Chapter 79.

So she stood up viciously, looked at Tian Tian in front of her and ordered: "You also heard the teacher's request just now, let me tell you, you will write this review for me, if you dare to refuse"

Having said that, Xiao Jia paused for a while, then suddenly smiled maliciously.

Then she clung to Tian Tian's ear, threatening softly: "If you dare to refuse, see if I will beat you all over the place, and you will not even be able to go out of school, believe it or not ?”


Tian Tian moved her face away, and distanced herself slightly from Xiao Jia.

She looked at Xiao Jia's mean look with a face of inexplicability, and replied calmly: "I was stupid watching TV dramas in the morning, why don't you let me show the lower limit of IQ?
Xiao Jia, if you have nothing to eat, you can eat plums. "

In 2017, this widely circulated advertisement should have penetrated into everyone's minds, so Tian Tian finally slowly reduced the "purchasing" caused by time travel.

Tian Tian glanced at the time that was about to be up, cast a disgusted glance at Xiao Jia, then turned and went to her seat.

They are all teenagers in the second grade, making people speechless.

"Yang Yu! Just wait for me!"

Afterwards, Xiao Jia still didn't forget to let out her cruel words. She was very upset that Yang Yu caused her cell phone to be confiscated, but now...this fat pig dared to look at her like that? ?

Look down on her? ?
Why? ? ?

Because of Tian Tian's size, there was a large gap between the front and back tables for her.

I thought it was done on purpose, for fear that it would be inconvenient for her.

But when Tian Tian turned around and wanted to borrow a correction tape, she found that the boy behind her was frightened and stepped back instantly, as if afraid of having any contact with her.
Tian Tian didn't understand, what happened to Yang Yu?
Why is everyone looking at her like a plague god?
"What are you doing! Why are you turning around, you!" Seeing Tian Tian's unwillingness to turn his head back, the boy in the back seat finally couldn't help but speak, his voice seemed to be still trembling slightly.
It's not enough, big man, that's it?

Tian Tian originally thought that this handsome boy was not bad, but now he broke his defense instantly.

So she stretched out her hand angrily: "I borrow your correction belt, I forgot to bring it."

The boy glanced at Tian Tian hesitantly, and then carefully placed his correction tape in the hand stretched out by the girl in front of him, "Remember to return it to me quickly."

"Tch, I didn't know that I thought you dug out the treasure by digging three feet into the ground. Who cares so much?"

Tian Tian used his correction tape to swipe lightly on his typo, and then returned it to the person behind him.

It's better for her to paint black papa herself!
Picking and searching doesn't look like a man.

Tian Tian didn't have a deskmate. Although her desk was full of books, there was no one there for a whole morning, and Tian Tian didn't care. As soon as the lunch break came, she happily ran to the school room. Canteen to eat.

High school is not comparable to junior high school, she can't use the short 10 minutes between classes to find Chu Muran, let alone...
There are four classes in this morning, and all three classes are delayed.

When he was in junior high school, Chu Muran liked to eat in the corner on the second floor. I don't know if it's still the same in high school.

After Tian Tian crossed into this body, she felt uncomfortable in her body, but it was not the kind of pain she felt, but a vague uncomfortable feeling. I couldn't tell what it was like. Anyway, I was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat.
The canteen is the same as it was in junior high school, and the dishes are not much different. It is still popular with the appalling and popular dish——[Stir-fried Carrots with Winter Melon and Scrambled Eggs]
Holding her own plate, Tian Tian walked to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, at the corner of the stairs, he ran into a tall and slender girl head-on.

Fortunately, the two of them left in no hurry, otherwise they might have thrown her all over.

The girl grew up with a gentle, educated and sensible temperament, like a white pear blossom, with snow-white skin, and a girlish pink on her cheeks, but her brows were slightly frowned, which seemed to reveal her displeasure at the moment.

Before she could speak, Tian Tian said apologetically: "Beauty, I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into you just now, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

The girl didn't say much, but just looked Tian Tian up and down.

The eyes were indifferent, showing no special emotion. After looking at it for a while, the girl stretched out her hand and pulled the strands on her cheeks behind her ears, and said in a graceful and pleasant voice, "Well, it's okay."

Tian Tian just crossed over, so she is unfamiliar to everyone.

Subconsciously, she thought that she and this beauty should not know each other. After she nodded apologetically again, she prepared to take a detour and continue climbing the stairs.

But, suddenly—

A white leather shoe suddenly stretched out to her feet.
Tian Tian dodged subconsciously and wanted to dodge, but she forgot that her body was a little bulky, so when dodging, she accidentally took an extra step forward, accidentally stepping on the front half of the white leather shoe part.

In an instant, a deafening cry of pain rang in his ears.

Tian Tian held her own plate, quickly moved her feet away, carefully looked at her undamaged food, then walked towards the girl just now, and said with a bright smile: "I'm sorry, I just accidentally went to If I move a little to the right, I should move to the left again, and it will be broken with a click, how comfortable it is, don’t you think?”

Tian Tianxiao's eyes were narrowed into a slit, obviously it was such a happy scene, but the girl in front of her suddenly felt a chill
That smiling face was like a clown's mask, and the colorful surroundings were filled with black and terrifying aura, which was weird and terrifying, sweeping over every inch of her skin and penetrating into every pore of her.

The girl's expression was finally broken. She pretended to be calm and raised her head, but she unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Yang Yu, are you crazy? How dare you talk to me like that? Didn't Friday teach you enough? The beating didn't hurt enough, right?"

The seemingly innocent white lotus is actually a black lotus with hidden scheming.

Tian Tian is not afraid of dealing with this kind of person, but...
This will delay her finding Chu Muran!
So Tian Tian didn't bother to talk to her, and went straight upstairs to find Chu Muran, anyway, the lesson has been taught, as for other things, as long as these people dare to provoke her, don't blame her for being lenient.

But this girl didn't seem to want to let Tian Tian go, she walked up to Tian Tian quickly, blocked her way forward, and said with a half-smile: "You want to leave after stepping on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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