Chapter 86

After Li Xuanxuan shook her head, Kong Qing followed suit, and the field became quiet again.

Among the four people around the table, except for Su Wen, the other three only looked down at the teacup in front of her, and Su Wen was never a person who could sit still, so she quickly looked around.

In fact, she kind of wants to go out.

It's so lively outside!

Su Wen's messy look was not seen by the other three, but was clearly seen by Xie San.

Xie San actually wanted to ask Su Wen about something, but the occasion was not right now, but no matter how late, it seemed too late, so he was very hesitant about this meeting.

For a moment, the eyes of the two still met.

Seeing Xie San, his eyes were a little bright, but Su Wen didn't see it.

In her heart, Xie San is a nuisance who only hinders her every time!
So, she stared back pretending to be fierce, and then immediately turned her gaze.

Xie San: "..."

Amidst the different thoughts of the people, the grand event of Zuihualou finally kicked off tonight.

Outside the door of the box, the maid waiting for orders opened the door of the box after asking. Not long after, Yun Li's voice came in:

"Everyone, it's the [-]th night of every month again, and it's time to find someone who is destined for the 'Sai Yao Xian'. This is also the highlight of our Zui Hua Lou today!

According to the old rules, in the next two quarters of an hour, everyone can walk around the Zuihua Building to find the 'Sai Yao Xian' hidden in the crowd!The first person who is destined to find 'Sai Yao Xian' will get a chance to be healed by 'Sai Yao Xian' himself, and will even get a congratulatory treasure provided by Zui Hua Lou! "

As Yun Li's voice fell, enthusiastic responses erupted from the first floor of the venue.

But the higher it went, the quieter it became.

Su Wen couldn't help but put his elbows on the table, propped his chin with both hands, and said with some lack of interest: "It's really boring upstairs!"

As soon as Su Wen said this, no one responded.

Needless to say Xie San, let alone Xie Shixun, as for Kong Qing, she seemed to be thinking about something from the very beginning... After looking around calmly, Li Xuanxuan still spoke up after thinking about it:
"Why do you say that?"

Su Wen put down her hands, shrugged to Li Xuanxuan and said, "They have participated too many times!"

Among them, there are reasons why these people are numb because of their self-reliance on their identities. After all, it is held every month and every year, but no one has ever recognized the 'Sai Yao Xian'.

In their view, the so-called "destined person" is nothing more than a cover.

Su Wen always sneered at this, because they said grapes were sour when they couldn't eat grapes!Who made them not the people her master was looking for? !

"Moreover, their goal is not in the first round, and the second round is their 'battlefield'."

Therefore, she usually only stays in the first round.

After Su Wen finished speaking, he sighed again: "The first floor is still interesting! Most of the first floor participants are here for the first time, but they are full of enthusiasm, energy, and fun!"

While talking, Su Wen recalled the excitement of the previous month, and couldn't help asking Li Xuanxuan: "Listen to the shouts downstairs!"

"How about it? Go down and have a look together?"

Li Xuanxuan heard the words, neither agreed nor refused, only said to see later.

Su Wen heard this, but immediately stood up, left the table, passed Xie Shixun, came to Li Xuanxuan's side, and directly took her hand: "Let's go, get down now!"

Seeing this, Li Xuanxuan was stunned.

She wanted to say no again, but was pulled up by Su Wen, and was forced to take two steps forward, when the connecting arms of the two were held down by a big hand——

Empty blue?

Although Kong Qing still looked at Su Wen with a slight smile, the words she said were quite unbearable: "Don't force Xuanxuan."

Su Wen's gaze met Kong Qing's, and he hastily let go of Li Xuanxuan's hand, and took a step back.

This scene was noticed by Li Xuanxuan and Xie Shixun.

Li Xuanxuan thought that Su Wen was scared by Kong Qing, so she waved her hands again and again, "It's all right, let's take a look first." After speaking, she took the initiative to walk out the door.

However, leaning on the railing outside the door and looking down, Li Xuanxuan retreated a bit.

Are there too many people on the first floor?
Kong Qingben followed Li Xuanxuan, seeing her expression, couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and even teased her: "How is it? Do you want to go down?"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

Just at this time, Yun Li also said the ending:

"This is a grand event held once a month in Zuihualou. I believe everyone present is aware of the rules, so Yun Li won't go into details here, but there are two points you must keep in mind:

First, within these two quarters of an hour, threats such as violence to participants are not allowed;
Second, after these two quarters of an hour, all guests need to return to their consumption area.

Anyone who violates any of the above points will be entered into the blacklist of Zuihualou and will never be released! "

As Yun Li's voice fell, a dozen tough men appeared on the third floor of Zuihua Building, and two immortal cultivators on each floor.

Li Xuanxuan glanced over, and it seemed that the immortal cultivators on the first and second floors were all refining Qi, while the two on the same floor as them seemed to be building foundations?
Not long after Li Xuanxuan looked over, the eyes of the two Establishing Foundations swept over to her.However, before Li Xuanxuan could react, the two looked back.

After Li Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of what Xie Shixun said before, she didn't dare to look at other people's cultivation.

Kong Qing next to her had a panoramic view of Li Xuanxuan's expression and movements, but a smile could not help but emerge from the corner of her mouth.

Su Wen stood on the other side, and happened to see both of them clearly, so she couldn't help pouting.

On Yunli's side, after seeing the guards of Zuihualou, everyone restrained their volume and behavior, so they also smiled in satisfaction, and finally said a reminder:
"Tonight is a grand event and a carnival, but please keep your belongings safe. Zuihualou will not be responsible for any loss!"

After Yun Li finished speaking, a "bang" sound suddenly sounded.

I saw petals all over the sky, falling from the sky, bringing bursts of floral fragrance. After the initial concentration, the petals began to become scattered. At this time, a giant hourglass appeared out of thin air in the center.

"This hourglass is positive for two quarters of an hour, please pay more attention!"

As soon as the words fell, the hourglass slowly rotated in mid-air, and after it was straightened, a "beep" sounded——

The search for 'Sai Yao Xian' has officially begun!

As Su Wen said, once the "beep" sound ended, the people on the first floor cheered in various ways, and then there was an exaggerated "rumbling" sound of walking.

Seeing this battle, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help shrinking her neck.

It's really hard to be a 'Sai Yao Xian'!Going through a crowd shock like this every month...

If it were Li Xuanxuan, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

When Su Wen saw Li Xuanxuan's appearance, she knew that she would not go down, so her eyes fell on Kong Qing who was beside her.

Seeing Kong Qing, she nodded slightly.

Su Wen immediately cheered, "Then take a look here, I'll go down to play first!"

As soon as Su Wen left, Xie San in the room called softly, "Master."

Xie Shixun nodded.

Xie San also followed out the door and walked downstairs quietly.

Whether Kong Qing saw Xie San's actions, Li Xuanxuan didn't know, anyway, she saw it, and she subconsciously blocked it for him.

Xie Shixun did not leave the room.

As for Xie San, he probably went to help him find the 'Sai Yao Xian'.

Li Xuanxuan thought so, but at this time Xie San was only catching up with Su Wen who was ahead.

When Su Wen saw Xie San for the first time, she subconsciously looked behind him, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see, she turned her head in disappointment, and said in a bad tone: "What are you here for?"

Xie San followed Su Wen closely, but was half a step behind her, and quickly asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Since Miss Su Wen knows that my master is looking for 'Sai Yao Xian', but you are not also the apprentice of 'Sai Yao Xian', why don't you try it yourself?"

When Su Wen heard this, he glared at Xie San angrily, "If I could heal, would I not tell?"

Will not.

She would definitely run to Xie Shixun immediately and tell him.

But the point is, she can't cure it.

"Then how can you be sure that your master can cure it? Could it be that he has seen my master's leg?"


Su Wen just said the first word, and he reacted in an instant.

"Okay, Xie San, I said why did you suddenly show so much courtesy to me? It turned out that you were trying to trick me!"

Fortunately, she has always been cautious about Master's affairs.

Xie San was not embarrassed when he was exposed, and he just continued to ask for an answer: "Then I am not wrong, he concluded that he can be cured without even looking at it. Could it be that he just opened his mouth? Is it a false name? Is it a magic stick?!"

When Su Wen heard this, his eyes widened.

The next moment, she stretched out her hand and greeted Xie San: "Dare to speak ill of my master, see if I don't kill you!"

"Hmph, you don't have the ability yet!"

Xie San turned sideways and dodged, and in the next second, bullied him.

Although Su Wen was a cultivator, she knew that Xie San was a mortal, so naturally she would not use spiritual power to suppress him, and the two immediately fought with bare hands.

The two of them are now at the second floor, and most of the second floor is also a room, and there are not many people, but at this moment, people on the first floor are also starting to rush up.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene.

After all, Guanshi Yun just said that they can't fight, and the two hit each other. This is not to take Zuihualou seriously!
Just when everyone thought that these two people would be taken down by Zuihualou and kicked out, they found that those big men and immortal cultivators just took a look here, and still stood still.

Everyone: "???"

Later, when an 'old man' who had participated several times revealed his identity as Su Wen, everyone was surprised.

Of course, some people doubted whether Xie San who was fighting her was the 'Sai Yao Xian' himself?
But after Xie San and Su Wen loudly retorted, everyone gradually moved away from their battle area.

Li Xuanxuan and Kong Qing, who were at the railing upstairs, couldn't have missed such a big commotion downstairs.

The reason why Li Xuanxuan didn't move was that Xie Shixun sent her a voice transmission.

But why didn't Kong Qing move?Not curious either?

Li Xuanxuan thought so, so she asked, Kong Qing smiled, and didn't reply, just asked her: "Aren't you going to find 'Sai Yao Xian'?"

Li Xuanxuan prolonged "Huh?" and asked Kong Qing, "Do you think I can find it?"

Kong Qing lowered her eyes, "If Xuanxuan wants to, she will naturally find it."

After hearing this, Li Xuanxuan immediately nodded and said, "I think so too."

As soon as she said this, Kong Qing raised her eyes to look at her in surprise: "Does Xuanxuan know who 'Sai Yao Xian' is?"

Li Xuanxuan nodded, she seemed to be smiling and said helplessly: "After all, they really tried their best to remind me."

Kong Qing raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Oh, how should I say it?"

Li Xuanxuan didn't reply immediately, she just asked Kong Qing: "You said, you are the owner of Yuelai Inn, right?"

Kong Qing nodded.

Li Xuanxuan continued: "I met a weird person in your branch in Jinfeng Town."

Kong Qing: "Oh, why is it so strange?"

Li Xuanxuan thought about it, "He wears a mask, he can come and go freely in Yuelai Inn, but he can't learn how to entertain people, probably because he is noble."

Kong Qing smiled lightly upon hearing this.

Li Xuanxuan's voice changed, "But he treats me very well."

The smile on Kong Qing's face was slightly stagnant: "Xuanxuan's definition of 'good' is too low."

"is it?"

Li Xuanxuan was noncommittal about this, and she asked instead: "Do you still remember that when we first met in Baiwei Prefecture, the person who attacked me used 'Bone Transformation'?"

Kong Qing nodded.

Li Xuanxuan continued: "According to what you said, we came to Zuihualou and asked for a list of recent purchases of 'bone bones', but we didn't investigate any further. Do you know why?"

"Do not trust the list? Or too many lists?"

Li Xuanxuan shook her head, "When I entered this Zuihualou that day, I realized that the fragrance of flowers in this building is similar to the smell on your body."

Kong Qing was stunned when he heard the words.

Li Xuanxuan touched the tip of her nose embarrassingly, "My sense of smell is a little sensitive."

"But in fact, the smell of your clothes is already very weak, but that night, we... well, we were a little closer."

Li Xuanxuan actually didn't notice it at the time, but came to Zuihualou the next day, because she was too impressed with the flowers all over the building, so she recalled it.

"So, just based on the taste, Xuanxuan concluded that I was the one who wanted to kill you? Could it be that, before I met you, I happened to be in this drunken flower building?"

Li Xuanxuan smiled: "It's not important."

Kong Qing: "..."

Without waiting for Kong Qing to ask again, Li Xuanxuan said: "The important thing is, there are too many coincidences, so just find out the similarities."

The waiter at the Yuelai Inn, the manager Yun at the Drunken Flower House, their descriptions of the owner, Kong Qing’s own identity, and the fragrance of flowers on his body, so——

"You are not only the owner of Yuelai Inn, but also the owner of Zuihualou."

Kong Qing said there was fate, and Yun Guanshi said it was fate, so——

"I'm the destined person, right?"

Although she didn't know why she fell into the eyes of the 'Sai Yao Xian' when she was in Jinfeng Town, but after entering Baiwei Prefecture:
Attacked, know people, enter Zuihualou.

All the bright reminders are just for her to recognize someone tonight!
"Are you right? Kong Qing, or Sai Yaoxian?"

(End of this chapter)

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