Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 26 26. Why did I go to another chapter? ? ?

Chapter 26 26. Why did I go back again? ? ?

Tian Tian never thought that she would be a savior.

But she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Ying to die so early. It was all because of her arrival that triggered a series of butterfly effects, just like what she said to Liu Ma, everyone has to do it for themselves Therefore, if everything she changed was against God's will, then she should bear all the consequences.

Tian Tian couldn't feel any pain when her consciousness was lost.

She fell to the ground in a daze, watching the blood gushing out from her chest. Lin Ying rushed over and clutched her wound desperately, but she couldn't stop it, the blood was still flowing.

Slowly, she began to feel the severe pain in her chest, which almost crushed her consciousness.

She looked at Chu Muran who ran over like crazy, with a thin body, staggering and kneeling beside her, wailing loudly, ignoring the obstruction of the people around her, and kept yelling at her.

Tian Tian tried her best to keep her eyes open, trying not to close them.

Even if this is just the last trace of stubbornness of moths to the flame.

She still wants to run to her light...

Suddenly, she seemed to hear his painful cry:

"Why did you lie to me! Didn't you agree that you would never leave me?! You liar!"

The sound of the child whimpering made Tian Tian's eyes moist, she knew that she might never be able to do what she promised Chu Muran.

But she didn't regret it, and she didn't regret it either.

"I did not lie to you."

Breathing out the four words in a sultry voice, she really tried her best... and fixed the last gleam of light in her life on the big palms that were holding Chu Muran tightly.

She greedily hoped that Chu Muran could feel her sincerity.

Even if she can't hear any sound.

Even if there is only darkness in front of her eyes...

If death feels like this, then I seem to be a little closer to you. I have experienced the tranquility before dying, and the indulgence like a prehistoric wilderness, but in the end it is like a butterfly turning into nothingness, like a flash in the pan. From then on, There will be no separation between life and death in the world.

Am I going to see you?

Chu Muran.



The train to Huangquan Station seemed to be delayed, Tian Tian saw a ray of light shining down in the emptiness, like the sunshine breaking through the haze, bringing hope of life.

Gradually, she felt that her body seemed to regain its sense of reality.

Some are familiar and some are strange.

She slowly opened her heavy eyelids, but the dazzling light outside the window made her close them again, her delicate brows were slightly frowned, as if she hadn't realized where she was at this moment.

"Tian Tian? Are you finally willing to wake up?"

A helpless voice sounded from the side, accompanied by the sound of plastic bags rubbing against each other, and the tempting aroma of food, Tian Tian struggled to open her eyes again, and looked at the person next to the bed.

Slightly stunned, Tian Tian subconsciously wanted to say something.

But his throat was so dry that his throat seemed to be blocked.

Can't utter a word.

After a long time of effort, she just called out softly: "Shanshan..."

Ye Shanshan is her best friend, a girlfriend who can talk about everything, but as far as liking Chu Muran is concerned, Ye Shanshan doesn't know at all, Tian Tian has hidden her little secret all these years It's very good, after all, for her, falling in love with Chu Muran is destined to be a fruitless love.


Didn't she become Liu Neng?
How did I see Shanshan again...

Ye Shanshan didn't notice the doubt in Tian Tian's eyes, she pointed to the breakfast on the table, then got up with the bag beside her and said, "You really mean it, Mr. Chu and we just can't beat it People together, although it is a pity that such a proud son of heaven has fallen, you don't have to cry yourself out, right? Fortunately, you woke up this morning... I have already used your mobile phone to ask your leader for leave , remember to eat breakfast later, I have to go to work so I can't be with you, bye~"

(End of this chapter)

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