Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 212 212. What's the matter!

Chapter 212 212. What's the matter!

This exclamation made Tian Liguo a little confused.

What's the situation?

Go see your baby granddaughter by yourself, such a big reaction from your baby granddaughter?
"Why, grandpa still can't see you!"

"...Of course not..." Tian Tian scratched her head in embarrassment, glanced at Chu Muran beside her, and replied in embarrassment: "Then when will you arrive tomorrow, Grandpa, I'll pick you up..."

Tian Liguo's thick voice came very penetratingly: "No, it's not that the old man can't move anymore, so he asked you to pick me up? It's rare that you don't go to work on weekends, so you can just rest at home. Don't let grandpa worry about you, you know Yet?"

After graduating from university, Tian Tian quickly found a job she wanted, and Tian Liguo felt that it was almost the same. It was time for her to work hard in society alone after raising her so much, so she decided to return to her hometown to provide for the elderly.

This matter is also a point of gratitude and guilt in Tian Tian's heart.

She has never felt the warmth of her parents since she was a child, and she has always been accompanied by her grandparents when she grew up. In fact, when she grew up, she felt very happy and happy, but she often felt lonely and lonely.

Grandpa never said that he was old.
But both their grandparents knew very well in their hearts,
—she sooner or later learns and becomes acquainted with how one lives.

After hanging up the phone, Tian Tian continued to charge her phone. The tender affection she had with Chu Muran just now had almost dissipated. At this moment, her mind was filled with even more thoughts about meeting her grandfather tomorrow.

"Grandpa doesn't come to see me very often. I want to take time to take him to the hospital for a physical examination this time, but I'm worried that he won't agree. You don't know my grandpa. He has such a stubborn temper that he can't be pulled."

The idea of ​​the elderly for physical examination is very simple:
- not to go.

The older a person is, the more he fears death;
It is hard to understand why when I was young, I was able to say [I am not afraid of death] without fear;
But if you delve deeper into their thoughts, you will find that they are not really afraid of death. What they are afraid of is, what will my children do after they leave, will they miss me, will they need me, but I never Can't show up either.

Chu Muran nodded: "I'll just arrange this matter."

"Are you here to arrange?"

Tian Tian couldn't hide her sorrow while lying on the big soft bed, and said sullenly: "Mr. Chu, money ability is useless to my grandpa, you should give up on it."

Tian Tian's words amused Chu Muran,

While continuing to wipe the broken hair with water droplets hanging, he said with a smile: "Mr. Xie has invested in a batch of high-tech medical equipment, and I will use it as an employee test. How about you take grandpa there?"

Mrs. Xie has entered the medical industry?
Tian Tian's mouth closed even tighter, and she suddenly had a real feeling of [being married to a rich man]. She didn't feel it before, but now the more she thinks about it, the more she feels...

Good money!

Of course, this is second!
The most important thing is that Chu Muran's idea is quite feasible.

After everything came back to reality, this is the first time that Tian Tian is about to see her real grandpa. She once wished that every scene of her life would have a figure of grandpa, but when her dream came true, she unexpectedly A little bit of timidity was born.

No sleep for one night.

The next day, when Tian Liguo opened the door of his house and saw Tian Tian's two huge dark circles when he looked up, he almost didn't recognize that it was his precious granddaughter.

"Tiantian granddaughter, why don't you and grandpa go back to your hometown to grow vegetables, we don't want to stay in this big city! Isn't it just a broken company, how can you torture my old man's precious granddaughter like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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