Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 129 129. How Did You Come?

Chapter 129 129. How Did You Come?

Tian Tian deliberately found a shady place, and helped Yang Yu to sit down on the steps of the grandstand on one side.

She was still a little sleepy at first, but after finally meeting Yang Yu, she decided to put the matter of sleeping aside.

Yang Yu was obviously a little cramped in front of Tian Tian, ​​she raised her head from time to time to take a sneak peek, and when she saw Tian Tian's delicate and small face again, her expression was full of loneliness.

Tian Tian took out a bag of biscuits from her bag and handed it to Yang Yu, "Eat some biscuits."

Tian Tian couldn't understand how poor Yang Yu's appetite was. She was very hungry and wanted to eat, but when the food came to her mouth, she couldn't help but put down the chopsticks in her hand, and even ate something greasy. Things are nauseating.

So whenever others looked at her strangely, or ridiculed her figure, most of the time Yang Yu felt wronged.

She doesn't eat much, it's just because she's sick.
Why can't this world give her some tolerance and kindness.

Yang Yu lowered her head, silently took the biscuit Tian Tian handed over, and said politely, "Thank you, teacher."

Yang Yu didn't open the biscuit to start eating, but just sat on the steps holding the biscuit and silently did not speak.

Looking at the appearance of the girl beside her, Tian Tian's eyes were full of distress and pity.

She started actively looking for topics, trying to communicate with Yang Yu, "Student, what's your name? Can you tell the teacher?"

Yang Yu nodded slowly, her voice was still as thin as a mosquito: "My name is Yang Yu."

"Yang Yu." Tian Tian repeated it, then said with a smile: "Then I know who you are, I seem to know you."

Listening to Tian Tian's cheerful communication, Yang Yu straightened up nervously.

know her?
How did you know her? It must be because of the scandals before.
Yang Yu curled her fingers, clutching at her school uniform desperately, not daring to give Tian Tian any response, she was afraid that Tian Tian would ask her about the past when she opened her mouth, she didn't want to answer, she didn't even want to recall, she didn't want to admit her past It is so beautiful and happy.

A life like a bubble is better than one that never came.

Just when she was thinking about the worst direction, Tian Tian smiled beside her with bright starry eyes, and her smart eyes seemed to be able to speak, which made her want to look more.

"I heard that you are very good. Although you have been an art student before, but after coming to the cultural class, your grades are no worse than them. I admire you very much for this! So I know you, and I have a special impression of you Good! Although today is our official first meeting, I feel that you must be a kind, lovely and serious girl."

"Me?" Yang Yu seemed in disbelief that someone would describe himself like that.


Maybe it's because they haven't had in-depth contact with her that they think of her that way. Everyone, whether they are classmates or teachers, will not like her after a long time of contact with her. They all think that she is a plague god.

Yang Yu lowered her head desolately, and shook her head lightly, "Thank you, teacher, but I'm not that kind of person, so I might disappoint you."

The former Yang Yu still couldn't understand why some people would choose to give up so easily after being hit.

When things happened to her, she realized that some pains were simply unbearable to the human body. Sometimes she really wanted to go to heaven to find her parents and younger brother, but everyone around her was saying , "You have to live bravely for your family."

But to survive, these three words are really too difficult.

She has had enough of life's boring and full of holes, and she can't see the beauty and light of the future.

"How could it be?" Tian Tian hugged Yang Yu's shoulder again, and she comforted softly: "Yang Yu, you just hid your true self. You have experienced a lot in such a beautiful time now. People can't understand the ups and downs, but we will all come out slowly, because you will find that your nostalgia for the world once belonged to you, but now, your nostalgia for the world belongs to all you miss Humans, you can slowly learn to use your own eyes to see the beauty of the future with them."

The lunch break passed quickly, and Tian Tian didn't want to waste Yang Yu's time, so she followed her to the classroom for a while, and when they reached the Academic Affairs Office, the two parted ways.

Yang Yu turned her head and looked at Tian Tian who trotted into the office, her eyes were full of envy.

Even in the past, she was not so confident.

All her arrogance and desolation in the past were all pretended, she just didn't want to be looked down upon by others, she didn't want to be made fun of, she didn't want to be friends with people she didn't like, she hated all hypocrisy.

But now she has no choice.

No hypocrite is willing to smile at her, let alone someone he likes?

Yang Yu thought that after she got up yesterday morning, she received a WeChat from Shen Sang. She didn't know why she had Shen Sang's WeChat again. She remembered that she had deleted him and she didn't have the courage to click on the chat box between the two of them. , or even deliberately close your eyes to delete the dialog box
She has brought misfortune to too many people, family, friends, Shen Sang
She doesn't want to touch them anymore.

She's fine on her own.

But at this moment, Yang Yu suddenly felt someone pat on the shoulder, and then, the whole person fell into a familiar yet unfamiliar embrace.
A warm breath spewed on the neck, Yang Yu subconsciously tightened his neck, and wanted to break free a little uncomfortable.

But the sudden whisper disturbed all her thoughts.

"Yang Yu, why are you ignoring me again?"

The boy's voice sounded pitiful, with a bit of nasal sound, like a little beast that was abandoned by people.

Yang Yu looked over subconsciously, her heartbeat suddenly became chaotic, and she said in disbelief, "Shen Chensang?"

The ends of Shen Sang's eyes were dyed a little crimson, with a touch of red and those watery black pupils, focused and deep eyes, Yang Yu almost melted into it
"Chen Sang? Why are you here?"

No, don't we meet again?No, don't you care about her anymore?
Yang Yu thought about the hurtful words she said that night, every word and every word was to keep Shen Sang away from her, since then, she and Shen Sang haven't seen each other for three months.

In the past three months, she has become more and more decadent and desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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