Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 60 60. Can you laugh at this?

Chapter 60 60. Can you laugh at this?
Before going to bed at night, Tian Tian recalled some things that happened during this period.

Always feel uneasy.

Shaking her head, Tian Tian tried her best to get her thoughts back on track. She thought carefully about the conversation between Liu Shu and Zhang Gao. One point was crucial, that is, how would Liu Shu raise all the 500 million yuan.

First of all, she couldn't ask Chu Feng directly, because it would definitely arouse Chu Feng's suspicion; secondly, she herself didn't have so much money, so judging from her tone, the difference should not be a little bit.

Although she now has the recording, it can be regarded as evidence, but she is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If Liu Shu categorically denies that this is a fake, there is nothing she can do as a little girl.

Therefore, it is necessary to think of a perfect plan, so that Liu Shu's true face can be completely exposed in front of everyone.

Because of the overwork on Saturday, Tian Tian basically spent the whole day on the bed at home on Sunday. If the second aunt hadn't been urging her to study downstairs, Tian Tian would be welded to the bed, and she would like to be a A piece of trash, lying on the bed in a bad state, not going anywhere.

Monday's school day is coming soon, Tian Tian carries her small schoolbag as usual to go to Chu Muran's car at the intersection of the small road, as soon as she gets in, Tian Tian sees Chu Xiuwen sitting in the co-pilot, His expression was stinky, as if someone had offended him.

Tian Tian looked at Chu Muran, who was silent beside her, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with this man? Did he step on Xiang Xiang when he went out this morning?"

Chu Xiuwen's ears were basically used to hear Tian Tian's voice, but he didn't expect to hear such a sentence.

He frowned instantly, turned around and said viciously: "Xu Anran! What are you talking about!"

Tian Tian was so frightened that she hurriedly avoided Chu Xiuwen's sight.

Her voice just now was already low enough that Chu Xiuwen could still hear it!
It's hard to whisper!
Tian Tian glanced at Chu Xiuwen's ear depressedly, and instantly understood.

She subconsciously complained: "Chu Xiuwen, you are very good with protruding ears. Big ears are like your distant relatives. They look so similar."

"You hum."

Chu Xiuwen's breath was held in his chest, and he couldn't hold his fist anymore.
But he still endured it in the end. His lord has a lot, and he doesn't have the same knowledge as this woman!
Originally, I wanted to ask Chu Muran why Chu Xiuwen came to rub his car again today, but now that he is fine, he dare not say anything.
Tian Tian sneaked a glance at Chu Muran beside her.

He found that he was shaking the phone at himself.

Tian Tian's eyes lit up, hehe!

Quickly took out his small mobile phone, logged into QQ, and started chatting with Chu Muran.

[An Ran: Chu Muran!Why did Chu Xiuwen come to rub the car again today! ]
[Chu Muran: I don't know. ]
[An Ran: This brat.]
After arriving at school, because Chu Xiuwen, Tian Tian, ​​and Chu Muran were not in the same class, they finally had to leave separately. Because she was afraid that the teacher in charge would see her, Tian Tian didn't dare to get too close to Chu Muran, for fear of being careless. What was misunderstood again.

The last class on Monday morning is a physical education class once a week in the second grade. In order to synchronize the learning of all students and flexibly arrange the teachers' time, the physical education class of 200 students in the second grade is held together. Yes, and only one teacher.

I don't know if the homeroom teacher said something to the physical education teacher. After the practice, the physical education teacher kept staring at Tian Tian and Chu Muran. As long as the two of them walked a little closer, the physical education teacher would immediately call the boys to the physical education room to move. thing.

It's really evil.

However, because the physical performance of Class [-] is quite good, Class [-] is the first get out of class to be dismissed each time.

In the morning, the second grade announced the results of the midterm exam, and posted the department rankings, and the top 50 could be on the list.

There was basically no such person in the last 150.

The top three can also have shiny headshots and a motto of 13, looking like a star, embarrassing and funny.

"Straight A student!"

Just as Tian Tian was wandering aimlessly around the campus, a familiar excited shout suddenly came from behind her.

Tian Tian turned her head and felt a little embarrassed when she saw the person coming.
She laughed and said, "Yang Zhengrong, it's you hahahahaha."

Yang Zhengrong trotted over, his face was full of joy, and he said to Tian Tian: "Xueba, I saw you in physical education class and wanted to say hello to you, but I haven't finished class yet, I'm sorry , I finally found you, I haven't thanked you enough for this exam! Let me treat you to milk tea!"

When Tian Tian heard this, she quickly waved her hands and said, "It's no need for you to pass the exam. So happy."

She was 190, and this Yang Zhengrong didn't copy the biology and composition, and copied the rest from her, which should be about the same as her.
Thinking of this, Tian Tian felt a little guilty in her heart.

People don't leave names for good deeds, but she "does all bad things" and leaves a famous name.

Yang Zhengrong scratched his head, smiling innocently, very much like Xiong Er in Haunted Bear.

"No. 50 in the class, grade 199, hehe. I heard the teacher said that the 200th place is because I was caught cheating and got zero points, otherwise I would be 200, hehe."


That's how you can laugh?
So you are as happy as if you passed the No.1 exam?
Just like this, you still invite me to drink milk tea?
Tian Tian's instant "Pain Mask"

She raised her voice with great doubts: "Yang Zhengrong, you said last time that your biology is pretty good, how much is your biology?"

Yang Zhengrong looked up unconsciously, his face was full of seriousness, as if he was recalling his scores in various subjects.

After thinking for a second or two, he touched the back of his neck shyly, and said falteringly: "It seems to be 9 points."

"Pfft—" Tian Tian couldn't hold back.

No, my brother, 9 points? ? ?
9 points You were so confident that I copied yours?

If I choose C for all the multiple-choice questions, I won’t get 9 points, right?

But looking at Yang Zhengrong's friendly and innocent face, Tian Tian really couldn't bear to complain about him, such a simple big boy is rare.

But, Tian Tian's mouth is still a little itchy.

She thought for a while and suggested: "No matter what, your ranking can be regarded as inheriting my mantle. Let me ask you something. Do you know your class Chu Xiuwen? Are you familiar with him?"

Yang Zhengrong shook his head: "I know each other, I don't know each other well, I've said a total of two sentences, and every time I borrow some paper to go to the bathroom."

Tian Tian: There is no need to go into such details.

Tian Tian helped her forehead, and continued: "I suggest you, communicate more with Chu Xiuwen at ordinary times, you two should complement each other, and move towards the pinnacle of life together!"

 The background of Wenwen is purely empty, referring to our great motherland, but some plots are too "idealized", which is slightly inconsistent with the basic national conditions of our great socialist country~
  Sorry everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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