Chapter 222
After the trial, Lin Ke was locked up.

She also tried to contact Lu Ming, but Lu Ming never answered her call.

Such a sudden change made Lin Ke extremely flustered. She was locked up like a deaf and blind person, completely unable to get in touch with outside news.

She even doubted whether Lu Ming would come to her again.

Of course, what Lin Ke didn't know was that Lu Ming would not go to her again. Even if Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan hadn't manipulated Lin Ke to give Lin Ke the highest penalty in this trial, Lu Ming himself would have taken action to impose an additional sentence on Lin Ke.

Not for anything else, just for the sake of loving her for so many years and giving so much, but what she got in return was her betrayal!
Qiao Yi didn't know what happened between Lu Ming and Lin Ke, but she knew that she seemed to be in some serious trouble.

Lu Ming didn't know what stimulated him, but he started to come to her in front of her if he had nothing to do.

He deliberately cooperates with Qiao to let her take over the project, and always asks her out for dinner under the banner of discussing the project, not to mention giving gifts, Qiaoyi can receive gifts from Lu Ming almost every day.

"Lu Ming, is he okay?"

Qiao Yi threw away the flowers sent by Lu Ming again, feeling like swallowing a fly in her heart.

Although she has never had a serious relationship before meeting Lu Yanchuan when she grew up, it doesn't mean that no one has ever pursued her!
She has been a school bully since she was a child, and the person who pursues her is also one of the top talents in other schools. She hasn't seen any pursuit methods in so many years, how could she not see what Lu Ming meant.

It was because she could see Lu Ming's purpose that she was even more confused.

If Lu Ming can't make money to fill the loopholes in his property, how can he show courteousness to her?
Is he full?

Lu Ming's various behaviors were also seen by Lu Yanchuan, but compared to Qiao Yi's doubts and disgust, Lu Yanchuan thought more about it.

It seems that he still treated Lu Ming lightly, otherwise, how could Lu Ming still have such a great effort to show courteousness in front of Qiao Yi!
It wasn't that Lu Ming was full, but he felt repentant after seeing Lin Ke's materials!
He regrets so much now, why did he offend Qiao Yi because of Lin Ke, why did he marry Qiao Xin for Lu's shares, why didn't he marry Qiao Yi according to the old man Lu's arrangement!
If he had married Qiao Yi back then, at least his head would not have turned into a green grassland. With Qiao Yi's importance in the eyes of the Qiao family and his wife, they would definitely give him enough support to help him win the Lu family.

If he had married Qiao Yi back then, Lu Yanchuan would not have married and would not have children. As long as he finds a chance to pull Lu Yanchuan down in the future, then he will be the only heir of the Lu family!

Now seeing that Qiao Xin's whereabouts are unknown, he can't get the shares in Qiao Xin's hands at all. Coupled with the blow from Lu Yanchuan and the disappointment of Mr. Lu, it is estimated that he will become an abandoned heir within a few levels. !
Lu Ming felt regret in his heart, but there is no medicine for regret in the world. The only thing he can do is try to please Qiao Yi again. If Qiao Yi can change his mind and be with him again, that would be great!
From Lu Ming's point of view, the fact that Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan are so close and seem to be in a good relationship is entirely for outsiders to see.

It's just a business marriage, how can there be true feelings!
Qiao Yi chose Lu Yanchuan back then, wasn't it also because Lu Yanchuan was powerful and still held the power of the Lu family!

As long as he can impress Qiao Yi and get her sincerity, he doesn't believe that he can't compare to Lu Yanchuan!
Qiao Yi was very helpless. This helplessness was not only for Lu Ming, but also for Lu Yanchuan.

This man was probably stimulated by Lu Ming, and he even started to imitate Lu Ming and give her gifts.

Today Lu Ming sent a bouquet of flowers, and Lu Yanchuan will send her a bouquet of flowers when he returns home in the evening, and also an incomparably fragrant petal bath.

Today Lu Ming gave her a bracelet, and Lu Yanchuan will give her a set of jewelry when he returns home tonight, and there will also be an extremely eclectic treasure appraisal process.

Lu Ming today
Qiao Yi was very skeptical, did the two of them, uncle and nephew, get together and try to squeeze her dry?

"No! You are not allowed to touch me today! If you continue to be so unrestrained, I will go back to live with my parents!"

Qiao Yi blocked Lu Yanchuan's arm with both hands, and retreated out together with the beautifully wrapped gift box in his hand.

Lu Yanchuan didn't expect Qiao Yi to have such a big reaction, and a smile quietly appeared in his eyes.

Joey in this appearance is really cute.

Qiao Yi blushed and blocked the door from Lu Yanchuan to come in, while Lu Yanchuan leaned on the door frame trying to make Qiao Yi give up resistance, his expression was like a strange sorghum trying to lure a girl.

"I can't help it. The old man wants to hug his grandson too much. As juniors, we have to understand."

Let your mother's asshole go!
When will you, Lu Yanchuan, Mr. Lu, change your mind because of what the old man thinks!

You are clearly a sperm who wants to play hooligans!
Qiao Yi stubbornly blocked the door to prevent him from coming in. Lu Yanchuan had no choice but to stop teasing her. After stuffing the present in his hand, he went to the study to deal with the documents.

With a long sigh of relief, Qiao Yi returned to the bed with the gift bag in his arms, ready to see what Lu Yanchuan brought back today.

In the morning, what Lu Ming gave her was a platinum brooch, which she put in the lucky draw box at Qiao's annual meeting. This is basically the end of the gifts Lu Ming gave before.

Sure enough, what Lu Yanchuan gave was also a brooch, but the workmanship of this brooch is a bit too rough, isn't it?
Qiao Yi was holding that unpretentious brooch, looking left and right, he couldn't see anything special about it.

Suddenly, the brooch was dazzled by the light, and Qiao Yi finally discovered the secret hidden in the brooch.

There are two small but very complicated words on the lower back of the brooch.

Lu, Joe.

Could it be that this thing was made by Lu Yanchuan himself?

Qiao Yi grabbed the brooch and ran to the study room, threw herself into Lu Yanchuan's arms, and held the brooch in both hands before Lu Yanchuan's eyes.

"That's what you did, wasn't it?"

Lu Yanchuan was slightly surprised, but still nodded with a smile.

"I only learned it two days ago. It's not very good-looking. I'll make better ones for you in the future."

"I just like bad-looking ones! I like bad-looking ones the most!"

Baji Baji Several saliva landed on Lu Yanchuan's face.

The documents could not be read, the study suffered disaster, and Qiao Yi was wiped out again.

After getting up the next day, Qiao Yi suddenly felt that he had fallen into some kind of trap. Why did he work so hard all night, but in the end this was the result?

There must be something wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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