Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 68 68. Why is she here!

Chapter 68 68. Why is she here!
The Chu family's villa is at the innermost side of the area, that is to say, if you go further inside, there are no other residents.

There is only one possibility for the police car to come here, and that is to come to the Chu family!

Chu Feng signaled Liu Shu not to panic, his calm face showed a little more thought and consideration, and then he said: "You guys go downstairs to eat first, I'll go out and have a look."

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to go out to watch alone, Liu Shu hurriedly followed and said:

"How can I do that! This policeman came rushing to our house, how can I still eat! I have to go with you to have a look, and I will come back for dinner when I am fine."

Chu Muran quietly watched Liu Shu's self-directed and self-acted words, and it was almost certain that the police should be written by Liu Shu, but why did she notify the police?Isn't she afraid that her affairs will be exposed?Or does she have other plans?

Regardless of the possibility, it was out of Chu Muran's plan.

He stretched out his hand, touched the thing he just found in his pocket, and followed Liu Shu and Chu Feng out of the villa without saying a word.

The police car did not drive into the Chu family's villa, but stopped at a small pavilion not far outside.

From a long distance, Chu Muran could hear the police scolding:

"Don't move! Police!"

Apparently someone was caught.

Seeing Liu Shu with the corners of his mouth slightly raised in front of him, Chu Muran felt more uneasy, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace, rushing towards the noisy place.

"Why do you arrest me! I didn't commit a crime! Did you arrest the wrong person!"

Zhang Gao's voice was particularly obvious in the crowd. He was still wearing the same black suit he wore a few days ago. He kept wriggling, trying to break free from the restraints of these policemen.

The police didn't hesitate, "Someone reported you for extortion. We need to take you back for further investigation. Please cooperate with our investigation."

"Fuck your blackmail! I don't have a dime!"

Zhang Gao angrily spit at the policeman in front of him, thinking angrily in his heart: What an old woman, you dare to call the police, let's see if I don't kill you!

When Chu Muran and the others arrived, they saw such a scene.

But what shocked Chu Muran even more was that the police not only detained Zhang Gao, but also surrounded a person.

A person he could never have imagined.

——Xu Anran.

Chu Muran's pupils shrank slightly, and his clenched fists tightened unconsciously. , and even wanted to rush over and pull her out!
Why is she here!
Didn't she say that she doesn't need to interfere in this matter, and she will solve everything by herself?
Xu Anran, who was surrounded by the police, also saw Chu Muran's existence. Her eyes indicated that he was fine, and then continued to answer various questions raised by the police.

Because Zhang Gao was dishonest, the police could only handcuff him behind his back, "Be honest."

"I bother!"

Zhang Gao was pressed down hard on the ground, suddenly, he seemed to see a person, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart for a moment, and shouted at that person: "Well, you Liu Shu, you actually called the police to arrest me! I think you don't want to live! Huh? You can't hide that shit anymore!"

Chu Feng heard the man calling his wife's name directly, looked to Liu Shu and asked, "Do you know this man?"

Breaking things?

What the hell?
For a moment, Chu Feng became quite suspicious of the woman beside him.

Liu Shu's face turned pale instantly, she quickly denied: "I don't know him, I don't know why he knows my name, but I really haven't seen this person before."

At this time, the police officer in charge of dispatching the police stepped forward, showed his ID respectfully, and said to Chu Feng: "Mr. Chu, I'm really sorry, we received a temporary call today, saying that someone was blackmailing, So we came here rashly, hoping not to disturb you."

Chu Feng nodded, subconsciously looked at Zhang Gao who was not far away, squinted his eyes and asked, "Why does he seem to have seen this person somewhere?"

It always looks familiar, but I can't remember it.

Upon hearing this, the policeman hurriedly said, "Ah, this man Zhang Gao was an accomplice in Liu Ma's case eight years ago, so..."

The police didn't say any more about the rest, presumably Chu Feng already knew about it.

The case of Liu Ma was exactly the incident of Chu Muran's disappearance that year.

Hearing that he was an accomplice in Liu Ma's case, Chu Feng felt very bad. What he hated most in his life was the group of people who abducted and sold his child to the mountains, suffered all kinds of hardships, and even left behind shadow of a lifetime
Every time Chu Feng thought of these things, his heart ached uncontrollably.

"If there's nothing wrong, we'll go back."

Chu Feng glanced at Zhang Gao sullenly, and was about to turn around and leave.

Since this incident has nothing to do with them, it's inconvenient to stay longer, but he is still by his side, he is afraid that it will bring back bad memories.

Chu Feng subconsciously stood between Chu Muran and Zhang Gao, for fear that his son would remember those painful things back then.

But before taking two steps, Zhang Gao suddenly laughed, with an expression on his face as if he was about to fight to the death, and he shouted at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng! Don't you want to know that your son was killed in the past?" Is the truth about the abduction? Do you really think that we stunned your son on the main road? Hahahaha! For so many years, you have been kept in the dark! Let me tell you, what happened back then was deliberately done by someone. Of!"


Chu Feng was so shocked that he almost instantly pushed away the person in front of him, walked up to Zhang Gao, and said with a gloomy expression, "What you said is true? Who is it!"


Zhang Gaoxie smiled and looked at Liu Shu who was on the side, his face was full of cruelty, "Who else is your good wife, who looks like a good wife and mother on the surface, but secretly takes your baby The son gave it to us."

Upon hearing this, Liu Shu rushed forward and denied it: "What nonsense are you talking about! I don't know you at all! Let me tell you, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will sue you for defamation!"

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Zhang Gao knows that in this situation, no one should think about it, that's good, he will pull a back if he dies!

He moved his hand, but the police behind him didn't give him a chance at all. Zhang Gao had no choice but to say to the police on one side: "Hey, take out the receipt in my pocket and let this Chu Mister, keep your eyes wide open to see what the true face of the person who has been sleeping with him for so many years is like!"

The police also did not expect that this matter would involve an old story.

If Zhang Gao's identification is true, then I'm afraid I will take two people back to the police station today.
The policeman took out a crumpled receipt from Zhang Gao's pocket, with a few lines written on it, although it was very blurry, it was still vaguely recognizable.

(End of this chapter)

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