Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 27 27. My dream turned out to be real

Chapter 27 27. My dream turned out to be real
Looking at the steaming buns and soy milk on the table, Tian Tian forced a smile and said, "Okay, thank you Shanshan."

Ye Shanshan said: "You can cultivate with peace of mind, and I will accompany you later."


After Ye Shanshan left, Tian Tian leaned on the hospital bed feeling lost, bored, not wanting to do anything, she picked up her phone and checked the time, 4.28
It was the second day of Chu Muran's funeral.

In other words, he really just fell asleep?
But why is that dream so real? ? ?

Even the appearance of Chu Muran holding her hand and sobbing seemed to be close in front of his eyes, and the pain from the gunshot wound on his chest seemed to still have an aftertaste.

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

Tian Tian looked over subconsciously——

Lin Ying?

Tian Tian opened her mouth in surprise. Shouldn't Lin Ying have died when she was in primary school?Grandpa also took her to Lin Ying's memorial service and told her a lot about Lin Ying's deeds.
Seeing the disbelief in Tian Tian's eyes, Lin Ying walked to the hospital bed with some doubts, put the fruit in his hand on the head of the bed with concern, and said, "Why do you have such an expression? Because uncle was too busy a while ago and kept I didn't come to see you, so I'm so surprised that I came here suddenly today?"

Tian Tian opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to say the words rolling on her lips.

In her memory, some new fragments sprang out suddenly, constantly integrating into new ones.

It seems to be a little different from before.

Her current memory is that Lin Ying didn't sacrifice herself for her mission when she was in elementary school, but the tragedy of her grandfather still happened. After her grandfather died in an accident in her high school, Lin Ying, as her grandfather's close friend, has always been responsible for her family Help her when she needs it the most.

Thinking of this, Tian Tian suddenly got a little excited to the point that her scalp tingled.
Becoming Liu Neng is a dream.
But it is a real dream.

Because she became Liu Neng, Liu's mother, who was only caught when she was in elementary school, was arrested by the police in advance by mistake, which indirectly avoided Lin Ying's tragedy.

In other words, she saved Lin Ying in a disguised form.

Why couldn't Chu Muran's life be saved?
Tian Tian looked at Lin Ying in a trance, thought for a while and said, "Uncle Lin, thank you for coming to see me, I just woke up, and I haven't reacted for a while."

Lin Ying raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes, which had been weathered by the years, were still as bright as ever.

"You're welcome, we're all family."

After a pause, he continued: "When you came to work in Xiao Chu's company, my uncle specially asked him to take care of you, but I didn't expect that he would give up his life so easily, you said, There is something in this world that cannot be said properly, and it has to end in this way. Hey."

Tian Tian's hand holding the railing of the hospital bed turned slightly white, she lowered her eyes and said, "Yes. What is it?"

Because of Liu Ma's matter, it's not surprising that Lin Ying and Chu Muran knew each other.

In her impression, there seemed to be no information about Liu Neng at all.

Could it be that Liu Neng was shot and died because of her soul wear?
This is not what she wanted to see. She originally thought it was just that she was too sad, so God created a beautiful illusion for her, allowing her to truly know and understand Chu Muran's past. She never thought of using someone else's death in exchange for the lives of others.

Just as she was about to sort out her language like Lin Ying and inquire about it, Tian Tian heard Lin Ying suddenly mentioned regretfully: "At Xiao Chu's funeral yesterday, I happened to meet an old friend who had acted together before, and he said that he was investigating the cause of death. When I saw Xiao Chu carrying a piece of rag with me, I immediately recognized that the rag belonged to an old friend of mine named Liu Neng. It would have such a big impact.”

Rag Liu Neng
Hearing these words, Tian Tian hurriedly asked: "Then Liu Neng, did you come to see Chu Mu, President Chu yesterday?"

Lin Ying frowned, a trace of reminiscence and unconcealable guilt suddenly appeared on his face, he said softly: "It's a pity to talk about this, and I am also very guilty. Back then, Liu Neng was shot because he saved me and fell into He fell into a deep coma, and although he was rescued later, he couldn’t remember what happened during that time, and insisted that he was a butcher selling pork.”

In other words, Liu Neng was not dead back then!

Tian Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

When she lost consciousness, she thought she was dead.

Now it seems that it is just a sign that she is going to return to reality. Fortunately, she is fine, otherwise her conscience will be condemned for the rest of her life.

It's just that Chu Muran must be very sad when facing Liu Neng who is not her. Even if he didn't die, he couldn't fulfill the agreement between the two of them.
"Dong dong dong" the door was knocked again.

A cold male voice said at the door: "Dad, Tian Tian, ​​are you inside?"

"Yes, you can come in directly."

Lin Ying smiled, and said to Tian Tian: "I asked Qingzhou to buy some small wontons that you like."

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Ying's son Lin Qingzhou walked in with a bowl of small wontons.

Before time travel changed Lin Ying's life, after Lin Ying's death, Lin Ying's wife took Lin Qingzhou, who was also in elementary school, back to her hometown in the north, so Tian Tian had no contact with him, or even met him.

But now memory.
Because the two are about the same age and have a good relationship, they often studied in the same school or even the same class when they were young. Lin Qingzhou inherited Lin Ying's appearance, even if he doesn't speak or express, he gives people a handsome and handsome look. It feels like, coupled with the practice of Sanda since childhood, Lin Qingzhou has been the number one school bully since elementary school.


Lin Qingzhou put the small wontons on the table beside him, just in time to see that the breakfast that Ye Shanshan bought before was still motionless, and now it was almost cold.

He said lightly, "Why didn't you eat anything?"

Tian Tian glanced at him quickly, scratched her head and said, "I just woke up and have no appetite."

Lin Qingzhou glanced at Tian Tian, ​​who was weak on the hospital bed, and suddenly sneered and said viciously: "Your boss is dead, you can cry until you faint, I have convinced you, and I have never heard you talk about him. Why do you care so much now?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Tian Tian said angrily: "He is not only the boss who pays me to support me, but also a role model for me to work hard. How can I not feel sad when he has an accident!"

Tian Tian rolled her eyes silently in her heart.

She is really going to be pissed off!
If it weren't for being weak now, she would have to go up and fight Lin Qingzhou!
Looking at Tian Tian's petite puffer fish-like face, the boy's pretty eyebrows and eyes were bent, and he stepped forward to stroke her little furry head, and said softly to her dotingly:

"Come work here, I'll support you, isn't it good?"

(End of this chapter)

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