Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 67 67. You speak, I listen.

Chapter 67 67. You speak, I listen.

But because of Chu Muran's mother, Chu Muran has always resisted his grandfather.

But in fact, for so many years, Brother Zhang has always been watching. If Chu Muran really didn't like Grandpa, he would not have accepted him as his exclusive driver. Chu Muran knew very well that this is Grandpa. The only way to watch him grow up.

"I know, when this matter is over, I will find time to see my grandfather."

Just like "she" said, why don't you care about those who love you very much?

Brother Zhang almost burst into tears when he heard it.

For many years, the young master never took the initiative to bring up his grandfather. Except for the driver, as long as the rest was given to him by his grandfather, he would not accept it. It was as if he completely isolated this character from himself. same in life.

at last
Brother Zhang said excitedly in his heart: Maybe we don't need to wait for the next time. When the master knew about this, he had already left for City A.
Mr. Xie is dispatched, fearing that there will be another bloodbath.

Time ticked by quickly, and Chu Muran didn't ask Brother Zhang to drive the car into the range of the villa, but parked it in a nearby place with a wide view, so that he could observe the coming and going cars and the people.


Chu Feng's car came not far away and drove into the villa.

This made Chu Muran realize that something was wrong. Chu Feng seldom comes back for dinner. He specially asked Brother Zhang to check Chu Feng's schedule for today. He should be so busy that he has no time to come back for dinner.
Could it be that Liu Shu called back?

What does she want to do?
Chu Muran looked at the time on his phone, and it was exactly 15 minutes later, it was time to eat, after thinking about it, Chu Muran still picked up his schoolbag and said to Brother Zhang: "Brother Zhang, I'll go home and see , I think there may be variables in this matter, if there is anything, you can just call me directly."


Chu Muran returned home quickly, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard Liu Shu crying in front of Chu Feng: "You don't know, I heard that he is so stubborn that he won't go to the hospital even if he dies. I lost my mind, and still refused to go, I called 120, and the ambulance arrived, but he just refused to get off while holding on to the bed board.”

Chu Muran paused, changed his shoes, and walked into the room.

Chu Feng frowned, followed Liu Shu upstairs, and was about to check on Chu Xiuwen's situation, "I called the hospital just now on the way, if it doesn't work, I'll fetch water at home, don't worry, you Did you take medicine for Wen Wen?"

Liu Shu cried and said: "I ate it, but it didn't feel better after a day. He kept nagging and didn't know what he was talking about, but as soon as I said to take him to the hospital, he started to make trouble."

Although Chu Muran felt that the incident happened suddenly, but when he heard that Chu Feng was in a hurry to come back because Chu Xiuwen was ill, it all made sense, and he silently followed Chu Feng into the room. Went to Chu Xiuwen's room.

The curtains were drawn, but because the sky was getting dark, the whole room was drowsy. Chu Feng turned on the light in the room, and looked at Chu Xiuwen, who was abnormally flushed on the bed, with a bit of worry on his face.

"Wen Wen, why are you so seriously ill?"

Although Chu Xiuwen had no strength, his eyes still scanned the people in the room vaguely. When he saw Chu Muran standing at the door, Chu Xiuwen suddenly revealed a look of pain, He hesitated as if to say something.

"Chu Chu Mu Ran."

Finally, he reluctantly called out these three words.

Chu Feng looked at his youngest son in surprise. He usually knew that the two brothers were at odds with each other. The whole Chu family knew how much Chu Xiuwen disliked Chu Muran. With Chu Muran's name?

This surprised and delighted Chu Feng.

He quickly said, "Of course, hurry up and see your brother."

The word "brother" made Chu Muran frowned unconsciously. He looked at Liu Shu on the side of the bed, as if he didn't want to go there, but when he saw Chu Xiuwen's eager and pleading eyes again, he still couldn't help it. Slowly walked to the bedside: "Chu Xiuwen, do you have anything to tell me?"

Chu Xiuwen nodded sadly.

When he woke up this morning, because he was afraid of seeing Xu Anran, he found an excuse not to go to school. He was just lying, but he didn't expect that after a nap in the afternoon, he felt weak and his brain was about to explode. It was the same, and he couldn't think about anything at all. When he touched his forehead, he realized that he really had a fever.

But he still has something to give to Xu Anran.
It must be today.

It was precisely because of this that he was unwilling to go to the hospital for life and death. He was almost unable to hold on now, and he might not be able to hand it over to Xu Anran himself, so he could only take advantage of Chu Muran.

Oh shit
Chu Xiuwen gritted his teeth and motioned Chu Muran to lower his head.

Chu Muran glanced over impatiently, but in the end he had to get closer.

"You say, I listen."

Chu Xiuwen's eyes darkened, and he said weakly in a voice that only two people could hear: "Schoolbag."


Chu Muran, who only heard two words, asked with a puzzled expression, only to find that Chu Xiuwen had passed out.

"Smell it!"

Seeing her son fainted, Liu Shu who was on the side quickly pushed Chu Muran away, hugged Chu Xiuwen and touched his forehead in a panic, looked at Chu Feng with a sob and said, "When will the doctor arrive?" .”

After a few minutes, the doctor came over in a hurry, because Chu Xiuwen had already passed out, and the equipment brought by the doctor was also sufficient, so he checked that Chu Xiuwen was fine at this moment. After the obstacle, the infusion was done directly at home.

Hearing that the fainting was only temporary, and she should wake up after the fever subsides after the infusion, Liu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

To her, Chu Xiuwen is her life.

After leaving Chu Xiuwen's room, Chu Feng looked at the time on the wall, it was already very late, so he called to Chu Muran who was about to go back to the room and said, "Of course, let's go down to eat first, otherwise the food will be cold. "

At this moment, the siren of a police car suddenly sounded outside the house.
The sharp and piercing sound from far to near, like a sharp knife, pierced the silence of the night.

Chu Muran's footsteps paused, and he subconsciously looked at Liu Shu who was beside Chu Feng. Liu Shu's expression was obviously not overly surprised, but rather flustered.

Her expression flickered slightly, and she unconsciously grabbed Chu Feng's arm and said, "What's going on? Why is there a police car coming this way."

(End of this chapter)

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