Chapter 261 The first video

That's right, Qiao Yi's new direction is to use new media from the media for online marketing.

How fast the Internet is developing now, just look at the increasing number of self-media people.

Form a team, operate a self-media, combine the network and real projects, not only can publicize the project, but also keep up with the trend of the times, and pay attention to the trend of the times at any time.

As long as we keep up with the pace of the times, Joe's will never fall behind.

"Sister, I'm not talking about you, isn't your idea a bit too wild?"

Qiao Qiao talked too much again, and ended up being violently kicked out of the office by Qiao Yi.

It's really that this kid is very stingy, which means that Qiao Yi's temper has improved in the past two years. If it was changed to two years ago, Qiao Qiao's answer now should be fists!
Whether it was a fist or a slap, Qiao Yi returned to work after driving away Qiao Qiao.

The decision to revolutionize the company's industrial direction has been spread by those who are interested. Although there are some voices of opposition within Qiao's, but because of her identity and the fact that she has not lost money before, these people still know how to restrain themselves.

But on the outside, Qiao Yi's prodigal son's name has been completely printed out.

No one was optimistic about Qiao Yi's decision, and many people even took the opportunity to add insult to injury and planned to poach some talents from Qiao's.

Fortunately, Qiao Yi had already prepared for these things, so that he would not lose his sense of proportion under the pressure of many parties.

But barely maintaining the status quo is not what she wants at all.

Feng Siyuan arrived at Qiao's Building before noon, and started chattering as soon as he entered the door.

"My good sister, can't we work hard? If you can't do it, you can go home and let the third master of your family take care of you. Isn't it a joke for outsiders to look at you now?"

Like Feng Siyuan's mother, she didn't know how many people she had torn up with outside these two days, just because they made irresponsible remarks about Qiao Yi's decision.

It is enough for a person to have one bosom friend in a lifetime, and Qiao Yi didn't find it annoying at all when he heard Feng Siyuan's nagging.

After Feng Siyuan said he was tired, he slumped on the sofa next to him and asked Qiao Yi why he came here.

"That's it. I'm going to combine my future projects with the hottest new media at the moment, and stop sticking to the old model. Using this method, I'll try to see if I can take a new path."

While talking, Qiao Yi pushed the plan she had prepared to Feng Siyuan.

Although Feng Siyuan never intervenes in family affairs, it does not mean that she knows nothing about business.

After reading Qiao Yi's plan, Feng Siyuan finally realized that Qiao Yi might be playing for real this time.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"I've been thinking about this since I participated in that variety show with you last time."

The last variety show made Qiao Yi a lot of fans. Sometimes when Qiao Yi logged into her social account, she could see hundreds of comments, and even many of her updates were checked in.

These are not the reasons why Joey came up with the idea of ​​taking the self-media road. The main reason is that a fan found her and said that after watching her show, she found that she is very suitable to endorse her products, so I want Joey to help endorse products .

Qiao Yi is not a star in the entertainment circle, but even so, that fan also gave a very exciting price.

Although the cooperation was not negotiated in the end, it shocked Qiao Yi a lot.

She never thought that she could have such a big impact just by participating in a random game.

If her fan base is getting bigger and bigger, will other people come to talk to her about other collaborations in the future?

"It's rare for you to see this so early. The Internet has developed to the bottom of the present, and no one knows who will explode in the next moment. However, although there are many people who use the self-media now, it is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge. Probability, who knows what style will meet the taste of the public."

Just look at the most popular video clips on the Internet now, and you will know that the Internet has really achieved the point where both elegance and vulgarity are appreciated.

"So the specific style needs to be explored by ourselves, but there must always be a plan for things."

Although Qiao Yi is lazy, as long as he makes a decision, he must act on his words.

The purpose of her calling Feng Siyuan and Gu Ting is to let them help as a staff officer.

There are similarities between the entertainment circle and the self-media. With these two professionals, she will be helpful no matter what she does.

Besides, with a young queen like Feng Siyuan around, the basic traffic has been guaranteed.

"Now that you have made a plan, when will your first video be released? On which platform will you release it?"

"Of course it's released simultaneously across all channels. I've already thought about the content of the first video, but I still need your cooperation!"

Looking at the smile on Qiao Yi's face, Feng Siyuan always felt that this girl didn't have any good ideas.

Qiao Yi dismissed this idea as soon as it appeared. Under Gu Ting's puzzled eyes, Qiao Yi dragged Feng Siyuan and took her to the lounge at the back, and began to prepare for her first video shooting.

"Have you heard? The number one prodigal son in Kyoto is ready to take on the project again!"

"I want to see, such a partner who can abandon all projects at any time, who will give her his project!"

"That's not what I said. Didn't you all watch it online? That prodigal son posted a video two days ago, and the number of people watching it has exceeded [-] million!"

Now in the circle of Kyoto, as long as the prodigal son is mentioned, it must be Qiao Yi.

Not everyone has the courage to terminate a contract of hundreds of millions at will.

Of course, putting this courage here is not a boast!

Two days ago, Qiao Yi and Feng Siyuan collaborated to shoot the first video, which was simultaneously released on the three most popular video platforms.

Because of Feng Siyuan's joining, the number of hits exceeded 500 million on the first day of release, and easily exceeded [-] million after two days.

The high number of clicks on the video is not only due to the joining of Feng Siyuan, but many other companies also contributed part of the clicks.

They never thought that the original corporate culture can also be displayed in this way.

It turns out that the technique of making movies can also be applied to short videos!

It turns out that video business is still a desert!
Qiao Yi took the first bite of such a big piece of cake, and the Feng family and the Gu family followed closely behind, promoting their own business with the same style and technique.

Professional photographers, professional video production techniques, and well-made videos immediately compare to other self-made short videos.

"Great! The first video was such a success! Our next videos will definitely be more successful!"

(End of this chapter)

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