Chapter 59.
Tian Tian opened her mouth, she wanted to say something, but the words rolling on her lips couldn't be said.
Back then, Chu Muran was still so young.
At this moment, Tian Tian's heart is only distressed.

She wanted to hug Chu Muran, but she was not Liu Neng, so she couldn't give him the broadest sense of security, but she still wanted to pass on her strength to him.

She stepped forward, stood beside Chu Muran, and comforted her: "Chu Muran, don't think so, why should you follow her wishes? Everyone is raised by mother and father. There is only one chance in a personal life, we can live the life we ​​want, we are still young, but one day we will grow up, we will leave our current home, and have a brand new home built by ourselves.

Chu Muran, do you have a wish to come true? "


Chu Muran turned his head sideways, looked at Tian Tian with a serious face, and shook his head: "No, I have no ideals or wishes."


Looking at Chu Muran who is so desireless, Tian Tian said with some distress: "Is there anything you really want?"

Chu Muran thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Tian Tian, ​​looking very seriously.

That kind of eyes seemed to be aggressive, and Tian Tian missed the meeting of eyes a little uncomfortably.

Just when he was about to ask him why he looked at him like this, Chu Muran's voice suddenly came from the front.


It's easy to handle!
Tian Tian put the little awkwardness just behind her back, and then hurriedly said to Chu Muran: "It's a good thing for people to have desires, otherwise wouldn't our lives be boring? Since you have what you want and get what you want Things, that's easy to handle, let's study hard first, after studying hard and becoming a boss, you can have everything you want!"

In fact, Tian Tian had already said these words last time.

It's all the same principle, and it never changes.

But she was afraid that the seeds of depression had been hidden in Chu Muran's heart now, and she wanted to extinguish all the unhappiness in his heart, so that the seeds of hope would grow in his heart, even if there was only one plant, it would still be hope. .

Seeing that Chu Muran was still silent, Tian Tian simply took his hand and brought him to the place where they watched the stars together last time.

"Do you know the story of Pandora's Box?"

"I've heard of it, but I don't know the specifics."

"Roughly speaking, it is a magical Pandora's box, which contains scourges, plagues and other terrible things. Later, a greedy person opened it and accidentally released these terrible things. With much pain, the one who opened the box didn't realize, and when he closed it in a panic, didn't see that there was still hope in the box."

After Tian Tian finished speaking, she raised a smile.

She looked at the starry sky and continued: "Chu Muran, everyone will have very painful things, but we will also have very happy and happy moments. For these hard-won beauty, we must take good care of ourselves." Just work hard.

Isn't it often said in TV dramas that evil can never defeat justice. "

"is it?"

Chu Muran doesn't know what evil is, and he doesn't know what justice is, every time he does whatever he wants.

If it wasn't for her back then, he might have stayed like that for the rest of his life.

She is his justice.

Can he bring the same justice to her?
Tian Tian smiled and nodded: "Of course, Chu Muran, you believe in me, I will definitely help you, what belongs to you will always be yours, we are all people who live in the sun, why should Shall we let the haze drive us away?"

This familiar sentence brought Chu Muran back to his childhood.

She also said the same, and then just hugged him. At that moment, it seemed that there was a kind of power that made him not give up on himself during that time.

Chu Muran smiled, as warmly as usual.

He said softly: "I will always believe in you, and believe that you will take me out."

When I got home, sure enough
What greeted Tian Tian was another "swearing" from Aunt Xu.

Tian Tian stuck out her tongue and ran upstairs in a hurry. The second aunt behind her was furious. If it weren't for her old waist and old legs, she couldn't do it anymore. She had to chase after this little girl. The son beat ten streets violently!

"I told you to come back early! Where did you go to play wild again! Ah! You don't go out for a walk in the future, I think it's good to just walk around the door of the house! Worry-free stinky girl!"

After finishing speaking, the second aunt seemed to be still angry, she took off her slippers and was about to give Tian Tian a bite.

But looking at the pitiful face of her little niece, Second Aunt Xu's heart softened instantly, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "Forget it, you little girl will leave me to marry sooner or later anyway." People, I can't control you, hey."

Tian Tian saw that her second aunt was feeling emotional again, and quickly stepped forward to rub her hairy little head obediently: "Second aunt, what are you talking about, after getting married, I want to be with you too!"

The second aunt glanced over: "Then come home so late next time?"

Tian Tian quickly shook her head: "Absolutely not! Be sure to go home early! Hee hee!"

The second aunt snorted angrily, then threw a bag to Tian Tian, ​​and said to her: "I saw a skirt when I went shopping in the market a few days ago. I thought it was very suitable for you, so I bought it. It will be summer." It’s perfect to wear during summer vacation.”

Tian Tian opened the bag, and there was a particularly beautiful floral dress lying inside.

She took out the skirt in surprise, gestured on her body, and kept asking Second Aunt Xu: "Second Aunt, look quickly, do I look good?"

Aunt Xu was amused by Tian Tian's clever appearance, and nodded repeatedly: "It looks good."

The moment Tian Tian saw the skirt, she actually felt a little sad.

The second aunt has not bought a new dress for herself for many years. Every time she goes back to her hometown, she takes some old clothes, or her mother’s leftover clothes. Clothes, my second aunt always asked if there were any holes in the old clothes and they could still be worn.

But every time the object of buying clothes is Xu Anran, the second aunt has never been stingy.

She sincerely regards Xu Anran as her daughter.

Even if the blood relationship is not the closest, their hearts are connected.

Tian Tian unconsciously thought of her grandpa and grandma. Her parents also passed away very early. After going to school, her grandma's health has been poor. Grandpa has always been a mother and a father to raise her up.

The warmest feeling in the world is the unbroken blood relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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