Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 210 210. Why does it look familiar?

Chapter 210 210. Why does it look familiar?

Perhaps because of ignorance, Tian Tian seldom went to this kind of theatrical performances, but seeing Yang Yu dancing on the stage, she felt for the first time that it turned out that doing what she loved was so brilliant eye-catching.

She was very fortunate that Yang Yu was not overwhelmed by setbacks and sufferings,
She is like a rose that has experienced wind and rain, and has also been bent down by reality. She is patient and tenacious, and will definitely welcome the rainbow and sunshine after the rain.

The story of the dance is equally moving,

Tian Tian didn't understand it at first, but she got stuck in it after watching it.

Yang Yu plays a girl who lives in the desert. She has never seen the appearance of rain. Her people died one by one due to hunger and thirst. During the journey, the girl went through many hardships, but she never gave up. In the end, God saw her sincerity and sprinkled sweet rain in the desert.

Perhaps, the deep meaning contained in the stage is also the attitude towards life that Yang Yu wants to express.

At the end of the dance, she came to the stage to express her thanks with tears in her eyes.

But Tian Tian found that Yang Yu's gaze was always fixed on a certain direction off the stage. She followed her gaze and saw a man in a black shirt clapping in Yang Yu's direction from a corner. He looked at Yang Yu persistently and affectionately, feeling proud and proud of his girl.

Tian Tian showed a gratified smile, and couldn't help feeling the love of others.


She felt her head sink,
A pair of hands is domineeringly holding her cheek and turning to the side——

There was heat in her ears, and a scorching breath was spraying on the most sensitive part behind her ears, and she heard a low, nasal voice: "What are you looking at, so focused?"

His voice was hoarse, as if he was trying his best to suppress the jealousy churning in his body.

Tian Tian trembled, and inadvertently looked at Chu Muran's dark eyes, with an unpredictable smile and a bottomless chill.

She tugged at Chu Muran's cuff, and explained in a low voice: "I just thought of the fact that Yang Yu and Shen Sang have been together for so many years... I was a little emotional."

Chu Muran glanced at Shen Sang's direction without any trace, and then at Tian Tian's pupils with a faint water color.

In those clear eyes, there was only him.

His coldness dissipated a bit, and his deep voice gradually relaxed: "From now on, don't look at other men."


Tian Tian complied obediently,
But she couldn't help complaining in her heart: She only looked at it for a few seconds, and from such a long distance, she didn't even have time to see what Shen Sang looks like now...

Men's jealousy is terrible.



Due to the renovation of the old community, Tian Tian's house had no water supply for 10 hours. In desperation, Tian Tian had no choice but to follow Chu Muran to his house.

Chu Muran lives near the company, and the surroundings are quiet and quiet, which is very suitable for his personality that does not like to contact people.

Chu Muran's room is almost exactly the same as Tian Tian imagined, with a minimalist style, without any extra decorations, the whole room is spacious and bright, just like the model house in the sales introduction when viewing the house, very beautiful and yearning, but there are a few things missing Divide the fireworks.

In the past, Tian Tian would often see Chu Muran walking around alone,

Never thought that one day I would stand by his side.

After washing up, Tian Tian was thinking about where she would sleep when she found an old iron box in Chu Muran's bedroom with bumps and holes on it. It looked very old.

Her sixth sense is always accurate,

This box should have a different meaning to Chu Muran.

Why does it look familiar?

 Sorry everyone~
  The subject has a special identity. I accidentally wrote a wrong number when filling in the information, which led to being checked

  Running around with him during this time is helpless, sad and funny...

  But it's settled

(End of this chapter)

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