Chapter 66 Enslaved

"elder sister!"

When Li Sisi left, she was also worried that Xie Shixun would do something secretly, so she also stopped Li Xuanxuan at the same time.

Although Xie Shixun was sitting in the carriage, he didn't know anything about the outside world. If he really wanted to stop him, Li Sisi wouldn't even be able to take a step forward, let alone shout.

Li Sisi didn't know, so when she got to Li Xuanxuan's side, she was afraid of being interrupted by Xie Shixun, and she didn't even have time to catch her breath, so she hurriedly said:
"Sister, can you trust Sisi?"

Li Xuanxuan saw that after she finished speaking, she could not help but jump out of the carriage and said with a smile, "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Li Sisi took a few breaths, then looked at Li Xuanxuan, and said seriously: "Sister, the Li family used to be pregnant and had to submit! But my father and Sisi never thought of harming my sister, they just suffered from the unparalleled strategy, but Even if my sister didn't want it on that day, my father didn't snatch it..."

When Li Sisi said this, her eye circles were already a little red, and she didn't know what to say next, so she just murmured: "Sister, sister..."

Seeing this, Li Xuanxuan secretly sighed.

Then, under Li Sisi's gaze, she reached out and touched her head lightly, but worried about messing up her hair, Li Xuanxuan quickly withdrew her hand:
"I understand, Sisi don't need to worry, please rest assured, uncle."

If the servants of the rural Zhuangzi were not the original owners, then Li Guangping had made arrangements when he brought them back to his residence.

The divorce may have been Qin Changsheng's request to thank Shixun for bringing the Yuchan hairpin to Qinghe City, but Li Guangping may not have just pushed the boat along the way to cancel the unequal marriage contract for the original owner.

On the day of retirement, Li Guangping was not unable to snatch the Yuchan hairpin from Li Xuanxuan's hands, or he might have realized that Li Xuanxuan wanted to escape and just let her do it.

As for why the orchid jade pendant was in his hands... simply, since it has been returned to its original owner, there is no need to delve into it.

Therefore, Li Xuanxuan's words are also sincere.

Li Sisi hurriedly reached out and grabbed Li Xuanxuan's sleeve before Li Xuanxuan completely withdrew her hand: "Then, will sister come back in the future?"

Li Xuanxuan was taken aback when she heard this.

She thought that in this plan, she was the biggest change.

But now, this biggest change has become an immortal cultivator, an existence they cannot shake, and naturally it has become a hidden danger. Maybe they will also worry that one day she will become another Qin Changsheng.

Li Xuanxuan chose to leave Qinghe City so soon, because the original owner lost her memory, because she wanted to complete the task quickly, and because she wanted them to feel at ease.

However, she did not expect that Li Sisi would ask this question.

Li Xuanxuan looked at Li Sisi in front of her, she had red eyes, she was biting her lower lip with white teeth, and the five fingers under her sleeves were holding her tightly. Looking back at her voice just now, it seemed to have a crying tone, and even a trill— —

"Do you want me back?"

When Li Sisi heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded again and again: "Of course!" After answering, Li Sisi began to shake his head again: "No, no!"

"Sister, can you not leave?"

Seeing her actions, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but chuckled, holding Li Sisi's wrists with both hands, but said:

Li Sisi immediately lowered her head in frustration.

The smile on Li Xuanxuan's face deepened, and she suddenly remembered the scene of meeting on Duantou Cliff——

It turned out that she was smart and brave.

But she is still a little girl, a little girl who can call "sister".

Li Xuanxuan moved her hands down a little and changed it to hold Li Sisi. She squeezed Li Sisi's palm and said:
"When I finish what I should do, I will find a chance to come back to see you!"

After finishing speaking, she added another sentence: "How about it? Sister Sisi."

Li Sisi was already a little happy when she saw Li Xuanxuan change her words, but when she heard the address later, she felt like her little heart was about to jump out:

"Sister, are you serious?!"

"True than pearls!"

Hearing this, Li Sisi had a bright smile on his face, "Then let's pull the hook!"

The little girl looks so pretty when she smiles!
Li Xuanxuan hooked up with her with a smile.

The carriage moved forward slowly.

Qin Chao, who had been waiting silently, walked up to Li Sisi now, "Sisi, shall we go back?"

Li Sisi looked at him with a smile, and replied, "Okay!"

Seeing this, Qin Chao couldn't help but feel a little jealous, "She just said yes to she so happy?"

Qin Chao's words were somewhat disappointing, but the smile on Li Sisi's face did not disappear, but deepened: "Yes, what my sister said has always been accurate, and the promises she made will definitely be fulfilled." arrive!"

Li Sisi walked while talking, Qin Chao took two quick steps to catch up after hearing this: "That's right, I'm her favorite!"

"Then, can I ask you out tomorrow? Sisi?"

"Huh? Isn't your house busy anymore?"


"Also, you don't have to honor your ancestors?"


The conversation between the two gradually faded away...

On the other side, on the carriage farther and farther away from the city gate, Xie Shixun also asked Li Xuanxuan: "Is it so happy to be called 'sister'?"

"It seems that I have experienced the happiness of peony."

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

Xie Shixun saw that Li Xuanxuan didn't talk to her, so he asked again: "What? Haven't come out yet? Will the word 'peony' become a taboo in the future?"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

If it weren't for the fact that 717 is out of contact now, she would really want to pull it out and ask it carefully. With Xie Shixun's appearance, what kind of gentle man is he? !

Although Li Xuanxuan didn't turn her head back, she also sensed that the 'Mr. Banished Immortal' behind her was about to speak again, so she said decisively:
"To shut up!"

But Li Xuanxuan didn't know that this sentence of 'shut up' would bring her so much suffering in the future!

If she knew, she would withdraw immediately!
Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.



In the blink of an eye, a month later.

Jinfeng Town.

Li Xuanxuan looked at the town she had not seen for a long time, her eyes were filled with tears, and her knees almost fell to the ground!
At this moment, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were ragged, her shoes were torn, and her pretty face was covered by dust until only half of it remained!

"Hey! Where did the beggar come from!"

"What beggar? Can he speak? That's a refugee!"

"Ah, there are still refugees now!"

Li Xuanxuan looked at the town gate in front of her, and realized after a few seconds that the person they were talking about, the person walking around, turned out to be her!
Li Xuanxuan lowered her head to look at herself, and when she raised her head again, in a daze, she could still flash a flash of her appearance when she left Qinghe City, dressed in Chinese clothes, with a complicated and beautiful bun on her head, sitting in front of the carriage and driving in high spirits.

It turns out that at this moment, she has a negative score, let alone half a score!
And the culprit behind all of this——

"Thank you Shixun!"

(End of this chapter)

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