Chapter 37

Li Xuanxuan also noticed Xie Shixun's gaze, she followed and looked at the young man in white, and she nodded slightly in that direction, Li Xuanxuan also nodded in response.

The guard probably saw it, so he asked: "Is the person behind you also the son? If so, we can go there together!"

After all, there are so many banknotes.

Xie Shixun lowered his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "No."

"Xie San, let's go."

After Xie Shixun finished speaking, he pushed the wheelchair forward by himself.

Seeing this, the guard hurriedly called two of his subordinates and ordered them to hold torches, "You guys send the young master for a while!"

Seeing that his master had already left, Xie San hurriedly led Li Xuanxuan to chase after him.

When Li Xuanxuan was led past the guard, she subconsciously looked back at him, but this glance, in the eyes of the guard, changed its meaning:

He felt that Li Xuanxuan was looking at that little boy in the back!
It's not that we don't do things, but we have received so many bank notes, right?How much can still relieve the young master's worries!

The guard turned back again, with a tense expression on his face, he saw his left hand on his hip, his right hand resting on the scimitar beside him, and roared loudly:
"The one behind! Why are you dawdling? Can't you enter the city yet!"

Seeing this, the businessman cried out inwardly. As he walked forward, he quickly winked at his son and asked him to stand behind him.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a while!"

The guard's eyes were not very good, and he only recognized it after waiting for the person to approach, "So it's Boss Wen!"

what a good day todayActually blowing two Gods of Wealth?

Wen Xian bent his body: "It's Wen, I haven't been to Qinghe City for a while, it's hard for the messenger to remember, I came in a hurry today, please accept it and buy some tea!"

While talking, Wen Xian handed over a purse, the guard took the purse and weighed it in his hand——

A little more than usual.

The guard directly threw the purse to the person next to him. Although he smiled and said "You're being polite", his right hand never dropped from the knife.

So, how could Wen Xian not understand?

But when he wanted to hand over the purse again, the guard blocked it:

"Boss Wen doesn't know something. Immortal cultivators have appeared near Qinghe City recently. The city lord ordered us to strictly inspect those who entered the city. I think you brought a lot of goods this time. Why don't you come back tomorrow morning!"

After hearing this, Wen Xian said quickly: "Master, you also know that this is not the first time Wen has come to Qinghe City to do business, and the goods have always been good. Can you accommodate me?"

After Wen Xian finished speaking, he handed over two big purses, "And our batch is going to be supplied to the Qin government, and they are in a hurry, otherwise we wouldn't have entered the city overnight, you see—"


Before Wen Xian finished speaking, the guard interrupted with a snort.

He himself is not that kind of noble person, not to mention it is rare to meet the God of Wealth today, and he doesn't have to embarrass Wen Xian because of the young man who met once, especially in terms of those two big purses, he is already a little loose , but did not expect that Wen Xian would bring up the Qin Mansion!

"Heh! So what about supplying the Qin family?!"

Isn't this martial law ordered by the Qin family to let the city lord issue it?
The guard also remembered that during the day, the guards of the Qin family treated the city gate as the gate of the Qin family, and treated them as servants, and the unhappiness in their hearts became more intense.

"Tonight! Even if Mr. Qin enters the city gate, he needs to be inspected as well!"

As soon as Wen Xian heard this, he knew that he had been angered, but the name of the Qin family was very useful in the past, why did it backfire this time?

Could it be that during the period when he was not here, what happened to Qinghe City?
Wen Xian suppressed the miscellaneous thoughts for the time being, and then handed over to the guards, "Please don't be annoyed, sir, it's Wen who wants to go wrong, and I have several trucks of goods, and the messenger can inspect them at will!"

However, it was still too late.

The guard waved directly: "It's getting late today, everyone, please hurry up tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the city gate, and the soldiers behind him also quickly raised their weapons, pushed Wen Xian and his party back, put on their horses to block them, and a group of people returned with torches city.

The white-clothed boy, Wen Xian's son Wen Yi, stepped forward to support his father and asked softly, "Father, what should we do now?"

Wen Xian raised his hand, "Get out of here first."

Wen Yi frowned, "But the goods from the Qin family will be——"


Wen Xian glanced at Wen Yi, and said again: "Leave first."

Soon, Wen Yi understood what her father said.

Because the people who entered the city behind them began to curse at them, just because they had a lot of things, they dragged on for a long time, and offended the guards, causing the city gate to be closed early!

If you don't scold them, who are you scolding?
They even started eyeing the Wen family's goods.

Fortunately, the Wen family's guards were also skilled. After they unleashed their weapons, although these people were still scolding, they still retreated.

After this incident, the Wen family and his party quickly left the city gate.

On the other side, Li Xuanxuan and the other three walked towards the largest restaurant in the city after the guards left.

Isn't it all like this?
Inquire about news in teahouses or restaurants.

It's getting late now, so I can only choose a restaurant.

After taking a seat in the corner of the lobby, Li Xuanxuan ordered food and wine first, but after Xiaoer left, Xie San couldn't help muttering:
"My master can't drink anymore..."

She said she was muttering, but Li Xuanxuan heard it again, so she couldn't help but tapped on the table twice, reminding:
"Even if you can drink it, you can't drink it if you are injured."

Xie San was indignant: "Then you still order?!"

Li Xuanxuan glanced at Xie San like a fool, "If you don't order wine in a restaurant, why don't you go to a teahouse?"

Besides, she, an uninjured adult, can naturally have a drink!
After Li Xuanxuan finished talking about Xie San, when she was about to look away, she met Xie Shixun's gaze looking at her, and the other party looked at her as if he could see through her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xie Shixun looked away, took a sip from the teacup, "It's nothing."

Seeing that he didn't ask, Li Xuanxuan asked directly what she was interested in: "Xie Shixun, how much money did you give the guard just now?"

"Why, do you want to share some?"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

"You pretend I didn't ask."

When Xie Shixun heard the words, the corners of his lips curled slightly.

But after he put down his teacup, he still took the initiative to bring up the previous point: "The father and son told you that on purpose, I don't believe you didn't catch it."

Li Xuanxuan blinked: "I know."

"Know why you still talk to them?"

Li Xuanxuan was really puzzled: "Wouldn't it be a good thing to save money?"

Xie Shixun looked up at her: "Just for this?"

Li Xuanxuan spread her hands: "Otherwise?"

Xie Shixun: "Oh."


 I’m in PK these days, so ask for tickets (monthly tickets, recommended tickets, red beans are all available) and five-star book reviews, there should be two or three short, please~~
  Taozi will work hard to add more tomorrow, bow and thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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