Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 130 130. It's not here to settle accounts

Chapter 130 130. It's not here to settle accounts
Shen Sang approached suddenly without warning, she could only tense up, her feet seemed to be rooted, and she couldn't move a step.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed as long as a century, Yang Yu felt his legs were a little weak, and then he heard the boy approaching his ear, and said softly: "I'm going to turn around. I'm going through the formalities."

turn around?
What do you mean?
Yang Yu's heart tightened subconsciously, "You mean you want to study in No. [-] Middle School?"

Shen Sang nodded, "Yes."

"But" Yang Yu choked, she originally wanted to say: What did you transfer to No. [-] Middle School for?

But thinking about it from another angle, what right does she have to ask such a question?They might not even be friends.

Yang Yu's hesitation to speak was like a key to unlock her heart. Shen Sang let go of Yang Yu's hand, rubbed her soft black hair, and said in a firm tone: "Yang Yu, I want to Going to school with you, it's that simple."

"Go to school with me. But didn't we agree that day, we won't see each other in the future, and we won't be friends anymore."

Shen Sang smiled disapprovingly, "Yang Yu, you said it was you, but I didn't agree."

Yang Yu was stunned, she thought about it carefully, she seemed to be the only one who said some ugly words hoarsely that night, Shen Sang seemed to be a normal person the whole time, listening to her vent quietly, staring at her intently. she.

Seeing Yang Yu staring at him in a daze, Shen Sang's mood also improved a lot.

He sent a message to Yang Yu yesterday morning, but Yang Yu didn't reply to him for more than a day. He stared at the chat box of the two of them all the time, but he didn't even see the words [the other party is typing], left Wait, wait, it's better to come and find it yourself.

Any emotions disappeared the moment I saw her.

"Why didn't you reply to my message?"

"Wechat?" Yang Yu didn't dare to look up at Shen Sang's expression.

"Well, I sent you a message, but you haven't replied to me for a day, I can't wait."

Shen Sang's gaze was still as scorching as ever, and his voice was as deep and hoarse as ever. It seemed that no matter when and where, he looked at him boldly, without hiding his thoughts.

Yang Yu used to think that she might be with Shen Sang forever;
But the current Yang Yu no longer expects things or people that don't belong to him.

Shen Sang does not belong to her;
Shen Sang should not belong to her either.

"I just accidentally forgot sorry."

Yang Yu still didn't dare to say it, she deleted the dialog with him, and didn't even have time to see what he sent.

She still couldn't be cruel to him, and she couldn't be cruel to herself either.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I see you now, as for WeChat, you can reply or not, just don't delete my friends, okay?"

Yang Yu nodded and said softly: "Understood, I won't delete you in the future."

Yang Yu has an impulsive style of doing things, no matter what she does, she won't think about the consequences.

After ruthlessly deleting Shen Sang that day, Yang Yu regretted it.

No matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find Shen Sang's contact information. He seemed to have disappeared from her life, and was permanently removed by her. She thought that she would be fine, and wouldn't be as sad as he was in the TV series. But unexpectedly, she still cried hoarsely for several days.

She had a little luck, whether Shen Sang would come to her.

But three months later, Shen Sang really disappeared.

When she was bullied, humiliated, satirized, and targeted, no one stood up to support her anymore.

Looking at the time, Yang Yu gently pushed Shen Sang, "The time is almost up, I have to go back to the classroom. You should go back quickly."

After finishing speaking, Yang Yu lowered his head and trotted towards the classroom.

But before she ran one meter, Shen Sang came to her side again, and even grabbed her wrist
"Chen Sang? What are you doing?"

"Together." Shen Sang said concisely.

"Together?" Yang Yu didn't realize it, and couldn't break free from Shen Sang, so he could only let him hold her hand, and walked towards the classroom together, but as they walked, Yang Yu felt something was wrong again, she He asked anxiously: "Shen Sang, have you transferred to our class yet? Haven't you completed the formalities yet?"

"Well, I'm in the same class as you. As for the formalities, it's just that the formalities haven't been completed. Anyway, I'm already a student in No. [-] Middle School." After speaking, he took out his school badge and student ID card from his pocket, On it is Shen Sang, the words of City A No. [-] Middle School.

"Then why don't you wear a school uniform?"

Shen Sang looked down at her casual attire, and said indifferently: "I don't like to wear it, I don't want to wear it."

Although I don't know how Shen Sang was able to transfer to another school in the last three months of his senior year, Yang Yu was still worried for Shen Sang. After all, his style of behavior was simply challenging the bottom line of No. [-] middle school management.
Many words of concern and worry came to his lips, but he swallowed them back.

Yang Yu hesitated to speak for a while, but finally said nothing.

It wasn't until the two arrived at the door of the classroom one after the other that Yang Yu couldn't help but suggested: "Shen Sang, let's enter the classroom one after the other. You go in first, and I will go in later."


"It's not good to go in together," Yang Yu hesitated.

"What do you think about so much, why don't you let me make friends?"

Before Yang Yu could react, Shen Sang pushed Yang Yu into the classroom.

Normally, Yang Yu would consciously enter the classroom through the back door. After all, it would be more convenient for him to go to the back door, but Shen Sang just pushed Yang Yu in from the front door. The classroom has already been prepared, and there is a high probability that the teacher who comes in from the main entrance at this time will be the teacher who came to the classroom in advance.

So as soon as they heard someone open the door and come in, the whole class subconsciously looked over together.

It turned out to be Yang Yu and an unusually handsome boy!

The whole class stared straight at the two of them, especially seeing the unfamiliar Shen Sang, which made all the girls in the class linger and give them all the glances.

"Shen Sang?"

Others don't know each other, but it's impossible for Xiao Jia who is sitting in the last row not to know Shen Sang!
Her face turned pale, and she subconsciously thought, Shen Sang is here to settle accounts, right?

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and the teacher didn't come, Xiao Jia quickly took out her newly bought mobile phone and sent a message to Pan Shan.

"Pan Shan! Shen Sang is in our class now! What should we do! Is he coming to settle accounts with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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