Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 88 88.1 body fat, I guess it can sell for a good price

Chapter 88 88. I'm fat, I guess I can sell it for a good price
Grandpa was a soldier when he was young. Although he is old and his hair is gray, he is still vigorous and resolute in his actions and powerful in his speech.

Grandpa and grandma are old children, only Chu Muran's mother has a daughter, so they love her even more.

Chu Muran remembered that when he first met his grandfather, he was very young, and he was not even able to remember things at that age, but every time he heard his mother mentioning his grandfather, he would subconsciously think of those sparkling eyes. eyes.

Until a few years ago, I moved to live with my grandfather.

Grandpa was afraid that he would not adapt to the new environment, so he moved to City A without saying a word.

Every time he looked at his grandfather, he would gradually open his heart because of his determined and tenacious eyes.

Grandpa gave him his first real home.

He can feel the warmth of the first home.

Chu Muran didn't plan to go home to rest, he looked at Tian Tian who was still with him, twitched the corners of his mouth, forced a smile and said: "Yang Yu, you can go back, I can just stay here with grandpa You still have class tomorrow, so don't waste your time."

Don't you have to go to class tomorrow?
Tian Tian subconsciously wanted to ask.

But after thinking about it, I felt that asking such a question would only increase Chu Muran's troubles.

In front of loved ones, or what is more important?

not to mention.
Even though Tian Tian looks at this matter with the most optimistic attitude, her rationality is telling her, judging from the future results and the time when the cause is discovered now.

Chu Muran's grandfather, it should be... time is running out.

Compared to Chu Muran who still had a glimmer of hope, what Tian Tian was looking forward to seeing was that this little ray of hope would accompany Chu Muran as long as he could.

She will do her best to enlighten and save him.

Thinking of this, Tian Tian also responded with a faint smile, "Then I'll go first, if you have anything to do, you can send me a message, didn't you add WeChat just now?"

"Well, good, thank you."

Because it was very late, Tian Tian didn't keep the driver waiting. She left the hospital, opened the taxi-hailing software that she had developed, and after receiving a bunch of coupons, she only spent 10 yuan and set foot on the way home. road.

Maybe this body is not much better than Chu Muran's.

When the door was opened, it was pitch black without a single light.

The air is full of coldness and solitude, and the exceptionally quiet and tidy home seems to be completely different from the imagined home.

Tian Tian thought of what Pan Shan said today.

Said that she was a plague god, and killed her own parents and brother.

This is how the same thing?

After Tian Tian washed up, without the slightest hesitation, she came to the locked room again.

Because there is a little wind during the day, breathing will be a little smoother. There is a fallen photo album on the bedside table. Tian Tian walked over and helped her to straighten up.

The photo shows a happy family of four.

There are her father and mother, and Yang Yu is holding her young brother in the middle.

Judging from the photos, Yang Yu was not fat before, with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, a small and delicate nose and mouth, a bright smile, a bright look, especially dazzling and youthful in the sun.

In the early morning of the next day, Tian Tian woke up in the scent of porridge.

Wang Ma was invited by Yang Yu's uncle, and so was the driver, so she was trustworthy. Yang Yu told Wang Ma the password of the house so that she could come in at any time. Anyway, there was nothing valuable at home.

The most valuable things are probably some electrical appliances at home.
Then there's her.


Estimated to sell for a good price.

After Yang Yu's parents passed away, all matters of Yang Yu's upbringing were handed over to Yang Yu's uncle, who was Yang Yu's father's third brother.

Although Tian Tian has never met this third uncle, judging from the proper arrangements, her third uncle should be very concerned about her niece. Tian Tian has not had the opportunity to get in touch with and understand these things. So I dare not rush to find someone to do something.

She shouldn't stay for a long time this time, so she should not cause trouble to others.

"Wang Ma, come and eat some too, if you save, you have to buy it yourself."

Wang Ma is a very honest aunt. When she applied for the job, she might not have provided three meals a day, but the salary is still very impressive. Wang Ma just followed the rules and did her work well every day. Tian also asked Mama Wang to eat together. After talking for a long time, Mama Wang reluctantly ate a warm meal.

"My house is nearby, and my little grandson didn't eat it, so I'll just make another one when I go back later."

Wang Ma's words made Tian Tian resonate with Aunt Xu.

Everyone's work is not easy, but many of the difficulties are not because of their own troubles, but for their families, children, and those they have to take care of. In order to usher in the beauty of spring and the beauty of autumn.

"In the future, if you think it's too late, you can make it here again, and then you can take it back home. It's so tiring to do it twice. Besides, it's really hard to cook a meal for one person, because the portion is really out of control. Hold on, isn’t it a waste if you’re not careful?”

Tian Tian was joking, but besides joking, it also warmed Wang Ma's heart a lot.

"By the way, Wang Ma, I might trouble you with something in the future. It is to help my parents and brother's room to be cleaned a little bit, as long as there is no dust, and you don't need to wipe hard, just sweep the floor a little bit. Just wipe the table."

While eating, Tian Tian suddenly thought of this.

Wang Ma was slightly taken aback, and quickly nodded in agreement:

"No problem, I was the one who asked me to clean the whole house."

Because Yang Yu has been living in the shadow of the death of his relatives, he never opened those two closed doors again.


Tian Tian suddenly held her chest and heart feeling a little uncomfortable, her brows were slightly furrowed, and her expression was also a little ferocious.

The heart was beating so fast, and just at that moment, it was throbbing so badly.

It was a feeling that didn't belong to me, and it was a feeling of sadness that radiated from the inside out.

Wang Ma was also warm-hearted. Seeing that Tian Tian was not feeling well, she hurriedly asked, "Did you forget to take your medicine in the morning? I'll get it for you?"

"It's okay. I ate when I got up."

Tian Tian patted her chest, trying to calm her heart down as soon as possible. She just traveled through the soul and could temporarily control this body, but some emotions were buried in her heart, which she could not control.

(End of this chapter)

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