Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 141 141. Why is there no hot water

Chapter 141 141. Why is there no hot water

Soon, there was the sound of dripping water from the shower in the bathroom.

Tian Tian didn't think about it anymore, but turned around and went into the room to tidy up, and brought out a set of pillows and quilts for herself.

"Ding dong."

When passing by the small coffee table, Chu Muran's cell phone rang.Tian Tian was folding the quilt calmly, subconsciously glanced at the past - it was a reminder that there was a new mail in the mailbox.

After all, it's someone else's phone, so it's not easy for Tian Tian to stare at it all the time.

I only know that it is a string of English.

Her English is pretty good, and she doesn't have any difficulty reading the original English, but she didn't pay much attention when she glanced at it just now, so she just caught a glimpse of a few familiar words.

What tie Q, Mister Chu...

After the quilt was folded, Chu Muran was almost done washing. He came out of the bathroom wearing a large pajamas, and covered his wet hair with drops of water with a soft pink towel.

Water drops flowed down his cheeks, passed through his Adam's apple, and finally flowed into the collar of his pajamas...

Tian Tian's hands were busy here and there on the sofa, but her eyes couldn't stop glancing at Chu Muran who was exuding a faint bath fragrance, looking at his fair skin, looking at his clear pupils...

He rubbed his hair with a towel, and said in a soft voice:

"Teacher, I've finished washing."

Tian Tian slapped herself, and silently recited the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra": form is emptiness, emptiness is form...

After stabilizing her mind, she said with a calm expression: "Mmm... Okay, classmate Chu Muran... If you're sleepy, you can go to sleep in the room, the hair dryer is on the balcony, you can wipe it off a bit, and then dry your hair. "

This sentence is what her friend's mother said to her when she stayed at a friend's house when she was in high school. Mature people always have a very tall image in front of their children. duty of care.


She is Chu Muran's elder and his teacher!

The future is the future, and the most important thing for her now is to let Chu Muran get out of the trauma of the loss of his relatives, return to the right track of his own life, and embrace a splendid and brilliant life!
"Okay." Chu Muran walked towards the balcony in the direction Tian Tian pointed, picked up the hair dryer, plugged it in, and started blowing his wet hair.

His well-behaved appearance is not at all different from when he was a child, and he is still sensible, which makes people feel distressed. Tian Tian is very pleased to see that the child who was once held in his arms is now so outstanding.

Then, she took the clothes she had prepared and walked into the bathroom.


As the shower head kept spraying water, Tian Tian could only hide in a corner and shiver...

She kept testing the temperature of the water with trembling fingers, and the water had been placed for several minutes.

Why is there no hot water yet!
Waiting impatiently, Tian Tian turned off the faucet angrily, and was about to go out to see if she had turned off the hot water faucet, when she suddenly remembered that Chu Muran was at home...

Looking at her [new clothes], Tian Tian hurriedly dug out the change of clothes she just threw in from the washing machine on one side, put them on resignedly, and then walked out.

Chu Muran dried his hair, and was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. The moment he saw Tian Tian coming out, his expression flickered, and he subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

Tian Tian didn't return, but trotted to the kitchen, and found that the hot water faucet was really turned off by herself!Old-fashioned houses use gas to boil water and cook vegetables. Because I lived with my grandfather since I was a child, I have heard many cases, including various gas poisoning and gas murder...

So Tian Tian was afraid of gas since she was a child.

After becoming Fang Hui, except for taking a bath, she will turn off the gas and turn it on when needed, but today is different. After bringing Chu Muran back, she was so flustered that she forgot such an important thing. up!

After turning on the hot water faucet, she hurried to the living room, looked at Chu Muran who was drying her hair and sitting on the sofa, and said apologetically, "Chu Muran, there was no hot water when you took a shower, why didn't you Tell me, it's still cold now, what should you do if you catch a cold?
In this way, don't sleep yet, I will make you a cup of cold granules later, and you can drink it before going to sleep. "

Chu Muran rubbed his fluffy hair, and responded obediently.

He looked at Tian Tian's busy figure boiling water and soaking medicine in the kitchen, the longing in his eyes slowly turned into paranoid greed, he seemed to be unable to see enough, just staring at her figure, the loneliness and pain in his heart can be filled and alleviated.

He has nothing left,
He didn't want to lose her again.

Soon, Tian Tian came out with the prepared medicine. Because it was prepared in boiling water, she put down the cup and blew on her fingers.

"Don't drink it now, wait until it's brighter."

Fearing that Chu Muran would be bored, Tian Tian took the initiative to turn on the TV in the living room and tuned to the latest variety show, "I'm going to take a shower. If you're bored, just watch TV or play with your phone."


Seeing Chu Muran's obedient and obedient appearance, Tian Tian walked into the bathroom again in relief and peace of mind.

The moment Tian Tian's figure disappeared from sight, Chu Muran's eyes slowly turned cold. He opened the email message he just sent on his phone, and quickly skimmed the content on it.

If Tian Tian took a few more glances just now,

It is not difficult to find that the sender of the email is from the Admissions Department of University B.

Quanying's email was not a difficult task for Chu Muran, but when he saw the last line of the email, his dark eyes sank into the darkness, and he edited the letter without hesitation.

[No, thanks.]

no thank you.

After sending this email, Chu Muran set his phone to Do Not Disturb mode, then threw it on the sofa beside him, and looked in the direction of the bathroom with heavy eyes.

After about 10 minutes, Tian Tian walked out slowly.

Since Chu Muran was here, she deliberately chose the largest set of pajamas in Fang Hui's closet. Not to mention the conservative style, she almost put on a scarf and sat on the kang to warm up.

Chu Muran looked at Tian Tian, ​​who was tightly wrapped, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Teacher, aren't you hot?"

Whether it is cold or hot in March is not considered hot.

But in the past few days, every day is full of sun, and the only remaining chill in winter is slowly melting away in the sunny sky.

Tian Tian wiped the wet hair on her head with a towel, suppressed her guilty conscience and said loudly: "It's not hot! It's very cold at home at night, so I'll wear more to avoid catching a cold. It's easiest when the seasons change like this. I have a cold!"

Chu Muran smiled, looking at Tian Tian's wet waist-length hair, and casually said, "Teacher, hurry up and dry your hair, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed."

(End of this chapter)

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