Chapter 67

Li Xuanxuan glared at the other side. At this moment, Xie Shixun was still sitting in a wheelchair, but saw him——

Although the hair tied up by Yu Guan is not meticulous, it is still neat; the clothes on his body are not brand new, but they are clean; the shoes on his feet are not spotless, but they are also clean.

How does she look like her? !

He has become so unkempt that he has become a refugee in the world's population!

At this time, Li Xuanxuan looked at Xie Shixun's gaze, as if it could emit real sparks, even if it was Xie Shixun, she couldn't help but look away.

Li Xuanxuan saw that he was so 'guilty', and the anger in her heart rose more and more.

For the past month, she didn't know how she lived!

In the beginning, they had a carriage with food and drink, and a bank note returned by the guard, and both of them were immortal cultivators!This journey will never be too hard!

who knows?
Xie Shixun didn't take the big road, but took the small road!
Also in the name of exercising her?Tormenting her is more or less the same!
The body technique is still the one I practiced in the mountains near Duantouya, but I don’t know if it’s because last time, although she didn’t use spiritual power, there was spiritual energy in her body, but this time, she didn’t have it at all. Because of spiritual power, it was much more painful to practice than last time.

In addition, Xie San is not here...

For Li Xuanxuan, one-on-one lessons are really difficult.

And every time at this time, Xie Shixun would mention what she said in the Qin Mansion Longevity Court that day, if she wanted to become stronger, so as to block her!
Li Xuanxuan: "..."

The goal is set up like this, but people have to progress step by step, right?How can anyone become a big fat man with one bite? !
But the reality is-

Li Xuanxuan couldn't resist Xie Shixun...

So, this inhuman month came like this.

But at this moment, this long-lost town and the discussions of passers-by woke up the numb Li Xuanxuan in an instant!
No, she can't do this!
Li Xuanxuan's eyes lit up again, she clenched her fists, took a deep breath, then walked back to Xie Shixun, and stretched out her hand to him confidently:

"give me!"

"For what?" Xie Shixun was puzzled.

But Li Xuanxuan thought he was pretending to be confused, and Dang even stared wide-eyed, "In this month, I will climb trees for you to find fruits to eat, catch fish for you to roast and eat, and catch dew for you in the morning." , to drink from spring water, to carry you in and out of the wheelchair every day, and to massage your legs!"

At the beginning, he himself said that Xie San was not here, and asked her to take Xie San's place, but she saw that his legs were really not good for walking, and it was related to the task, so she agreed.

But never expected: "You, you actually want to deduct my wages?!"

Xie Shixun was a little dazed by this series of words, but when he looked up into Li Xuanxuan's eyes and saw the grievance in her eyes, there was a slight ripple in his calm state of mind for a long time.

Under such a change, Xie Shixun didn't say anything, just turned his hand and took out the wooden box and handed it to her.

It's only natural to get money for doing things!
Li Xuanxuan is not guilty at all for getting this salary!

However, Xie Shixun handed her the whole wooden box, isn't that... a little too much?

Probably seeing Li Xuanxuan's hesitation, and compared to her uprightness just now, the corners of Xie Shixun's lips curled up slightly involuntarily, but he said:
"It can only be used for today's expenses, tomorrow we-"

Before Xie Shixun finished speaking, Li Xuanxuan grabbed the wooden box and headed straight for the town gate without looking back.

Coming to this town was a temporary decision, and it was the result of Li Xuanxuan's long-term struggle, but they had to leave this place tomorrow.

So, how dare Li Xuanxuan waste time?
Jinfeng Town is not large in scale, and the inspection at the entrance to the town is also simple.

After Li Xuanxuan entered the town, she only took a look around, and saw the highest place here, marked on it: Yuelai Inn.

That's it!

Li Xuanxuan sprinted for [-] meters, went straight, and shouted after entering the door: "Little Er, open a room!"

Although it was said that the visitor was a customer, the waiter in the shop still hesitated seeing Li Xuanxuan's appearance, "Guest officer, you..."

Li Xuanxuan saw her, and without waiting for him to finish speaking, she arrogantly opened the wooden box, ready to throw him a silver ticket!
Unexpectedly, as soon as the wooden box was opened, the banknotes inside were too full, and the small stack on the top fell down one after another!
Li Xuanxuan was taken aback!
She quickly closed it again, and squatted down to pick up the scattered banknotes.

The waiter didn't expect such a scene, he subconsciously took a step forward, but after a sudden reaction, he backed away again and again!

After all, he doesn't know how many there are on the ground, and whether it's true or not, what if he is blackmailed?
In fact, Li Xuanxuan, the person involved, didn't know about this issue either!Anyway, she just picked up everything she could see on the ground.

Standing up, just as she was about to talk to the waiter in the shop again, Li Xuanxuan noticed several gazes on her body.

She immediately looked back——

Those people probably didn't expect that Li Xuanxuan would look back so directly, so they hastily looked away, and many people still met Li Xuanxuan's eyes.

It turned out to be the people eating in the lobby!
Although these people didn't have weapons on them, they all looked a little thick, but whoever it was, they would definitely look at the silver bills flying all over the sky.

Li Xuanxuan kept an extra thought in mind, but she didn't take it too seriously, because at this time, nothing could compare to the importance of opening a house.

After giving the waiter a silver ticket, and after waiting for a while, Li Xuanxuan finally got the key to the room. Without further ado, she asked the waiter to quickly bring hot water in for her.

Although she was so hungry that she could swallow a cow at the moment, not to mention facing everyone's strange gazes, even she herself couldn't bear to eat like this.

After waiting for a while, two full buckets of hot water were finally moved.

After Li Xuanxuan locked the doors and windows, she checked the room and bathroom. After confirming that there was no problem, she tore off the clothes on her body.

She will definitely destroy this suit!
Next, Li Xuanxuan was very serious and used all her strength——began rubbing herself!The kind of rubbing hard!
About half an hour later, she looked at the red skin from top to bottom, and then let herself go.

Another bucket of hot water has become lukewarm water at this time. After putting petals in it, Li Xuanxuan started the second round - taking a bath!
The moment she entered the barrel, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but let out a soft sigh:
It's so comfortable too!
This is the correct way to open the shower!
It's not like when she was in the forest before, she just took a handful of water to wash her face and hands?
Just when Li Xuanxuan was about to close her eyes and start to enjoy it formally, 717 said: [Host, where is the male lead? 】

(End of this chapter)

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