Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 213 213. Call Your Little Boyfriend Over

Chapter 213 213. Call Your Little Boyfriend Over
"It's not what you think, Grandpa. The company treats me very well, and I didn't suffer from overtime work. I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Didn't sleep well?"

Tian Liguo was taken aback, "No, you have been sleeping well since childhood. Do you remember that when we were young, there was a fire at Uncle Wang's house next door, and it almost burned down our house. Your grandma and I were choked to death. You just slept and You look like a dead pig! How could you not sleep well!"



Tian Tian scratched her head in embarrassment. She did have a little impression of this incident. When she woke up naturally, the fire at Uncle Wang's house next door was also extinguished, the police also came, and the evidence collection was over.

Grandpa speaks very straightforwardly and always has something to say.

Thinking of the countermeasures discussed with Chu Muran yesterday, Tian Tian quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, Grandpa, our company has invested in a batch of medical equipment, and tomorrow I have to do a staff test to see if there is any problem with the machine. The company said that you can bring your family members with you, so why don't you go with me?"

When Tian Liguo heard it,
medical equipment?

In an instant, his face darkened: "I won't go! Just go by yourself!"

He is such an old man, what is there to test!

It is the top priority for young people to think more about health issues!

Tian Tian knew that Grandpa would refuse, so she quickly said: "Don't worry, Grandpa, he is not doing inspections, we are just going to test the machine internally, besides, this is also my job, Grandpa, please support me."

Tian Liguo turned his head away from Tian Tian, ​​and waved his hands uncompromisingly:
"I'm not going!"



But the next day, when Tian Liguo stood at the gate of the hospital invested by the Xie Group, he sighed deeply.

Forget it,

What is there to argue with your own family members!

Just spend more time with your precious granddaughter and talk to her more.

At this moment, Tian Tian is extremely grateful to Chu Muran!
For many years, he has been persuading grandpa to have a physical examination, but grandpa insists that he is old and healthy and in good health, and he even went back to his hometown to farm in the countryside for fear of dragging her down.

"Grandpa! Come on, stand here!"

Tian Tian excitedly led her grandfather to carry out one project after another. In order for her grandfather to cooperate actively, she also did each one herself. Anyway, those who haven't had a physical examination this year are treated as benefits from the company.

Accompanied by many employees, Chu Muran was inspecting the machine, but unexpectedly, he ran into Tian Tian head-on.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time staggered their eyes in a tacit understanding.

After staggering the parting, Chu Muran looked at the two figures that disappeared around the corner, and suddenly waved his hand and told the people around him:
"You take a few experts to continue the inspection. If you have any problems, just communicate with the experts directly, and you don't need to ask for my opinion."

Chu Muran originally wanted to find a reason to be with Tian Tian, ​​but Tian Tian didn't agree with anything last night, as if he was afraid that his grandfather would know the relationship between him and her.

This feeling of trying to conceal the relationship between the two made him very uncomfortable.

But what can he do?
My girlfriend can only pamper herself.

And at this moment, where the laboratory test sheet is printed.

Tian Tian was anxiously waiting for her grandpa's report. Just now the doctor said a lot of professional words, but she couldn't quite understand her. She only knew that grandpa's heart seemed to be a little sick.

As soon as she got the report, Tian Tian took Tian Liguo straight to the doctor's office.

The doctor glanced at the report and the printed film, adjusted his glasses, and said softly:
"Don't worry, you will have some minor problems when you get older. The old man's body is still very healthy in general. He will go to get the medicine later, and he will go home and take care of himself for a while."

Tian Tian listened to the doctor's orders wholeheartedly.

I finally felt relieved, at least my grandfather was in good health and there was nothing serious about it.

For basic diseases, the elderly will have some more or less.

But just to be on the safe side, Tian Tian asked again: "Grandpa, do you usually have any minor ailments, that is, the cause is not clear, you can talk to the doctor to see if it can be prevented in advance."

Tian Liguo didn't want to say anything more, after all, he knew his body best.

But seeing the anxious and worried look of his precious granddaughter, he seemed to have taken a lot of light. Instead of hiding it, he might as well cooperate with the doctor honestly.

He sighed, and said slowly: "I have always had coronary heart disease, but since I returned to my hometown, I have been suffering from it all the time. I don't know if it is getting worse or what is going on."

The doctor moved his eyes, took out a pen and paper and recorded:

"Old man, tell me some symptoms of the disease, the more detailed the better."

Tian Liguo said: "I'm sweating all over my body, my heart is beating very fast, and occasionally I have a little pain in the back of my neck. I don't know if these symptoms are related. Anyway, as long as I eat a little more at noon, I will vomit, but every time after three or five Just a few minutes, and I didn't take it seriously."

When Tian Tian heard this, she quickly grabbed Tian Liguo's hand and said anxiously:

"Grandpa, these things... why don't you tell me!"

Although Tian Tian can understand the old man's thoughts, but the most junior, the most fearful thing is that the old man is thinking about the future generations, thus hiding his physical condition, and when he really finds out, he can only be powerless.

Tian Liguo waved his hands, and there were several wrinkles on his face: "What do you say, a small problem, just a heart attack."

The doctor looked at Tian Liguo's report card and film again, and indeed found nothing wrong.


Not knowing what came to mind, the doctor suddenly asked: "Apart from vomiting, are there any other reactions, such as choking on the throat when eating and drinking, or whether there is any abnormality in defecation."

Tian Liguo thought for a while, and replied: "It's easy to choke on drinking water, but I've been like this for more than ten years, and it's the same whether I drink slowly or quickly."

The doctor suddenly raised his head: "More than ten years? Urinating and defecating, did you have any incontinence when you got sick?"


Tian Tian stared at Tian Liguo's silent appearance, and seemed to have an answer in her heart.

She was startled, and only heard the doctor say very seriously: "I can't say what the specific disease is, but it has nothing to do with coronary heart disease. In this case, I will immediately arrange an angiography for the old man."

Tian Tian could only nod in a daze for the professional terminology, she knew nothing about medical knowledge.

He didn't even know anything about his grandfather's body.

— This made her more sad and guilty than anything else.

After the so-called radiography was done, Tian Tian's heartbeat was still beating like a drum, but there was still no improvement.

All she could think of was the serious expression of the doctor who hesitated to speak just now.

As if waiting to announce something.

At Tian Liguo's age, he is already open to this kind of illness.

He didn't care what happened to his body, he just worried that his granddaughter would be sad because of him.

He glanced at the corner not far away, and said very plainly: "Call your little boyfriend over, grandpa, let's see how it goes."

(End of this chapter)

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