Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 109 109. At that moment, both of them seemed to understand something

Chapter 109 109. At that moment, both of them seemed to understand something

After Xiao He nodded at Tian Tiandian, he began to sweep Chu Muran's face intently.

The makeup of the boys doesn't need to be too heavy, or even not, but after all, today is to face the high-definition camera of the news, and what Chu Muran is showing is their image, so the secretary feels that it is necessary to dress up a little bit.

But look left and right, in addition to sweeping dust on the face
Teacher Xiao He really didn't know how to transform it.
This handsome face full of seriousness, with dark pupils and a high nose bridge, is simply [When a boy in fresh clothes and angry horse]!
Teacher Xiao He, who held up the brush and put it down again, sighed, and in the end he just straightened Chu Muran's hair a little, and said angrily, "It's alright, classmate Chu Muran, you don't need to worry about your looks at all." adjusting"

Chu Muran pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you teacher."

Then he bowed politely and walked towards the backstage.

But after only one or two steps, he suddenly turned around.

Staring straight at Tian Tian not far away, she seemed to be observing something.

"Mr. Fang Hui, please sit down. I'll help you change your makeup. The makeup on your face may look a little mature now. Just change your lipstick." Teacher Xiao He rubbed the neck that was a little sore, enthusiastic He greeted Tian Tian on the side to sit in front of him.

Tian Tian touched her side face in embarrassment, and then said: "It's really hard work for you, Teacher Xiao He."

When Tian Tian wakes up in the morning, she imitates Fang Hui's own makeup style. Fang Hui is actually not very old, but she always likes to make herself very old-fashioned. Maybe she wants to use this to establish prestige in the hearts of the students. ?

After all, it belongs to the teaching office, and it is usually responsible for students' violations of discipline.

After saying hello to Teacher Xiao He, Tian Tian sensitively noticed that someone seemed to be staring at her.
She didn't think much, just looked over subconsciously.

When she saw a pair of dark and calm pupils again, Tian Tian's heart tightened, and she looked away without thinking.

At the same time, she recalled the confession that the two of them agreed on yesterday. It seemed that she didn't need to hide anything.
So she mustered up the courage to look over again.

When the four eyes met, the boy not far away suddenly smiled, the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, and the handsome eyebrows and eyes stretched out relaxedly, like a continuous mountain peak hiding in the mist, the tranquility and beauty made people feel Can't look away.

At that moment, both of them seemed to understand something.

Without any words, but very tacitly staggered each other's sight, to focus on what they have to do at this moment.

Teacher Xiao He just found a few lipsticks in his makeup bag, and when he looked up again, why did Teacher Fang Hui smile so brightly?
She asked a little puzzled: "Mr. Fang Hui, why are you smiling so brightly? Did you think of something happy?"

Tian Tiandian nodded: "Well, that's it."

Teacher Xiao He pointed to a few lipsticks in his hands and asked, "See if there are any colors you like in here. I think these colors should be quite suitable for you. You are the host. You can get Beautiful."

Tian Tian is actually not familiar with these cosmetics, she looked left and right, and finally chose one at random: "That's it, thank you, Teacher Xiao He."

"it's okay no problem."

At this time, Tian Tian noticed that Teacher Xiao He seemed to have a plaster on his neck, and there seemed to be some on his arm.

Do you often feel sore when you teach something?
Tian Tian thought of dancing subconsciously.

Feeling uncertain in her heart, Tian Tian could only pretend to ask with concern: "Mr. He, I see if you put this plaster on, is it useful? I also have a very uncomfortable neck when I write materials recently, but I don't know. What kind of plaster is easy to use, please recommend some to me."

When Teacher Xiao He heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became helpless.

"It's not like you don't know that those of us who teach dancing often suffer major and minor injuries. Where can there be any useful plasters? It's just for psychological comfort."

Definitely taught dance.
There was a meaningful smile on Tian Tian's mouth, and then she said: "I heard that Zeng Yiyi, a senior in high school, is going to represent the school in a dance competition? Such an outstanding kid will definitely win an award. Let me know in advance Let me know, I’m good at writing materials.”

"You also know about this? Hey, Zeng Yiyi is very good. Our teachers also agreed that she is the most suitable candidate. However, I still feel a little sad in my heart."

Teacher Xiao He continued sadly: "It would be great if those things didn't happen to Yang Yu's child. Her talent is much stronger than that of Zeng Yiyi. If Yang Yu participated in the competition this time, the first prize It's steady."

Tian Tian was surprised: "Is it so powerful? That kid?"

Teacher Xiao He sighed regretfully: "Yes, that child should be born to dance. Her figure, flexibility, and sense of strength are really too strong. She is naturally talented, but she is even better than others. Work hard and love dancing, such a good seedling, suddenly such a big thing happened, it's a pity for us teachers."

It should refer to the misfortune of Yang Yu's family.

In fact, Tian Tian roughly understood what happened by insinuating.

At first, Tian Tian thought it was just a coincidence, but after what happened that night, Tian Tian suddenly wondered if someone did it intentionally.

Just from the fact that Zeng Yiyi and Yang Yu took their young brother to the amusement park, Tian Tian felt weird.

Although in Yang Yu's view, Zeng Yiyi is her good friend, but the facts prove that sometimes it is your closest friend who hurts you, so that day Zeng Yiyi proposed to go to the amusement park to play, is there something to do? other things?

Thinking of this, Tian Tian joked: "It's a pity, Zeng Yiyi and Yang Yu seem to be very good friends?"

"Yes. But it's really strange to say it." Teacher Xiao He suddenly frowned slightly, and recalled: "The two people said they were good friends, but not long after Yang Yu's accident, she suddenly came to dance Room trouble, still holding Zeng Yiyi to death, almost started a fight, if it wasn't for a group of us pulling it aside, what would have happened?"

"Oh, I heard about it."

Originally, Tian Tian wanted to say subconsciously, what else?

But it's about to start a fight, and it's probably going to be quite a big fight. As a teacher in the Teaching Office, I shouldn't be unaware of it.

(End of this chapter)

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