Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 89 89. I think you are the prettiest kid among the pigs!

Chapter 89 89. I think you are the prettiest kid among the pigs!
After breakfast, Tian Tian set off for school.

Chu Muran will definitely not come to school today, so Tian Tian is going to go to the hospital to accompany him after school, and then go home.

There is a 10-minute break between the second class in the morning, which was originally reserved for the students to practice during the break, but because the school is preparing to celebrate the 110th anniversary recently, the playground is all used for rehearsals, so it cannot be given to the whole school. The teachers and students came to do exercises between classes.

Taking advantage of this time, Tian Tian just wanted to go for a walk around to relax and relax. It just so happened that the phone vibrated in her trouser pocket.

Tian Tian took it out and took a look, it turned out to be from—[Third Uncle]

Seeing that it was the third uncle's phone call, Tian Tian was inevitably a little nervous. After all, after she traveled here, she had never had contact with the original owner's family. It was the first time to communicate with the original owner's family, so she was still a little nervous.

After thinking about it, he still answered the channel: "Hey, third uncle, what's the matter?"

The other end of the phone seemed to pause for a while, and did not speak immediately, so Tian Tian could only hear a faint snort coming from the receiver.

After a while, the other side said: "Xiaoyu, uncle will arrive in city A later, he has been on a business trip for so many days, and he is too busy to ask you how you are doing. I happen to have an appointment at noon today. Kong, I just want to take you and Xiaorong to have dinner together. You used to live in city B with your parents. In the past few years when you moved to city A, your uncle didn’t treat you very well. Okay, if you need help with anything in school in the future, you can just ask brother Xiaorong to help you, do you think it will work?"

The third uncle's voice revealed exhaustion, but it was more cautious.

Tian Tian nodded silently and said, "Okay, third uncle, where shall we meet then?"

The third uncle seemed to feel that there was something different about Tian Tian agreeing to come down without even thinking about it. He was taken aback and said, "The third uncle will communicate with your school at that time, and you will go out to find the third uncle. Just a car, the tail number is 006."


After the phone call, there are still 25 minutes before class.

Just when she wanted to go to the toilet, Tian Tian went to the women's toilet at the end of the corridor.

Because it is a middle school, apart from strictly controlling the academic performance, the school pays the most attention to whether there is a phenomenon of puppy love between men and women. For this matter, the school has tried every means, such as repairing the men's and women's toilets in the corridor. The two ends are separated by six or seven classrooms, just to prevent students from sneaking out for a tryst in the name of going to the toilet.

As soon as Tian Tian stepped into the toilet, two people walked in behind him.

She subconsciously looked back,
It turned out to be Pan Shan and Xiao Jia.

Tian Tian has always been like, if you don't mess with me, I don't bother to talk to you, so she didn't think much about it, she glanced back and walked towards the small toilet cubicle inside.

But Xiao Jia and Pan Shan obviously didn't just come to the toilet.

The two of them didn't know if it was intentional, and they took out the pink lipstick they carried with them in front of the bathroom sink, and while applying it to their mouths, they chatted loudly:

"By the way, Pan Shan, did you tell me last time that Zeng Yiyi is going to participate in a dance competition?"

"Yes, Xiao Jia, let me tell you, you don't know that the group of people who are learning to dance now hold Zeng Yiyi as if they are gods. Who made Zeng Yiyi so tall? She is good and beautiful, and her academic performance is not bad. Of course, the teacher likes her very much, and she will give her any chance."

"Wow, it's really amazing!"

"That's not true. It's not like some people. They are out of shape and look like aunts. They still want to go back to dance, and they don't take a pee to see what a bear they are now!"

"Hahahaha! It's so funny!"

Tian Tian went to the toilet comfortably, hummed a little tune and pressed the faucet, and then walked out of the cubicle.

Seeing the crowded washbasin, Tian Tian smiled politely and said, "Hello, please step aside, I have to wash my hands."


Xiao Jia rolled his eyes, and then said with a sneer: "I can't tell, Yang Yu, your skin is getting thicker and thicker now, did you hear what we said just now? Zeng Yiyi is going to participate soon It's the dance competition, and when the time comes, she will go to the best dance academy in the country to study, and you can go to some third-rate pheasant university with this ghostly look to kill time!"

Seeing that the two of them still refused to let go, Tian Tian gradually became impatient in her heart.

So she went straight to it, pushed the two skinny and paper-like people away with a blank expression, then went straight to the sink and turned on the faucet to wash her hands, saying in her mouth: "The truth is extremely speechless." , and you don’t wash your hands, you have to stand here and chat, and you don’t know what attracts you to the toilet. You like chatting in the toilet so much, why don’t you walk around and get in it? Speechless, headache.”


Xiao Jia put his hands on his hips, stared angrily, and said angrily: "Yang Yu, we are just telling you kindly the current situation of your former best friend's friend. Don't you care at all? After all, you were once You are a dance genius that the teachers are full of praise for, now that all this has been taken away by your best friend, are you really reconciled in your heart?"

Xiao Jia had been in contact with Yang Yu before, and knew how much Yang Yu loved dancing.

She is sure that Yang Yu will definitely not be reconciled. When the time comes... maybe he will go to Zeng Yiyi to make a big fuss. At that time, there will be a good show. All the teachers and students in the school will know that you, Yang Yu, are a loser Great aunt, a pig who is out of shape and wants to dance!
After all, Yang Yu had just made a joke some time ago, and the teacher's impression of her was already extremely bad!
but who ever thought
Tian Tian took out a tissue and wiped her hands, and said, "What's there to be unwilling about, I'm very willing!"

Then she looked in the mirror, looked at her chubby self in the mirror, rubbed her chubby face and said, "I can do whatever I can. Since I'm out of shape, I'm not suitable for dancing anymore. Now that I'm Not suitable, then can we give the opportunity to those who are more in need? There is no reconciliation, you treat me as you, with a vitriolic look on your face all day long, those who don’t know think what’s wrong with you Woolen cloth."

"When did I have a sour face all day long! Yang Yu, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Tian Tian twitched the corner of her mouth and said: "If you don't have one, can you please close your big nostrils? Don't point your nostrils at me all day long and call others pigs. I think you are the most piggy among the pigs." Pretty cub!"

(End of this chapter)

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