Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 74 74. Why still can't change...

Chapter 74 74. Why still can't change...

Chu Xiuwen was silent and didn't speak any more, his heart was empty, unlike Tian Tian and Chu Muran, he really couldn't laugh or be happy.

Growing up so big, it was the first time I cried so heartbreakingly.

But he has already made up his mind that in the future, he will be with his mother, and no matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, he will rely on his own ability to break through.

Tian Tian didn't know what to say to Chu Xiuwen, but she was not Xu Anran after all, so it was useless to say anything, some words should be said by Xu Anran.

"Chu Xiuwen, I have some words...I..."

Halfway through speaking, Tian Tian suddenly felt dizzy...

The voice also gradually weakened, as if he couldn't breathe out, and he couldn't exert any strength anywhere. In the end, he only felt his eyes go dark, and his whole body fell to one side.

"Xu Anran??!"

"Xu Anran!!!"

Before losing consciousness, Tian Tian only felt as if she had fallen into an embrace.

In her ears, two anxious but clear shouts sounded at the same time.


"Cough cough cough..."

The familiar alarm clock rang, and Tian Tian was "shocked" sleepily. She sat up suddenly, as if she hadn't recovered, she looked at the surrounding environment in a daze.

She's home again?
She remembered that when she became Xu Anran, it happened to be the time to go to bed at night, and now...

Tian Tian quickly turned on the phone, and glanced at the time and date.

It turned out to be the next morning! ! !
In other words, like before, she traveled to Chu Muran's side during a nap in real life to help him and save him.

Because it was a working day, Tian Tian didn't dare to delay for too long. Although she hadn't been able to quickly switch from Xu Anran's identity, she was still very quick to do things like wash up.

As before, she took the subway to the company at a familiar time point.

On the subway, Tian Tian was out of breath for a while, and then leaned against the door, turned on her mobile phone, and was about to search if she changed Chu Muran's life after she became Xu Anran...

She opened Weibo...

Before searching, I saw a line of eye-catching words on the hot search list recommended below

——Chu Muran committed suicide
Tian Tian's heart skipped a beat again.

Why hasn't everything changed...

She was crying silently in her heart, the heart-piercing cry of sorrow almost destroyed her sanity completely, she looked at the bustling people on the subway, coming and going in an endless stream.

Suddenly life feels so hard.

She paused for a long time before she dared to click on the information of the entry.

[Chu Muran committed suicide at home last Sunday. He was suspected of taking a large amount of sleeping pills. Because he discovered it too late, he died on the way to the hospital. ]
Taking a lot of sleeping pills?
Tian Tianxin was startled, and quickly read the news again.

Until she was sure that she was not mistaken that Chu Muran's death method in this life was suicide by swallowing medicine, and that she did not remember that Chu Muran's death method in the previous life was suicide by jumping off a building...

This shows what?
Jumping off a building is a free and easy way of death, which shows that a person has no nostalgia for the world; suicide by swallowing drugs is a regretful and regretful way of death, which shows that this person still has nostalgia for the world, but cannot find relief way.

Although Chu Muran's final tragedy could not be avoided, at least... he has expectations, nostalgia, and regrets for this world.

After get off work in the afternoon, Tian Tian made an appointment for dinner with her good friend Ye Shanshan, and was going to ask her some doubts about this life.

Her memory has been three lifetimes...

It's really going to... collapse.

"Chu Xiuwen?" Ye Shanshan looked at Tian Tian doubtfully while fixing her makeup, and she asked in confusion, "You mean Chu Muran's younger brother, Chu Xiuwen? Just that handsome soldier brother?"

Brother Bing? ? ?
Has Chu Xiuwen joined the army? ? ?

No... Liu Shu has a criminal record, how could Chu Xiuwen be a soldier... He can't get into any system of the country at all? ? ?

"Yeah... why did he become a soldier..."

Tian Tian didn't tell the little secret she knew, but she checked it on the Internet, but she couldn't find anything about that year, as if it was deliberately concealed.

Ye Shanshan shook her head: "I don't know about that... What reason does he have for wanting to be a soldier, to defend his family and the country, but seriously, he was the one who discovered Chu Muran's suicide this time, if it wasn't for him , It is estimated that your boss has turned into a mummy and no one will find out."

"Is that so..."

Tian Tian can see Chu Xiuwen's figure from some pictures of the funeral. Although there is no frontal photo, she can still vaguely recognize a tall man, dressed in black, standing to the side with a solemn expression.

She really didn't expect that Chu Xiuwen would be a soldier.

What about... Xu Anran?What about Aunt Xu?

She couldn't find these on the Internet, and she couldn't find out from the people around her.


Taking advantage of the meal time, Tian Tian asked some things about herself. Generally speaking, there is no big difference, exactly the same as the previous life.

Chu Muran's funeral will be held for three days. After Tian Tian ate, she was going to go home, but halfway through, she still wanted to see Chu Muran again.

The funeral was very simple, very similar to Chu Muran's habits during his lifetime.

The photos are exactly the same as those in the previous two lives, they are all his ID photos, he really doesn't like photos, so he can't even choose a photo with a smile on his face, it seems that everyone doesn't know, Chu Muran can laugh too Yes, and she has a really nice smile.

"Why are you here again?"

Tian Tian looked at the mourning hall in front of her in a daze, and suddenly a question from behind woke her up, bringing her back to her senses quickly.

Tian Tian looked back and was slightly stunned.

It was Chu Xiuwen.

More than ten years have added a bit of maturity and stability to Chu Xiuwen's expression. I don't know if it's because of his military service. His eyes are very sharp, and when he looks at people, he seems to see through them. .

Come again?

Tian Tian remembered that she fainted at Chu Muran's funeral...

So he quickly said: "I... I just got off work, I want to come and see the boss again."

Chu Xiuwen frowned slightly, and suddenly asked, "Are you my brother's employee?"


"You like my brother?"

"I..." Tian Tian was speechless suddenly, she looked at Chu Xiuwen with some embarrassment, scratched her head in embarrassment, neither admitted nor denied...

Chu Xiuwen didn't bother to pay attention to the woman who appeared out of nowhere in front of him, but somehow wanted to look at her more.

"Have we met before?"


Is this the intuition from the military? ? ?
Tian Tian hurriedly denied it in a panic: "I saw it for the first time a few days ago... I haven't seen it before..."

(End of this chapter)

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