Chapter 38

When the food was served, Li Xuanxuan quickly turned her attention.

Xie Shixun asked her before if he wanted to give her Bigu Pill, but Li Xuanxuan refused.

The main reason is that her thinking has not changed from "human" to "immortal", and she always feels that life would be boring without food?
Right now, Li Xuanxuan almost forgot how long it had been since she had a good meal.It seemed that since she woke up, and even before that, she had no memory of eating.

This is the best restaurant in Qinghe City.

I haven't drunk the wine yet, let's not talk about it for the time being, but the food is really delicious, even Xie San, who was originally cautious because of being at the same table, soon started to eat.

Xie Shixun, on the other hand, didn't see how he ate.

After all, it was the master who paid the bill, so Li Xuanxuan took the initiative to care about it, and Xie Shixun took the teacup and returned quietly:

"In the past, I had a big meal, and after falling back to a mortal, my appetite has also become much smaller."

Hearing this, Xie San raised his head from the bowl and glanced at his master, thinking silently: That's not it!
Xie San dares to assure you that his master must not have taken a fancy to the food here!In this regard, absolutely no one can understand the master's pickiness better than him!

Xie Shixun glanced at Xie San lightly, and Xie San immediately buried himself in cooking.

Li Xuanxuan didn't see it, because it suddenly occurred to her that Xie Shixun's transition from a cultivator to a mortal, and then from a mortal to a cultivator, seemed to be just a switch between two identities, but in fact, it was every little detail of his body and life. completely different.

These small details are enough to constitute earth-shaking changes.

And Xie Shixun was able to survive three years and adapt very quickly in a short period of time, which also proved his mental toughness, and he deserves to be the hero!
Li Xuanxuan picked up the wine glass on the side: "Xie Shixun, this glass is toast to you, congratulations on your new journey to cultivating immortals!" After speaking, she drank it all in one gulp.

Xie Shixun raised his eyebrows, but his voice remained calm: "It's too early to say that."

Li Xuanxuan shook her head, "Sooner or later!" She said as she poured herself another glass, "Then I wish you a speedy cultivation of immortality!" After speaking, the glass was exhausted.

Xie Shixun: "..."

He stopped talking, because he suspected that Li Xuanxuan was not sincere at all, she was just trying to find a reason for her to drink.

Sure enough, the next moment, Li Xuanxuan held a full wine glass and celebrated for herself as a cultivator.

Seeing this, Xie Shixun rarely said: "Be careful of getting drunk."

"how is this possible?!"

Li Xuanxuan was not deceived at all, because this was fruit wine, extremely low in alcohol content, and sweet and sour, so she only drank a few more glasses.

Seeing this, Xie Shixun stopped talking.

After Li Xuanxuan looked around the lobby, she felt regretful and depressed.

It seems that you really have to go to the teahouse to inquire about the news.

In this restaurant, there is either drunk talk or crazy talk, and there is no useful news at all.

Because they were located in the corner, there happened to be two large windows on both sides, one facing the street and the other facing the alley, Li Xuanxuan held the jug in one hand and the wine glass in the other, got up and leaned against the window to look at the scene outside .

After nightfall in Qinghe City, the temperature is low and the wind is easy to blow.

After Xie Shixun glanced at Li Xuanxuan by the window, his eyes fell on Xie San next to him again. Xie San was puzzled at first, but after a while he put down his chopsticks belatedly:
"Well, master, I'm full."

Xie Shixun: "Yes."

Xie San slowed down for a moment, then hurriedly turned back to look at Li Xuanxuan: "Miss Xuanxuan, why don't we find an inn first and stay here?"

Leaning by the window and looking at the scene outside, it is easy for Li Xuanxuan to think of the Secret Realm and Shaoyao... But the real scene is not as lively as in the Secret Realm. There are few pedestrians and vendors on the street outside. is boring.

Li Xuanxuan was about to respond to Xie Sanshi, but suddenly saw a figure with sharp eyes. The other person was walking all the way against the wall, and when he came to the entrance of the alley, he saw him looking around, and then dodged into the alley next to the restaurant.

Li Xuanxuan noticed him because of his strange behavior, but she didn't expect to recognize him when he looked up!
——"Li Si!"

After Li Xuanxuan called out in a low voice, Dang even threw the flagon in her hand, put her hands on the window sill, and turned over neatly.

The moment Xie Shixun saw this scene, he immediately squeezed the handle of the wheelchair with both hands:
"Thank you three!"

At the same moment, Xie San hesitated for a second.

Because this scene is too familiar.

So much so that he was a little scared, afraid that when he came back, the master would disappear again...

But in the next second, when he saw his master wanting to get up, he suddenly remembered that his master had recovered now...

So he didn't hesitate anymore, and left a sentence "Master, don't move, Xie San will definitely bring Miss Xuanxuan back", and then followed through the window and went out.

The movement of several people naturally attracted the attention of the customers in the store and the waiter. Without waiting for the waiter to come over, Xie Shixun threw money on the table, pushed his wheelchair, and went out from the main entrance to chase after them.

As for Li Xuanxuan in the front, as soon as she landed, she raised her head to look for someone. Although she could still see Li Si's figure at that time, there was already a considerable distance between the two of them.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xuanxuan threw out the wine glass in the other hand.

She is still not proficient in controlling spiritual power. Apart from having the experience of imitating magic circles, she has not yet learned how to use spiritual power, and she has only learned body skills for a few days.

But at this moment, when the wine glass was separated from her hand, the body of the glass was not only equipped with rotational force, but also spiritual power, both of which made the wine glass hit Li Si's back quickly and accurately.

The wine glass is undoubtedly fragile, not to mention being held hostage by two forces, so at the moment of collision, the wine glass also shattered into pieces in an instant.

Although Li Xuanxuan did not stop after landing, so did Li Si. Although he was still hit by the wine glass, it only made him stagger two or three steps.

Although Li Si couldn't detect the existence of spiritual energy, he was very sensitive to the crisis. He didn't even dare to look back. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was: run farther away!
If it is a normal immortal cultivator, or a foundation-building immortal cultivator, if he wants to catch a mortal, let alone it is easy, even the throw of the wine glass just now can directly kill the opponent!

It's a pity that Li Xuanxuan is a person who has nothing to build a foundation but can't even compare to the first level of Qi Refining.

But knowing how to use it doesn’t mean it’s completely useless!

At least at this moment, in Li Xuanxuan's eyes, the scene in the distance was magnified and slowed down, she could clearly see the moment the wine glass was broken, and she could see the fragments spreading backwards and towards the surroundings!

Li Xuanxuan raised her hand subconsciously, her spiritual power moved slightly, and the fragments were held in mid-air almost at the same time, and she pushed her palm forward, and all the fragments in the distance flew towards Li Si's back— —


(End of this chapter)

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