Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 69 69. If what the police say is true...

Chapter 69 69. If what the police say is true
The top line is the date, followed by the amount of money and the reason for paying so much money, and the bottom line is the signature of both buyers and sellers.

In the past, many people believed in fingerprints more, but they always felt that signatures were not very reliable.

After all, fingerprints cannot be imitated, but signatures can.

It was also the first time for Liu Shu to see the full picture of this bill, but fortunately, she didn't sign it because it wasn't for money at all, so she didn't sign it, and she didn't press her fingerprints at all.

Seeing this, Liu Shu felt relieved.

From now on, just follow the advice given to her by my cousin.
So Liu Shu quickly denied it to Chu Feng and the police beside him: "Husband, Mr. Police, you see, this is simply wronged, where is my name! Husband, you also know my signature, You should recognize it!"

Seeing Liu Shu's tearful appearance, Chu Feng's heart softened instantly.

He looked at the signature on the bill, frowned and said to the police: "Indeed, this is not my wife's signature. Besides, how can I prove that it is my wife on this bill? I think it is this person who wants to Blackmailed my wife, so I forged a fake certificate."

Chu Feng also noticed Liu Shu's hard work for so many years.

They were congenial back then, and they were going to get married, but due to various reasons, he could only marry Chu Muran's mother. For this, he felt very guilty, and he could never forget Liu Shu in his heart. After dying of illness, Chu Feng married Liu Shu back home without saying a word, fulfilling the promise he made when he was young.

After Chu Muran disappeared, Liu Shu searched all over the world, and even fell ill due to exhaustion.

After Chu Muran came back, Liu Shu treated him like her own son. Whatever was delicious, fun, or useful would be given priority to Chu Muran. He could truly understand all these things. felt.

Looking at Liu Shu's extremely aggrieved face, Chu Feng also sighed, feeling very sorry for his questioning just now, he gently held Liu Shu's hand, and said, "It's okay, yes I am here, those who framed you, I will make them pay ten times and a hundred times the price!"

Although it was an understatement of a comforting statement, it carried a lot of weight in the ears of other people.

Especially Zhang Gao.

He didn't expect Liu Shu, a woman, to deny it!
His face turned pale, and then he remembered that Liu Shu did not sign in person, and Mama Liu also saw that she was a big client, so she did not dare to ask her to sign in person.

Zhang Gao gritted his teeth and said, "Damn Liu Shu, you're going to die!"

Zhang Gao now feels that he is like a villain, and he was also in the past. He was played around by Liu Neng. He thought that he had transformed in the past few years in prison, but he didn't expect to be tricked by someone!
He is not willing!

Liu Shu secretly rejoiced at the side, what the cousin said was indeed true, Chu Feng, as long as it was something she was sure about, she would absolutely believe it, after all she had "pretended" to be a good stepmother for so many years. Countless times of "goodwill" towards Chu Muran were brushed in front of Feng. Of course, Chu Feng would be more willing to believe what he saw and felt with his own eyes. How could he be swayed because of a bill?

Just keep going with the plan.

Then, as if she had discovered something suddenly, Liu Shu pulled Chu Feng's sleeve, pointed in Tian Tian's direction and said, "Isn't that the child of Xu Jie's family? Why is she here?"

Liu Shu's words instantly attracted Chu Feng's attention, he squinted at Tian Tian, ​​and a trace of doubt suddenly appeared in his heart again.

Chu Feng looked solemn, frowned, and asked the policeman next to him, "What's going on?"

The policeman didn't think much about it, and said, "Isn't this Gao extortionate? This little girl is probably here to send money. I just found a bank card in her pocket."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Shu hurriedly asked: "Did the little girl say who she was helping to send the money to?"

The policeman paused, and looked at Liu Shu with some hesitation.

"She said it was for Mrs. Chu."


Liu Shu covered her mouth pretending to be shocked, and looked at Chu Feng beside her in a panic, "Honey, I really don't have one. I really don't know about this at all."

Because of that bill, Chu Feng is now convinced that someone definitely wants to frame his wife, pour the dirty water of that incident on his wife's head, in a vain attempt to make their family fall apart.

Chu Feng patted Liu Shu's hand, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter, and dare to count it on my Chu family!"

Liu Shu nodded gratefully. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, grabbed the corner of her clothes nervously, and said, "I remembered this child when I saw her. Her second aunt is a servant in our family. Yesterday or the day before yesterday, I asked me to borrow a lot of money, I saw that she has been in our house for so many years, and she is quite honest, so I lent it to her."

Upon hearing this, the policeman next to him quickly asked, "Madam Chu, how much did you borrow?"

Liu Shu thought for a while, then hesitated and said, "10 yuan."

10 yuan is nothing to Liu Shu, but to Xu Jie, it is an astronomical figure After discussing with her cousin last night, Liu Shu found that if she could use some people and things from that year, she might be able to kill two birds with one stone. .

Not only did he not have to risk taking 500 million from the company, but he was also able to get himself out smoothly.

The policeman and his colleagues whispered something, and then he said solemnly: "The card is 10 yuan in total. If there is no accident, it is very likely that you lent 10 yuan, Mrs. Chu!"


Both Liu Shu and Chu Feng were greatly shocked. After all, Xu Jie is an old man in the family. As early as when Chu Muran was born, Xu Jie had been working in the Chu family. She has been working diligently for so many years. Not to mention tiring, Chu Feng thought she was reliable, so he kept her until now.

But if what the police say is true.
Chu Feng couldn't even imagine what kind of person he had left at home!
His face became gloomy in an instant, like a sky covered with dark clouds, full of haze and cruelty: "Where is Xu Jie?"

The policeman on the side quickly said: "We have sent someone to call the little girl's parents before, and it is estimated that they will be here soon."

The police also didn't expect that so many people and things would be involved after taking them back to the police station for questioning.
It was getting dark, but no one dared to take a big breath.

"Mr. Chu, how about we bring all relevant people back to the Bureau, and then"

(End of this chapter)

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