Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 80 Isn't Chu Muran...not a womanizer?

Chapter 80 Isn't Chu Muran. Isn't she a womanizer?
"Stepped on your foot?"

Tian Tian held her job bowl, glanced at the past leisurely, and said with a smile: "Which eye of yours saw that I stepped on your foot? No one passed by here just now, who can help you as a witness?"

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian glanced at the girl's white leather shoes.

She exclaimed in amazement: "Ouch. Such a beautiful white leather shoe, why is there a black patch on it, and it's even sunken? Tsk tsk tsk, beauty, you are so miserable!"


The reserve on the girl's face seemed to be uncontrollable. Suddenly, she saw someone in front of her, and her expression returned to the reserved look just now.

Let's put on a Sichuan opera to change faces?
Tian Tian smiled sarcastically in her heart, and then looked back.
The next second—

Just wanted to see who was behind him, and why he still had magical powers.
In an instant, Tian Tian immediately put away the naive smirk on her face, and she looked like a lady!

Just when I was about to say hello, who would have thought that the girl next to me would be a step faster.

"Chu Muran, what a coincidence, did you just finish eating?"

The girl's voice was softer and gentler than when she questioned Tian Tian just now, like the kind of sweetness deliberately pretended by pressing her throat.

Chu Muran nodded, "Yes."

The girl was walking close to Chu Muran's side, "I just finished eating too, let's go back to the classroom together? I happen to have a question that I don't understand, so I want to ask you. I wonder if you are free."

Tian Tian eavesdropped behind the two of them.

I thought: just you? ? ?
just you? ? ?

Chu Muran would never agree to you, your thinking is really beautiful!I still want to go back to the classroom with Chu Muran!

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Tian Tian was slapped in the face.

He only heard Chu Muran's bamboo-like voice, which came quietly and entered Tian Tian's ears.

"it is good."


Black question mark.

Tian Tian was in a hurry, and quickly moved closer behind the two of them.

isn't it?
Isn't Chu Muran not a womanizer?
I don't know if it's because Tian Tian is too close, or because her body shape can't be ignored. The girls almost instantly discovered Tian Tian's little thoughts, no matter whether they walk fast or slow, a fat one The figure has been following behind her and Chu Muran, like brown candy, unable to get rid of it no matter what.

After walking for about ten meters, the girl finally couldn't bear it anymore.

If Chu Muran was not by her side, she would really go crazy!
But the boy who is in her heart is here, so she still has to maintain her ladylike style
After seeing Tian Tian's small eyes looking around, the girl clenched her fists tightly, "Student Yang Yu, I don't know if you have been following us, do you have anything to ask? If so, You can ask now, we still have something to do, you have been following us, we are a little uncomfortable."

It looks quite gentle, but Tian Tian can accurately hear the gnashing of teeth in her tone.

"Cough cough."

After coughing twice, Tian Tian inadvertently looked at Chu Muran who was on the side. He stood there calmly like a normal person, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tian Tian said: "Student, I'm just walking back to the classroom normally. Is it possible that this road belongs to your house and I can't walk? You are too selfish to say that I will follow you." I'm in love, I like the opposite sex, not the same sex, what do you have that I should follow, could it be those ugly leather shoes that are black and crumpled?"

Although Chu Muran has no eccentricities, but hearing Tian Tian say this, he still unconsciously shifted his gaze to the girl's shoes beside him.

Sure enough, it was too figurative.

After all, Chu Muran's stern, sculpture-like expression couldn't help but shattered into pieces, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Yang Yu!"

The girl saw that Tian Tian made herself so embarrassing in front of Chu Muran, she wished she could rush up and wrestle with her!
But Chu Muran is still here
She could only endure it.

Tian Tian dug her ears casually, rolled her eyes and said, "Your father and I are not deaf, so there is no need to shout so loudly."

cut, sample
In terms of talking, she has never lost!

Chu Muran on the side paused slightly, looked at Tian Tian with a slightly scrutinizing gaze.

He wasn't sure.

So many years have passed by.

He didn't know how many times he had made a mistake.

Maybe last time was the last time.

But in the next second, I was suddenly slapped hard on the shoulder, and a fat girl with a bright smile was shouting his name happily: "Chu Muran! You are the famous Chu Muran! Haha, I usually I just saw you on the red list, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome in real life!"

Tian Tian didn't know how to open the small window for the first communication with Chu Muran.

Anyway, it can't be delayed.

Just let it be such an awkward chat!
After saying this, the scene was extremely embarrassing for a while, the girl next to her looked at Tian Tian with a look of disdain, and then said to Chu Muran, "Chu Muran, let's go back to the classroom quickly, this Yang Yu is in the grade The famous plague god, if you stay with her for a long time, you will become unlucky."

"is it?"

Chu Muran glanced at Tian Tian, ​​wondering what was going on in his mind, then lowered his eyes lightly, and the slender eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes.

After being silent for a while, Chu Muran raised his head, and suddenly said to the girl beside him, "Let's go back to the classroom."

The girl was overjoyed, nodded quickly and said, "Okay."

After that, he did not forget to look at Tian Tian provocatively, and his eyes slowly filled with sarcasm.

It seems to be saying: With you like this, do you still want to contact Chu Muran?Take a pee and look in the mirror!

Although Tian Tian was already mentally prepared, when she was ignored by Chu Muran, her heart still couldn't stop aching.

This is the first time.

But think about it from another angle, why do people care about you, and they don't know you.
Thinking about it this way, I feel a little more comfortable.

On the other side, the girl who finally got rid of Tian Tian looked at Chu Muran beside her with enthusiasm. Although he was usually cold and not talkative, he was very kind and liked to help his classmates solve their difficulties in study.

It is precisely because of this that she can't help but like him.

After finally getting along alone, the girl racked her brains to think about the topic
But at this moment, Chu Muran suddenly took the initiative to ask: "Pan Shan, what kind of person is that classmate just now?"


Pan Shan was slightly taken aback, "You mean Yang Yu?"


Although he was talking to someone he liked, the center of the topic was the plague god, which made Pan Shan feel somewhat uncomfortable.

But forget it, the goal is achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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