Actually, after meeting him a few times, I don't think An Wei is a heinous villain. Compared to Zhan Foss, An Wei is already pretty good."

At least An Wei didn't kill them.

Knowing that Qiao Yi's soft heart had committed again, Lu Yanchuan helplessly pinched Qiao Yi's face, turned off the computer, picked him up and walked out.

"Don't worry about my friend's affairs, as long as people don't die, it's between us. Dad has wanted a grandson for a long time."

After Yan Xiyu disappeared, An Wei seemed to disappear along with her.

Lin Ke contacted An Wei several times, and the news he got was that An Wei hadn't seen him for several days.

The agreed upon lawyer was gone. Lin Ke wanted to find a lawyer by himself, but with Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan around, no lawyer would dare to defend Lin Ke. In the end, the police found her a lawyer to support her appearance.

Without the help of a lawyer, and with all the physical evidence, Lin Ke lost the case without any surprise, and under the interference of Xiao Ting's defense lawyer, he was directly sentenced to the maximum penalty for minor injuries.

Sitting on the dock, Lin Ke's face was ashen, and she looked towards the gallery begging for help, but she didn't see the figure she most wanted to see.

Lu Ming didn't come, even after she was arrested for a few days, Lu Ming didn't show up at all!
Lin Ke couldn't figure out what happened to make things turn out like this!Why did An Wei suddenly lose contact and Lu Ming didn't come to see her? What went wrong?
Not only will Lu Ming not come to the court session, even if Lin Ke is locked up, he will not show up.

On the day when Lin Ke's accident happened, Lu Ming was thinking about Qiao Xin's 30.00% of Lu's shares, so he went directly to Qiao Xin's house to find the share transfer letter.

He just searched around for the transfer letter but couldn't find it, instead he found a special folder in Qiao Xin's house, and Lin Ke's name was actually written on the folder.

Out of curiosity, Lu Ming opened the folder, and what caught his eyes was the photo of Lin Ke and the two men behaving intimately.

Suddenly, a rush of blood rushed to Lu Ming's Tianling Cap.

Turning page after page, Lu Ming couldn't control the anger in his heart at all. When he saw an intimate photo of Lin Ke and a man with a big belly, Lu Ming finally couldn't help it, and waved all the decorations on the table. to the ground.

"Lin Ke! Ah!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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