Chapter 260
"The reason for calling everyone so late is that there is an announcement to be made."

Joy walked to the long table and clapped her hands, making everyone look at her.

"I decided to split the project department and split the existing personnel into two parts. One part will continue the existing projects without changing the work content, and those who are free from those problematic projects will go to The second part of the project, I am going to give up those old projects that are prone to problems, and start some new industrial directions myself!"

This time, Joey didn't let them show their hands to vote, because this decision wasn't on Joey's whim.

Qiao Yi had discussed with Lu Yanchuan a long time ago that if possible, he would carry out a small reform in his project department.

Qiao's head office is too big. There are more than a dozen project departments like Qiao Yi's. Although they all work in the head office, each project department occupies a separate floor. In fact, it is different from a small branch office. no difference.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, Qiao Yi wanted to try it in his own field to see if he could find a new way out for Qiao.

Over the past few years, Qiao's has developed too fast. In just 20 years, Qiao's has grown from an ordinary small company to a first-line company in Kyoto. Qiao's can almost be said to have developed to the limit.

And after reading the report for the past five years, Qiao Yi discovered an important problem, that is, Qiao's lack of stamina.

Even with the support of the Lu family, even with Qiao Qiao and Qiao Yi, the Qiao family will inevitably stay where they are, and even have a tendency to go downhill.

This is not to say that Qiao's ability is not enough, but that there is a problem with Qiao's industry direction.

Over the past ten years at the beginning of the century, Joe's enjoyed all the real estate bonuses, but with the development of the times, the real estate market has become saturated, and this cake is about to be divided up. If Qiao's doesn't find a new way out, It will soon be eliminated by the times!
Qiao Yi has been thinking about this issue for a long time. Even before she married Lu Yanchuan, she had discussed this topic with Qiao Benqing, but at that time the real estate industry was still making money, and Qiao Benqing didn't listen to it at all.

It's different now, the problem has already appeared, and it's still a serious problem!

"The six projects that have problems today are all projects in the direction of real estate development. There are various problems. What does this prove? This proves that the road of real estate can no longer go on!"

"So, I hope you are all mentally prepared. In the next two months, you may have a very painful headache. The working hours will be extended indefinitely, but the gains may be minimal. If anyone wants to leave now, you can tell me, I will Apply to transfer you to another project department, but if you decide to stay, then you must do what I ask!"

Qiao Yi's determination was very firm, and he left the meeting room after sending out the plan he had prepared to the secretary.

She waited for someone to say goodbye to her.

Not everyone has the perseverance and courage to survive with a broken tail. Not everyone can start from scratch, and Qiao Yi will not ask everyone in the department to follow her.

After all, she can afford to lose, but they can't afford to lose.

Ten minutes later, the first person to knock on the office door appeared.

Qiao Yi looked up, but what she saw was the cute but serious face of the assistant.

"Mr. Qiao, we've made up our minds, and we won't leave!"

"Yes! It was you who selected us into the elite group. Since we were able to start from scratch under pressure at that time, it will be the same now!"

More and more people squeezed in from outside the door, three NO.40 people almost filled the office.

Qiao Yi's heart seemed to be blocked by a piece of cotton, and it was swollen and astringent, which made her feel like she wanted to cry but also wanted to laugh.

"Thank you for your trust in me. With you here, any difficulties will no longer be difficulties!"

"Any difficulty will no longer be a difficulty!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

Qiao Yi's determination to start from scratch is not the usual force to stay, and even directly asks people to abandon all projects that have problems, trying to retain the strength of the project department as much as possible.

There are only three projects left in Qiao Yi's hands, one is cooperation with the Lu family, one is cooperation with the Feng family, and the other is cooperation with the Gu family.

It was all her "back door" contract, which made Qiao Yi very helpless.

In any case, since Joey has decided to start over, he doesn't care how much he has, but how much he can get in the future.

The first one to express support for Qiao Yi was Feng Siyuan who never intervened in the business world.

"My treasure, what big move are you going to make this time? I've heard about it, and it's been rumored outside that you've lost your head and are the number one prodigal son in Kyoto!"

That's right, Qiao Yi's decision to cut off his tail to survive was a big loser. After all, from the outside, for such a large-scale termination this time, Qiao Yi would have to pay tens of millions.

But they didn't know that after Joey dealt with all these projects, not only did he not lose money, but he even made a profit of 1000 million.

After all, not all projects are Qiao's violations. For those projects that violate the regulations and terminate the contract, Qiao Yi will definitely not be soft-hearted. No amount of liquidated damages should be charged.

But there is no need to tell Feng Siyuan these things, she would not understand.

"This time the action is indeed a little big, but I'm about to ask you for help, so I won't tell you, come to my company at two o'clock this afternoon, remember to bring Gu Ting with you, I have something to discuss with you. "

Qiao Yi is very busy now. Those projects can't be handled just by saying they can be dealt with. Many things require her to come forward in person, which is very difficult.

Here, Qiao Yi just hung up Feng Siyuan's phone, and Qiao Qiao pushed the door of the office open.

Qiao Qiao, with a bitter face, almost cried.

"My sister, you are my own sister! Why don't we stay calm and calm? Taking away so many projects at once will have too much impact on the company!"

"I'm not nervous, why are you nervous!"

Qiao Yi was very dissatisfied with Qiao Qiao's weeping attitude. Needless to say, Qiao Qiao's crying face was wiped away with a slap.

"Sister, at least you should send a letter to my younger brother so that I can know something, otherwise it would be too torture."

What Qiao Qiao said just now was pure nonsense. It would be the funniest thing if a huge Qiao's collapsed because of problems with a few projects.

Qiao Yi was so annoyed by Qiao Qiao that he had no choice but to find a plan from the table and threw it to Qiao Qiao, letting him read it by himself.

"Sister, do you think this is feasible? Our family doesn't have anyone working in the entertainment industry, so I don't think it's feasible to just invest in the entertainment industry like this!"

"Remove the word ?, I will do it if I say yes, if you have nothing to do, get out of here, don't embarrass me here!"

(End of this chapter)

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