Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 73 73. Her intuition is really accurate...

Chapter 73 73. Her intuition is really accurate...

Seeing Liu Shu being taken away by the police, the huge rock in Tian Tian's heart was finally completely let go.

She has an intuition,
I may have to leave this body.

It might be a few days, it might be tomorrow, it might even be the next second, she doesn't know how much time God has left for her to continue to be "Xu Anran", but this journey, unforgettable, has come to an end for the time being.

Chu Xiuwen next to him squatted on the ground and wailed loudly. The young man who had always been proud and complacent finally tasted the ups and downs of life, great grief and great pain tonight. For him, this is experience and growth.

Chu Feng seemed to be ten years older all of a sudden, his original pair of piercing and fierce eyes were at a loss like a child at this moment, he didn't know how to continue to face Chu Muran, and he didn't know how to deal with him. Chu Xiuwen.

Tian Tian glanced at Chu Muran behind him, and he was also looking at himself, no different from usual, still so focused.

"Chu Muran, you have to study hard in the future, after junior high school there is high school, after high school there is university, the journey of study is not over yet, don't forget what you promised me, you have to become [Superior]~ "

"Are you going?"

Chu Muran said something abruptly.

go? !

Tian Tian's heart skipped a beat subconsciously.

Her eyes flustered for a second or two, but her strong psychological quality made her quickly return to normal. She raised her head and said with a faint smile, "Go? Where can I go...Is it possible..."

to your heart?
Tian Tian was amused by her own thoughts, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, revealing two shallow dimples.

She boldly stepped forward, patted Chu Muran's arm, and said, "Okay, Chu Muran, don't think too much about it, didn't we agree, we are good friends for life!"

Chu Muran glanced at Tian Tian, ​​and said lightly, "Xu Anran, are we really... just good friends?"

Tian Tian was slightly taken aback, and blinked quickly.

She withdrew her hand in a panic, pretending to be calm and said: "That's not it..."

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian secretly said that she really has no concentration!How spineless!
Such an old age!To be teased by a brat...


Chu Muran smiled, looked at Tian Tian suddenly, and said seriously: "I...Actually..."


Just when Chu Muran was about to say something, Chu Xiuwen, who had been squatting in front of him, suddenly stood up. He wiped his tears and looked fixedly at Tian Tian.

His eyes are full of meaning and complex.

It's hard for Tian Tian to imagine that this is the look that a 14-year-old child would have.

There is confusion, pain, sorrow, stubbornness, guilt, and remorse...

Too much.

Chu Muran also noticed Chu Xiuwen's current appearance, and frowned imperceptibly, and could only stop abruptly, and didn't continue talking.

Chu Xiuwen glanced at the two of them, and suddenly felt that his existence was really superfluous.

But he still came over, his eyes were red and he said: "...Xu Anran, I have something to tell you, can you give me some time?"

Tian Tian curled her fingers towards the palm of her hand: "Okay."

She took one last look at Chu Muran, indicating that it was okay, and she would come back as soon as she went.

And Chu Muran looked at Tian Tian's gradually leaving back, and suddenly felt that the sky tonight seemed familiar. He had also seen the same terrible black, dark and silent sky at a certain moment.

He opened his mouth, as if trying to stop her.

But he still didn't say anything in the end, and let her drift away like this.

Tian Tian and Chu Xiuwen came to the path next to the villa.

The figures of the two were illuminated by the faint street lights, and they suddenly looked a little bleak and awkward.

Tian Tian took the lead to break the rigid scene, and asked, "Chu Xiuwen, why... don't you say it's me, but you?"

This is where Tian Tian is most puzzled.

It was obviously her recording, why did Chu Xiuwen say it was him.Obviously, if he does this, it will only make him suffer more, won't it?

Chu Xiuwen paused for a moment, his voice still had a strong nasal sound, so his voice was very hoarse and deep, and he said, "Because it can't be you..."


Tian Tian didn't understand what was meant because it couldn't be her?
Chu Xiuwen pursed his lips, and there seemed to be a touch of loneliness in his expression. He smiled bitterly and said:

"I know that's evidence, I didn't think about destroying it, and I didn't stand against you, I know you look down on me these days, but in fact...

I'm not what you think, I just can't accept all this, and... I just don't want you to be the one who handed over the evidence in the end, even if that person is myself, I can't let that person be You...absolutely not. "


Chu Xiuwen opened his mouth, and said cautiously: "Xu Anran, I'm afraid that I will hate you, and also that you will stay away from me."

Hearing that recording, Chu Xiuwen's first thought was unbelievable. After confirming that the voice was his mother, Chu Xiuwen had the idea of ​​burying this matter, but he still took it tremblingly. He took out his mobile phone and re-recorded that recording into his mobile phone.

He didn't know why he wanted to keep this evidence.

Obviously delete it...

It suddenly occurred to him that for so many years, his mother seemed to have been fighting for something. Since she was a child, she loved him in every possible way, but she always treated others coldly.

On the night when the grades came out, his mother said that although Chu Muran's grades had improved, they were still very poor, so she decided to send him to a boarding school called Huiying in the suburbs.

He was really shocked when he heard the news...

He really wanted to mess with Chu Muran, but he never thought about letting Chu Muran go to that kind of place.Huiying is notoriously a motley bunch, and there are all ignorant people from different schools of thought. If Chu Muran goes, his life will be ruined.

He didn't know all this before, and he even asked Xu Anran to help him...

He will always remember that uncontrollable, gloating smile on his mother's face when she said that Chu Muran was going to Huiying to study.

Tian Tian doesn't know what Chu Xiuwen has in her heart, but she knows that Chu Xiuwen likes Xu Anran, and Xu Anran also likes Chu Xiuwen. They are going in both directions, but because of her variable, there is a layer between them. There seems to be no gap.

Chu Xiuwen desperately wanted to protect the relationship between them.

He tried his best,

He did his best to make her feel moved.

"Chu Xiuwen, no matter what, thank you, thank you for everything you have given, thank you for standing up and safeguarding the justice that you and we all uphold together."

(End of this chapter)

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