Chapter 142.

Tian Tian, ​​who was blowing her hair on the balcony, listened to the noisy machine sound in her ears, and from time to time flashed the appearance of Chu Muran who had a smile in her eyes just now.

The boy's voice is low and mellow, gentle and pleasant.

It was obviously a pair of smiling eyes, but the sadness that was so thick that it couldn't be melted could be clearly seen in the eyes.


With a sigh, Tian Tian put away the hair dryer and put it in the cabinet, then turned around and went back to the living room, where the variety show was still playing on the TV, and the amused sound of guests roaring with laughter came from time to time.

Chu Muran watched with all his attention, but remained indifferent.

After realizing that Tian Tian was approaching, his eyes loosened a little. He stared at her for a long time before slowly saying: "Teacher, it's getting late, go to bed early."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muran turned off the TV, and the lively living room suddenly became quiet, so quiet that the heartbeat between the two could be heard.

Tian Tian bit her lower lip, looked at the figure of the boy entering the room, and couldn't help but said with concern: "Chu Muran, you can use whatever is in the room... Treat it as your own home."

The boy smiled, "Thank you."

Tian Tian actually wanted to say some comforting words, but she also felt that by doing so, she was undoubtedly exposing his scars. She could only swallow the words straight to her mouth several times, but in the end, she was full of words. A helpless sigh remained.

"Do you need me to close the door for you?"

Tian Tian thought, maybe Chu Muran needs to be alone for a while, needs a space that only belongs to him, no one interferes with him, he can vent his emotions to his heart's content, or think about what else he can do now ...

In the room with the lights turned off, all that is left is the bright corner of the living room.

Tian Tian didn't hear Chu Muran's answer, thinking that he had acquiesced, and prepared to help him close the door of the room on her own, but at this moment, she suddenly heard the boy's hoarse and tired voice coming from the darkness of the room. from:
"Don't close the door teacher...

I don't want to be alone. "

The young man's voice was hoarse and soft, completely different from the cold and indifferent in front of others, Tian Tian couldn't help but burst into tears, her nose was sore, the tears were like broken pearls, falling drop by drop down.

She was afraid that Chu Muran would notice something was wrong with her, so she could only suppress the trembling of her voice, and quickly replied softly, "Okay."

Then he turned and turned off the light in the living room, took advantage of the moonlight outside the window to walk to the sofa, and slowly got into the blanket.

She wiped away the tears from her face, recalling every detail of Chu Muran's actions that day.

He was obviously sad, but he still faced everyone with a smile; because he was afraid of being alone, and afraid of going back to the home where he was alone, he asked her if she would take him in for a night; obviously the water was so bitingly cold, But he kept silent, as if there was nothing colder than his heart in this world.

The more she got to know Chu Muran, the more Tian Tian felt distressed.

She used to not understand why Chu Muran would give up her life so resolutely, but since she walked into his world, she realized that Chu Muran's world is dark.

Even if there are lights in the middle, but every time he reaches a new intersection, the lights that appear will become a little darker, until finally, his world will return to dead silence again.

why is this...

Could God really not be fair to him?
With these unwilling cries, Tian Tian had a splitting headache. She almost thought that there was something wrong with her body, why her head hurt so much, but after a while, the symptoms of headache gradually subsided, and soon she was exhausted. He fell asleep deeply.

the next day,
Around seven o'clock in the morning,
Tian Tian was woken up by the alarm clock she set last night...

She opened her eyes in a daze, picked up the phone and looked at the time display on it, [7:05], right below the time was the time memo she wrote to herself yesterday.

[Nine o'clock in the morning, competition. ]
Seeing this line of words, Tian Tian woke up instantly, sat up from the sofa in a "teng", then put on her slippers, and hurriedly ran to her room to call Chu Muran to get up.

"Chu Muran, wake up, you are going to participate in the preliminary round of the math competition today, don't forget!"

Although the school said it was nine o'clock, Tian Tian was most afraid of being late, so no matter what she did, as long as the time was set, she would definitely arrive about 15 minutes earlier.

Tian Tian yelled several times, and Chu Muran reluctantly moved under the blanket.

But moving back to moving, sleeping or continuing to sleep...

"Chu Muran, wake up, I'm late." Tian Tian yelled several more times, but Chu Muran didn't bother to move right now, and even hid her head under the quilt.

Seeing this, Tian Tian shook her head helplessly, "I'll prepare breakfast first, and then I'll sleep for you for 15 minutes. You must wake up after I finish making breakfast later."

Chu Muran didn't know if he heard it clearly, but he let out a lazy and sleepy nasal sound under the quilt:



Tian Tian couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "The bedridden ghost!"

Although Tian Tian is in a hurry here, she has nothing to do. She looked at Chu Muran who wrapped herself like a rice dumpling, and wanted to wake him up but didn't know how to do it. In the end, she could only leave the room depressed. Go to the kitchen, turn on the gas and prepare breakfast.

How come I like to stay in bed when I grow up...

Weren't you very diligent when you were young?
After finishing a simple breakfast, Chu Muran came out of the room sleepily, and walked towards the bathroom while shaking his head, his slightly squinted eyes were dull, and there was even an hour left. Obviously not getting enough sleep.

"After washing up, I'll come out to have breakfast. You have to go to the preliminary competition later, so don't waste time."

Tian Tian finished the sandwiches she made for breakfast in two or three mouthfuls, and was about to change her clothes and put on makeup when she received an urgent notice from Director Yang on WeChat.

"Fang Hui, today the teacher in charge of the competition suddenly had some health problems, so you will take the students to participate in the competition these few days, and I will send you the competition process and so on later, you can use it now Take a good look at it when you have time, and make sure to take good care of the students!"

Half of the people would die speechless after receiving this kind of notification.

But to Tian Tian, ​​this news is simply a pie in the sky!
Doesn't this mean that she can go with Chu Muran!
After finishing breakfast, Tian Tian was about to discuss with Chu Muran who should leave first, when suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Teacher Fang Hui, I'll give the young master something."

(End of this chapter)

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