Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 211 211. Grandpa is Here

Chapter 211 211. Grandpa is Here

The box was not locked, and the slightly rusty clasp was only lightly placed on it, without the tight seams it had when it was intact.

Tian Tian moved towards the box while wiping her hair.

She swears that she has absolutely no intention of prying into other people's secrets...

She just simply felt that she might have some wonderful connection with this box, and this connection drove her curiosity to amplify little by little, until she stretched out her hand and gently opened the slightly worn-out iron box .

The clear and crisp opening sound made her tremble uncontrollably.

And the objects inside made her eyes moist in an instant.

The box is not big, and there are not many things inside. There are two pieces in total.

One was a white cloth, crumpled but clean;

The other one is a big white rabbit toffee, the yellowed wrapping paper wraps the cloying sweet taste, and also wraps Tian Tian's touched heart.

When she saw Chu Muran for the first time, she didn't have any suitable clothes for him, so she could only put Liu Neng's cleanest and smallest undershirt on him, and that dress was washed and washed, and worn again and again. , but it is Chu Muran's most precious thing.

When she met him, he was naked and embarrassed;

It was she who ignited the first light in his life,
It was also she who gave him the first hope in his life.

Thinking of this, there was a sound of approaching footsteps behind him, Tian Tian quickly sniffed, and subconsciously closed the iron box.

When Chu Muran walked into the room, he saw Tian Tian with red eyes that looked like a bunny, and his big watery eyes were like a sparkling lake.

He approached with a smile: "What's wrong? Are your eyes red?"

Tian Tian shook her head, looked at the man who was wiping his head with a towel, and thought of what she accidentally discovered just now...

Suddenly I feel that I really like the person in front of me.

She couldn't help getting closer to him, stretched out her arms and hugged his waist, and pressed her face tightly against his chest, feeling his body temperature and his strong heartbeat.

She muttered in a low voice: "The sugar has expired... and I still keep it..."

Chu Muran was startled slightly,
From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the unlocked iron box on the table, and suddenly understood something.

He put the towel aside, hugged the person in his arms tighter, rubbed the woman's hairy head with his broad palm, and said with emotion:
"Everything you give me is very important. Their shelf life in my heart is permanent, and they will never expire."

Chu Muran's deep and magnetic voice rang in Tian Tian's ears, like a feather gently brushing against her body, she couldn't help shrinking back into Chu Muran's arms.

Her cheeks were flushed red, and her red lips were also slightly muttering, extremely alluring.

Chu Muran's heart moved, and he slowly approached——

[Drip, drop, drop]
The mobile phone suddenly interrupted the deep affection between the two at an untimely moment.

Tian Tian was taken aback, and hurried to the bedside table to pick up her mobile phone.

After sorting out her emotions, Tian Tian took a deep breath, and quickly connected her grandpa's call.

"Hey, Grandpa, what's the matter?"

When he opened his mouth, his voice was still a little hoarse.

Tian Liguo didn't hear anything unusual. There seemed to be a bit of noise on his side, like the sound of a car engine, and the sound of hawking in the market.

"Oh sweet granddaughter, are you at home?"

"Yes, yes!"

Does Tian Tian dare to say that she is not here?
The mood that had just been relaxed, hadn't calmed down yet, but it couldn't be calmed down by Grandpa's next sentence——

"That's fine, grandpa will come to see you tomorrow, and take a look at your Uncle Lin Ying by the way."


Tian Tian gasped, subconsciously exclaimed: "What???"

(End of this chapter)

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