Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 108 108. I'm so angry that I want to laugh

Chapter 108 108. I'm so angry that I want to laugh

But Tian Tian didn't dare to ask this sentence, because judging from the tone of the male teacher's speech, he obviously disagreed with giving Chu Muran this index.

Sure enough, in the next second, Tian Tian was greatly shocked by what the male teacher said.

"You also know that the school has an enrollment rate every year, and the school also unilaterally asked Chu Muran about his university intentions. He said that he wanted to go to University A, and with his grades, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be admitted to University A. Any suspense, even the A conference gave Chu Muran an index to submit, Mr. Fang, think about it, if Chu Muran wants to go to A University, then let him go to A University, that’s the index for B University , the school feels that it would be better to leave it to those who need it more.”

Hearing this, Tian Tian was so angry that she wanted to laugh.

More needy?
Why don't they ask Chu Muran, do you want to go to B University?
Just asking people what their intended school is, and never mentioning the fact that B University has a target, isn't that just making excuses for yourself?
How could the school make such a foolish decision?

Chu Muran is No.1!The No.1 who wins glory for the school every year!But the school only thinks about the enrollment rate?Don't they consider the future development of students?

The more Tian Tian thought about it, the more angry she became.

The male teacher saw that Tian Tian's expression became more and more ugly, and he was puzzled, "Teacher Fang, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say it in the last school meeting? Consider giving this index to students ranked 20-50, Chu Muran Just let him go to take the college entrance examination normally, and then fight for the top prize for the school."

The good recommendation is gone, and let others fight for the champion?
The school is doing a good job.
Tian Tian is an eye-opener!

Tian Tian has lost her mind to listen to him anymore, she really wants to rush to the school office to ask for clarification, and give the male teacher in front of her a conscience and humanity education!


Temperament often only makes things worse, so Tian Tian can only suppress the anger in her heart, forcing herself to ask with a smile: "How did you plan that? What do I need to do?"

The male teacher did not doubt Tian Tian. He took out an application form from his briefcase. On the top of the form was written the entry form for the math competition. Name, next to a passport photo with a blue background.

"This is Jiang Wei's registration form. When the time comes, you can use his to hand in instead of Chu Muran's. We learned that Chu Muran didn't come to school these days because his grandfather had an accident. You also know that a very filial child, we will send a few teachers to condolence and visit Chu Muran's grandfather when the time comes, and you will go too, and then you will talk to Chu Muran on the sidelines, because of his recent study The state is not good, and we are also considering various aspects, so let Jiang Wei forget the quota for this math competition."

Leave it to Jiang Wei? ? ?

How do you say this? ? ?
Tian Tian couldn't understand, and was shocked! ! !

She didn't speak, but put the registration form into her bag with a blank face, and then said: "You can let me know about this matter later, but what if he doesn't agree? What if he If you don’t agree, there’s nothing I can do.”

The male teacher had thought of this possibility a long time ago, so he said without any panic: "So I told you about stealing the test papers, if Chu Muran disagrees, you can tell me about it, and then Said that the school now suspects that he is one of the people who provided the answer, but the matter has not been investigated clearly, so based on this situation, the school decided to temporarily disqualify him from the competition and let the place out.

At that time, if you really encounter a situation where he disagrees, you can just say so, and there is no big problem. "

Tian Tian twitched the corner of her mouth, nodded with a sneer: "Got it."

Then, he walked straight to the seat where he was originally sitting, opened the host speech in the phone, and prepared to take another look.

But not long after she sat down, she heard a familiar voice of thanks coming from Xiao He's direction.

"Thank you, teacher."

The boy's unique cold and clear voice, coupled with the stern face with a slight smile, and his elegant demeanor make people unable to move their eyes away. Although Tian Tian has watched it countless times, she will still be attracted by his appearance. gaze.

The boy was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He was polite and shining, with cold eyes and a domineering aura.

Chu Muran?
Why is he here?

Teacher Xiao He didn't realize that Tian Tian behind him had returned, and took the brush in his hand to gently sweep Chu Muran's face. , Tian Tian can also hear it.

"Student Chu Muran, thank you for going back to school to give a speech even though you are so busy."

Chu Muran's cloudy eyebrows and eyes were revealed, and he said lightly: "I can't shirk the teacher's repeated requests. There are only a hundred days before the college entrance examination. At such an important time, the school has given me a heavy responsibility. Naturally, I can't do it again and again." Repeatedly refused."

It is also rare for Teacher Xiao He to see such a handsome boy, and he couldn't help feeling: "But student Chu Muran is really handsome, just like a star on TV. The key is that you are so good-looking and your grades are so good. Well, it seems that this year's No. [-] pick must be you."

Chu Muran pursed his lips, the emotion on his face was a little fuzzy, "Thank you teacher for your compliment."

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Chu Muran raised his head and looked at the female teacher who was staring at him motionless not far away.

Tian Tian was watching intently, but unexpectedly, Chu Muran suddenly looked over in a daze.

Subconsciously, she quickly averted her eyes and turned her attention to the host speech on the phone.

Then he pretended to say: "Respected leaders, guests, colleagues, and dear students, good morning everyone."

Chu Muran's gaze made Teacher Xiao He look behind her with some doubts, and when she saw Tian Tian, ​​she hurriedly shouted: "Oh, Teacher Fang Hui, I found you, where did you go just now?" I want to make up for you, but I haven't found you so far, so I'll make up for classmate Chu Muran first, you'd better sit by my side, and I won't be able to find you again in a while!"

Tian Tian smiled awkwardly, shook the mobile phone in her hand and said, "I just found a quiet corner to practice hosting, don't worry if it's okay, I'll just wait here, you hurry up and give Chu Mu Let’s put on makeup, classmate, I’m not in a hurry! I’ll just wait, anyway, it’s only an hour before we start, so there’s still time!”

(End of this chapter)

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