Chapter 99

It's Tianlei!
The first thunderbolt struck down!
Tianlei didn't just hit Li Xuanxuan, but both of them!

At this time, Li Xuanxuan, who closed her eyes tightly and seemed to be unconscious, was still trembling slightly because of the thunder entering her body.

On the other hand, Xie Shixun didn't even change his expression at all.


The second thunder followed closely.

Xie Shixun remained unchanged, but Li Xuanxuan's body swayed in mid-air, but fortunately, it stabilized soon.


The third and fourth thunders fell together.

This time, Li Xuanxuan was directly thrown to the ground, and as soon as she landed, Xie Shixun followed, but he still sat face to face with her.

The fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, and the four thunders fell continuously in sequence.

Although Li Xuanxuan reluctantly endured it, she couldn't maintain her meditation posture, and she even groaned unconsciously in pain.

After Xie Shixun saw it, a worried look appeared in his eyes uncontrollably.

Xiao Tianjie takes nine paths as a round, and the last one of each round is also the most powerful one.

Xie Shixun knew that Li Xuanxuan might not be able to bear this ninth way...

Just when he was about to reach out his hand, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be another force emerging from Li Xuanxuan's body!
The ninth thunder struck on time.

As Xie Shixun felt, the strength in Li Xuanxuan's body really began to help her resist the thunder, and her body also meditated again.

Xie Shixun put his hand away again.

After the first round of thunder fell, Lei Jie rested for a while, but the thunder clouds on the top rolled even more violently, just preparing for the next round.

Xie Shixun didn't care about this.

At this moment, he discovered that the sudden power from Li Xuanxuan's body was attracting the remaining thunder power in her body to temper her bones and strengthen her muscles!
This was before the thunder calamity, Xie Shixun wanted to tell Li Xuanxuan, but he didn't have time to ask: Thunder calamity is certainly terrifying, but it might not be a gift of natural power!

When crossing the catastrophe, consciously guide Lei Ting to refine it more deeply. Once the golden core is successfully formed, its physical fitness must be stronger than that of the same level!
Now, it is a good thing for Li Xuanxuan to consciously guide her without knowing the situation, but for some reason, Xie Shixun suddenly felt a little uneasy...

Before he could think again, the first thunder of the second round fell.

This time, Li Xuanxuan's ability to bear was much stronger than the first time. After the complete nine falls, her body posture did not change at all.

Even, her body is still rising steadily, returning to the previous mid-air position.

Xie Shixun saw it more clearly:
Compared with the first time, Li Xuanxuan has already started to guide the power of thunder this time since the first thunder.

Although there was uneasiness, it was considered a good thing in the end, Xie Shixun suppressed it for the time being, and together with Li Xuanxuan, he ascended to midair again.

In the third and fourth rounds, a total of [-] sky thunders were rumbled and finished.

The power in Li Xuanxuan's body was almost dissipated.

Four or nine minor catastrophes and 36 thunderstorms were finally finished, but in the next moment——


Another thunder fell!
The thunder of crossing the tribulation naturally becomes more powerful as it goes to the back.

And now the sky thunder that suddenly fell down is stronger than the last one of the fourth round!

Xie Shixun kept his eyes open and looked at Li Xuanxuan the whole time. As the thunder struck, Li Xuanxuan's body trembled visibly.

Xie Shixun's brows and eyes bent habitually.

He raised his head and looked at the thunderclouds in the sky. The thunderclouds became thicker and thicker, and there seemed to be a dragon of thunder and lightning wandering inside, brewing...

Ordinary immortal cultivators may survive the forty-nine minor catastrophes, but!

How could two people be the same?
The fifth round of thunder fell rapidly, and the power of heaven contained in it was even stronger than before!
After this time, Li Xuanxuan's body returned to the ground from mid-air...

The corners of Xie Shixun's mouth curved slightly, but soon followed her.

Seeing this scene, Su Wen from outside couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, and even the center of her eyebrows couldn't help twitching... Why did she feel that Xie Shixun was inside, as if she was playing?

Li Xuanxuan was about to cross the catastrophe, Su Wen knew about it when she was on the island, during this time, she also knew that Li Xuanxuan's promotion to Jindan so quickly was entirely because of her master, which made Su Wen angry and sad!

If her master's cultivation was not passed on to Li Xuanxuan, she might not be stabbed so easily!
In Su Wen's selfish heart, she wanted Li Xuanxuan to fail the catastrophe, because once Li Xuanxuan became a golden core, it would not be easy for her to take her life, but thinking that it was also her master's cultivation, Su Wen was too happy to do it fail……

Amid Su Wen's hesitation, Li Xuanxuan was unable to break through the last seal for a long time. I have to say that Su Wen was somewhat fortunate about this.

But I didn't expect that Li Xuanxuan would break through so suddenly, and cross the tribulation so suddenly...

Su Wen's eyes moved to the other side:
Xie Shixun would go through the tribulation with her, which she didn't expect, and these days, she didn't see how Xie Shixun practiced, how could he suddenly be able to go through the tribulation?

Could it be that it is so easy to build a foundation and reach a golden core now?
Not really...

She hasn't reached the peak of Foundation Establishment yet!
However, she has never been able to see through Xie Shixun's cultivation. Thinking of what Master said to her before, I am afraid that Xie Shixun is really not easy...

Thinking of this, Su Wen couldn't help but think back to the last conversation with Kong Qing, her mood also fell, and her whole body was instantly wrapped in deep regret, and her whole body became much gloomy.

At the same time, the power in Li Xuanxuan's body that had almost dissipated suddenly increased by a section!And successfully resisted the next thunder!
Seeing this, Xie Shixun couldn't help frowning.

Fortunately, with the third thunder of the sixth chapter, this force finally completely dissipated.

Before the fourth thunder fell, Xie Shixun stretched out his hand, pulled Li Xuanxuan's hand up, and put their palms together.

Xie Shixun's hands, like his voice, were a little cold, a little cold.

But just like him, he was very stable.

The moment the two palms met, Li Xuanxuan's body stopped shaking, and almost at the same moment, the mini Li Xuanxuan in her dantian also opened her eyes.

After Li Xuanxuan was dragged away by Sand Snake, she lost consciousness.

But she knew that she was in a coma, or her body was unconscious, because she herself, or her consciousness, suddenly came to the dantian for some reason.

But even so, she could sense everything that happened outside.

Therefore, when the spiritual power began to gather towards her again, when the lightning tribulation fell, Li Xuanxuan said not to panic, it must be a lie!
At that time, she almost thought that she was going to be hacked to death...

But I didn't expect that she could use her spiritual power to resist!

After thinking about it, it seems reasonable, after all, she will be in the dantian right now, and the most abundant thing in the dantian is spiritual power...

It was only after the first thunder fell that Li Xuanxuan realized that Xie Shixun had come? !Did he accompany her through the tribulation? !
At that moment, Li Xuanxuan was actually a little moved!


When she had endured four or nine minor catastrophes, a total of 36 thunderstorms, but the thunder catastrophe was not over yet, Li Xuanxuan's expression changed when she looked at Xie Shixun who was facing him.

She realized later that Xie Shixun was also crossing the catastrophe!
Li Xuanxuan's first reaction was: Go to the halo of the protagonist of TM!
During this period of time, she has worked so hard to beat monsters, so that all her spiritual power can be stably injected into her body, achieving the most perfect fit!
What did Xie Shixun do?
Just look for the location of the monster every day?That's it?
That's how you get promoted?

Li Xuanxuan didn't vomit blood when struck by the lightning, but she was about to be blinded by the protagonist's halo...

And with the next thunder, the next thunder fell, all the power brought by the bones dissipated.

That's right, the sudden force that Xie Shixun felt outside was brought to Li Xuanxuan by the bones of his left and right hands.

After the emergence of this force, Li Xuanxuan found that even in her dantian, she could no longer control her body.

This made Li Xuanxuan panic.

Just like Xie Shixun, when she found out that this force was helping her overcome the catastrophe, Li Xuanxuan could only temporarily suppress her fear. After all, at this moment, the most important thing is to overcome the catastrophe.

After she completed her tribulation, it would not be too late to deal with those two bones.

After losing control of her body, Li Xuanxuan, who had nothing to do, could only observe the movement of this force in her body.

It wasn't until this time that Li Xuanxuan knew that the power of thunder could temper the body... Ah!

The miniature Li Xuanxuan in her dantian went crazy for a while, but she quickly calmed down again, and began to write down the walking route of the bone power, so that she could also use it in the next thunder disaster... who knows!

This next time is coming so soon!
Li Xuanxuan: "..."

However, Li Xuanxuan at this moment, especially Li Xuanxuan who is in the dantian, naturally knows:
She is already powerless.

Just at this moment when she thought it was a dead end, she turned around again? !
The miniature Li Xuanxuan, in the dantian, actually sees it more clearly than Su Wen and Xie San outside the Leiting area:

This thunder calamity didn't seem to have any effect on Xie Shixun!

But Li Xuanxuan, who was also a victim of the catastrophe, could clearly feel that the thunder that struck Xie Shixun was much more powerful than hers!And Tianwei is almost on his side!
But Xie Shixun still didn't change his face.

Thinking about it again, Li Xuanxuan felt that, in addition to the protagonist's aura, it might also be related to Xie Shixun's past. After all, he was the proud son of heaven before, and his cultivation might have surpassed that of Jindan. Take it easy.

With the palms of the two facing each other, Xie Shixun's spiritual power also entered into Li Xuanxuan's body, and it quickly replenished Li Xuanxuan's meridians, and after a while, there was a faint tendency to fill them up!

Mini Li Xuanxuan was surprised when she saw this!

But her surprise didn't last long, because this action of the two of them directly angered Tian Jie, the thunder cloud rolled again, this time the thunder that fell was even stronger, and fell straight on the two of them!

The bodies of both of them trembled, but the touching palms were still steady.


The sky thunder no longer sticks to one after another, but starts to land crackling!

Li Xuanxuan didn't care about Tianlei, because she found that although Xie Shixun's route of quenching his body with the power of thunder was roughly the same as the power of bones, it was different in many details!
This made her a little scared, wondering if there would be a conflict?
Holding her breath, she concentrated on watching Xie Shixun walk around, and seeing that there was nothing wrong with her body, Li Xuanxuan was really relieved.

At this time, Li Xuanxuan, who was focusing on tempering her body, did not realize how far they had gone and how many thunderstorms they had experienced in total.

Li Xuanxuan didn't notice it, but Su Wen and Xie San outside had been counting for them. Seeing that the eighth round of Tianlei was about to end, Su Wen breathed a sigh of relief unknowingly, seeing Xie San again San seemed very worried, so she said aloud:

"One Jindan cultivator is going through the fourth and ninth minor heavenly tribulations, and the two are going through the eighth and ninth minor heavenly tribulations. The No. 70 second thunder has already fallen, and now we just wait for the thunder clouds to dissipate and the spiritual rain will— —”

"Also, still!"

Xie San suddenly interrupted Su Wen's words.

Su Wen frowned unhappily, followed Xie San's point of view, and said disapprovingly: "What else—"

Before he finished speaking, Su Wen opened his mouth wide!

how come?
How could there be more? !

Could it be that he wants to cross ninety-nine and 81 catastrophes?

How can it be!

But, whether Su Wen believes it or not, the ninth thunder is still striking!
Tian Jie seems to be very uncomfortable with these two people crossing the tribulation together, even if it is the last time, the power of thunder has not diminished but increased.

But so what?

The spiritual power in Xie Shixun's body seemed endless.

The miniature Li Xuanxuan in her dantian, seeing all of this, suddenly felt very emotional: There is probably no one in this world whose crossing of tribulation is as simple as her, right?

Except for the first thunder, which she resisted by herself, the strength of the bones and Xie Shixun helped her share the rest.

Oh, except Xie Shixun.

The thunder hit Xie Shixun this day, as if it was tickling...

I don't know if God heard Li Xuanxuan's thoughts, saw that No.80 was about to fall, but split at the end? !
It all fell on Li Xuanxuan's head!


Li Xuanxuan immediately cried out in pain!
Because her palm is still connected to Xie Shixun, and there is still a lot of spiritual power in her body, she has nothing to say about resisting this thunder.

But by the way!
The last thunderbolt seemed to have eyes. After hitting Li Xuanxuan's body, it went straight to the dantian and hit the miniature Li Xuanxuan with precision!
Li Xuanxuan: "..."

This time, Li Xuanxuan not only lost control of her body, but also lost control of her dantian——

She was completely unconscious.

When Li Xuanxuan's body was tilted to one side, Xie Shixun immediately pulled her into his arms and checked her.

Seeing this, his eyebrows frowned into a hill:
Jindan is formed.

There is no problem with the body.

But why fainted?

Xie Shixun really doesn't understand...

 I have received 15 monthly tickets in total this month~~ At the beginning of the month, I will add more monthly tickets for this month~~ So, I will ask for a wave of monthly tickets at the end of the month~~
(End of this chapter)

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