Chapter 100 Destination


Boundless darkness.

Li Xuanxuan saw a person wearing a large cloak.

She knew that the other party was a woman.

She also remembered that she seemed to have seen this scene before.

Li Xuanxuan moved suddenly, she was moving forward.

Unlike the last time, Li Xuanxuan wasn't particularly scared this time, but wanted to see what was ahead...

It turns out that 'Going forward' doesn't know that her body is moving forward, but her eyes are moving forward and raising——

There are many people in front!
It is densely packed with people!

Just when Li Xuanxuan wanted to see clearly again, she suddenly found that those people suddenly released very bad, very bad malice, and then they opened their eyes suddenly——

A little bit of red light!

The whole film is full of red light!

The next moment, those red lights swept towards her!

Li Xuanxuan wanted to wake up, but her consciousness was completely out of control, and she was about to be enveloped by red light——

"Li Xuanxuan."

"Li Xuanxuan, wake up."

A cold male voice rang in her ears!

It's Xie Shixun!

With this thought falling, Li Xuanxuan's eyes suddenly opened!
The moment Xie Shixun saw Li Xuanxuan opened her eyes, he quickly reached out to support her behind, and said quietly:

"You finally woke up."

The moment Li Xuanxuan saw Xie Shixun, her eyes were no longer red, and her heart was strangely settled down. She subconsciously called out:
"Thank you Shixun."

Xie Shixun replied quietly: "Yes."

"woke up?"

Li Xuanxuan nodded.

Seeing him, Xie Shixun bent his eyebrows habitually, and then said softly, "Congratulations, you have been promoted to Jindan."

Li Xuanxuan was taken aback when she heard this.

After reacting, a smile was about to appear on her face, but the smile didn't fully bloom, and soon stopped halfway, and even her face collapsed:
"Thank you Shixun..."

Xie Shixun also couldn't understand her, and responded aloud:
"Well, what happened?"

Li Xuanxuan frowned slightly, and pursed her lips: "I'm hungry..." Very hungry, very hungry, very hungry!
Xie Shixun: "..."

Su Wen and Xie San standing aside: "..."

In the end, it was Su Wen who silently walked towards the remaining half of the Sand Snake.

Practice makes perfect, this saying is also very suitable for Su Wen, for example, now, she has dealt with Sand Snake within a short time.

Xie San, who was setting the fire on the other side, was not too fast.

As soon as Li Xuanxuan roasted the snake meat, she squatted aside and watched eagerly... When the meat was ready, she couldn't wait to let it cool, so she started pulling it...

The other three just looked at her from the sidelines.

But even so, Li Xuanxuan was still hungry, very hungry, super hungry...

Seeing Xie San, he had to go through his storage bag again, trying to find one or two more food; Su Wen also went outside silently, trying to drag the monster that Li Xuanxuan killed before meeting the Sand Snake. Come back; among the three, only Xie Shixun stretched out his hand to grab Li Xuanxuan calmly and calmly, and said:

"Li Xuanxuan, don't eat."

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help frowning: "I want to too, but I'm hungry!"

"I'm really hungry!"

"Very hungry!"

"Like a starving ghost, starving to death!"

What Li Xuanxuan said was exactly the same as what she was thinking, which made Xie Shixun frowned, "Is there something wrong with your body?"

While talking, Xie Shixun slid the hand holding Li Xuanxuan to her wrist.

Li Xuanxuan didn't pay attention to this movement, instead she choked back at him in a low voice: "You have the problem, your body has the problem!"

The two were so close, and Xie Shixun was not deaf, so he could hear clearly.

He immediately glanced over.

Li Xuanxuan closed her mouth immediately after receiving this glance.

When Xie Shixun saw him, he looked away and continued to feel his pulse.

Su Wen, who was pulling the monster back from a distance, watched this scene. She couldn't help but stop at the same spot, her gaze constantly sinking.

The three people beside the fire did not realize that Su Wen had returned.

At this time, Li Xuanxuan couldn't scold Xie Shixun with her mouth, so she secretly scolded him in her heart; and Xie Shixun was not in a hurry to withdraw her hand because she could hear Li Xuanxuan's heartfelt voice. He wanted to see how much she could scold, and how much she could do. How long have you scolded; as for Xie San, this meeting has already turned into the 'matchmaker' of the two of them, I just think they match well!

If Li Xuanxuan knew what the two of them were thinking, she would have withdrawn her hand early and stopped her inner activities, but unfortunately——

She didn't know.

Therefore, when asked by Shang Xie Shixun, she subconsciously said directly: "Still hungry! Very hungry! Very hungry!"

Xie Shixun didn't diagnose anything, so he asked Li Xuanxuan again. Seeing that she was speaking very angry, he couldn't help but confirm again: "Are you really hungry?"

Li Xuanxuan got a little impatient when asked: "Yes! If you can't do it, you can ask Su Wen to come! I'm very—"


Li Xuanxuan hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, she may think that she is hiding well, but Xie Shixun, who is opposite her, can clearly see the way her eyes roll around.

He couldn't help but hum softly.

However, there was still a smile on his face.

And Li Xuanxuan was also very guilty at this meeting, because she realized that she really didn't seem to be hungry anymore? !

"Could it be that scolding Xie Shixun can stop hunger?!"

"If that's the case, then she can scold her every day!"

Xie Shixun: "..."

Now, Xie Shixun didn't want to listen to Li Xuanxuan's heartfelt feelings at all, so he directly lifted her hand and threw it back to her.

Li Xuanxuan smirked twice "hehe".

At this time, Su Wen also came back, she threw the monster aside, clapped her hands and said: "It seems that you don't need it anymore."

Li Xuanxuan saw her, but her eyes glowed!

She got up quickly, went to Su Wen's side and said a few nice words, and cheekily asked her to help deal with the monster.

After all, just because you're not hungry now doesn't mean you won't be hungry tomorrow!
You know, she has been hungry so fast during this time!

After Su Wen heard this, she folded her hands in front of her body, "If you want me to help you, then you have to promise me one thing!"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

Why do the master and apprentice like this trick so much?
Li Xuanxuan suffered a loss once, and this time she will never suffer again!

However, it was useless for her to refuse, because Su Wen said: "If you don't agree, you can spit out all the monster meat you ate during this time and give it back to me!"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

"I killed them all!" Li Xuanxuan said with wide eyes.

And Su Wen also said righteously: "It's true that you killed it, but! I handled it, so don't eat it if you have the ability!"

"Ninety-nine out of ten monster meat has gone into your stomach!"

"Even if you don't agree now, it won't happen!"

After Su Wen finished speaking, she went straight to deal with the monsters, leaving only Li Xuanxuan blowing sand in the wind, speechless...

I don't know if it was to frighten Li Xuanxuan, after Su Wen dealt with the monster this time, he left the skeleton of the monster intact, and even stitched together its appearance before it was alive.

Li Xuanxuan always felt that she meant something: "..."

the next day.

After Li Xuanxuan was not hungry for a short time last night, today is a 'relapse of old disease' again!
Her first reaction was to scold Xie Shixun in her heart.

But the strange thing is that this time, no matter how hard she scolded, how long she scolded, or even scolded according to last night, she was still hungry, very hungry, and fainted from hunger...

Perhaps it was because the two of them reached a tacit agreement last night, Su Wen also took Li Xuanxuan's hand and carefully felt her pulse.

As a result, there was no surprise.

Li Xuanxuan ate up all the monster meat from last night, and even caught another one.

When the second one was cooked, Li Xuanxuan carefully recalled the situation last night, and finally found that there seemed to be one condition missing:
Thank you Shixun!
Li Xuanxuan moved her body, sat down near Xie Shixun, and then started a new round of inner swearing...

As a result, no effect?

Li Xuanxuan racked her brains and finally thought of another point. She put Xie Shixun's hand on her wrist and said shamelessly:

"Thank you Shixun, please help me get my pulse again!"

Xie Shixun really glanced at her when he heard the words: "Didn't you scold me for not knowing?"

Li Xuanxuan didn't notice the loopholes in Xie Shi's lecture at this time, she just said casually: "Oh, how could it be, try again!"

As if afraid that Xie Shixun would pull his hand away, Li Xuanxuan pressed Xie Shixun's hand with the other hand, and after taking a deep breath, she immediately burst out in her heart:

"Thank you Shixun you idiot!!!"

"Thank you for training you #¥%#%*!!!"

Xie Shixun was originally surprised by Li Xuanxuan's behavior. He wanted to see what she was trying to do, but he didn't expect to hear these obscenities all of a sudden!

At that moment, Xie Shixun was a little stunned.

So much so that after he realized it, five or six seconds had passed!

"Li Xuanxuan!"

After Xie Shixun called her in a deep voice, he stretched out his other hand and pushed Li Xuanxuan away.

Since both of them were already Jindan cultivators, Xie Shixun's push directly used his spiritual power. Li Xuanxuan was unprepared, and was pushed away by him in an instant.

Although it didn't fall like a dog eating sand, but the butt fell really hard!
Li Xuanxuan didn't realize that she was already a Jindan cultivator, but why did she hurt after being thrown by the same level?
At this moment, her heart and eyes are full of the joy that she finally got the result of the experiment!
Yes, she tried it out!

Simply scolding Xie Shixun in your heart is not enough!

She must hold his hand while scolding him in her heart, scolding him severely, in order to suppress her hunger!

It's amazing, isn't it? !

Although I'm a little sorry, Xie Shixun...

But for some reason, Li Xuanxuan laughed involuntarily: "Hey!" "Hey!"

The weird laughter made Su Wen and Xie San get goosebumps all over their bodies.

As for Xie Shixun, when he thought of Li Xuanxuan's thoughts last night, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But this little matter is really not worth mentioning to Li Xuanxuan.

In the next few days, Li Xuanxuan was always able to find various excuses in the gaps, such as borrowing things, giving things, returning things... in order to seek short-term physical contact with Xie Shixun.

It's not that Xie Shixun has a habit of being scolded, but his cold face, black face, cold face, no matter what his face is, it doesn't work on Li Xuanxuan...

She has been like this since she was a child, and she always couldn't understand his face.

Besides, Xie San didn't know why he was crazy, he always avoided him recently, no matter what he asked to do, he would hand it over to Li Xuanxuan.

Xie Shixun was very helpless about this.

As for Su Wen from the same team, since she left the island, she has hardly spoken to Xie Shixun, and sometimes she doesn't even meet her eyes...

Perhaps, before Kong Qing died, she never agreed; but after Kong Qing died, she voluntarily and consciously fulfilled the agreement with Master.

Therefore, Su Wen just pretended not to see the exchanges between the three of them, kept silent, let alone cared about the exchanges between the three of them.

Xie Shixun is very happy to see the result.

But also because of this, Li Xuanxuan would always get close to her a few times.

In order to distract Li Xuanxuan later, Xie Shixun asked her to kill monsters again, which he dubbed: Stabilize the Realm.

As for why the monsters are still being killed now, it is because their group is about to leave this place.

Although the desert is vast, it is not deserted.

It's just that the four of them are very low-key, and every time they meet someone, they avoid it from a distance, and because there are two Jindan cultivators in the team of four, they haven't encountered the kind of people who don't have long eyes and want to fight. people they think.

Moreover, they also 'overheard' a lot of news through the cultivation base of Jindan.

Among them were Li Xuanxuan and Xie Shixun's ninety-nine and 81 thunders when they crossed the catastrophe, which had spread all over the desert city!It is precisely because of this that their idea of ​​using the teleportation array in the desert city has completely changed.

Now they are going to go all the way north, pass the border of the desert, reach the highland barley plateau, and then leave through the teleportation array there.

The plan is beautiful, but it is very tiring to actually implement it!

Far is one thing, but mainly the environment.

They looked at the sand for several months, and then the mountains for several months.

But among the four of them, including Xie Shixun, Li Xuanxuan was the one who was able to have fun while suffering the most.

Of course, this is Li Xuanxuan in other people's eyes, but in Li Xuanxuan's own eyes, she is very anxious!
Because she was afraid of running out of time.

As for why she thinks this way, thanks to Xie Shixun.

Since discovering that contacting Xie Shixun can resist the influence of the skeleton of her right hand on her, Li Xuanxuan has gradually discovered some blind spots!
Keke, yes, that's right.

As long as she contacts Xie Shixun, she can eliminate her hunger, and she doesn't need to scold Xie Shixun in her heart...

As for her being always hungry, it was the influence of her right arm bone, because it was also because of Kong Qing that she had endless appetite...

Li Xuanxuan actually didn't forget about this matter, but the strange thing is, during the time when she was always hungry, she didn't think about it at all!
This point was also classified by Li Xuanxuan as the influence of the bones on her.

Compared with appetite, the latter point is obviously more shocking...

Thinking of this, Li Xuanxuan wanted to scold Kong Qing!He also said that she would not be affected by the bones, and now, she has not only one, but two!
I don't know, will the left arm bone also burst out?
 Taozi ran with her mother in the hospital for a day today, she was really tired, her mother will be hospitalized tomorrow, oh oh oh ┭┮﹏┭┮... afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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